Mr. Trololo (Eduard Khil) gets his own Google Doodle!

in #news7 years ago

.....and it's AMAAAAAAAZING! Much wow! Such nostalgia! (Maybe a little lulz will help w/ all the tough crypto news lately)

Back in 2009 the Interweb was hit with a new Russian meme called the "Trololo Guy" or "Mr. Trololo". With a strong voice and a mouth which barely moved, many thought it was a joke. In reality, the performer was a very well known Russian singer named Eduard Khil.

His smooth voice and pimp stride was backed by strong brass and a set which could be mistaken for a 70's dance hall or porn room. Who knows, but Trololo's video now has >26 million views.

Check out that HIGH note at 1'24 mark and then the follow up super deep low note at 1'33.

Click here to start at 1'24 mark.

More info from

Here's a video of Khil thanking his fans for his online popularity:

Even Family Guy added a cameo.

Unfortunately, Eduard Khil died on June 4, 2012 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. May his pure, brassy voice rest in peace.

Thanks for reading!

Til next time,

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