
Knowing them probly not, although one spokesman said they will be alot more relaxed on laws than the rest of the country and the city will accomodate all religion's, maybe they have worked out that there oppressive stance doesnt appeal to the masses around the world..

Exactly. The rulers of KSA follow an evil, distorted sect of Islam called wahabism. They are funding terrorism across the globe and are responsible for the destruction of Syria (along with their US/NATO allies). I hope their futuristic $648 billion futuristic city crumbles into the Red Sea.

OK rant over. I feel better now.

Two excellent replies. I hardly knew which to upvote, LOL

Ha, just noticed I commented twice. I was having speed issues on Steemit and comments were taking an extremely long time to load.

Exactly. The rulers of KSA follow an evil, distorted sect of Islam called wahabism. They are funding terrorism across the globe and are responsible for the destruction of Syria (along with their US/NATO allies). I hope their futuristic $648 billion futuristic city crumbles into the Red Sea.

OK rant over. I feel better now.

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