Black Trump Supporter States, "Sanctuary Cities are Racist!" See what her reasons are! Amazing!

in #news6 years ago

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I see why she is angry, and she has a solid reason! As citizens, hard working, tax paying people, we do not receive the same rights or benefits. These illegals are given funds for them and their families (many not even living here) due to the SES, many of whom were instated (as they are not voted positions) by Obama, who continue to exploit the system! The beauty for them is. . .they never have to bear any responsibility, but rather the cost is absorbed by middle class, hard working Americans all with the added bonus of them blaming Trump for a situation he Never created!

Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal workforce. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies.

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) manages the overall Federal executive personnel program, providing the day-to-day oversight and assistance to agencies as they develop, select, and manage their Federal executives.

A telling example of what their leader, Obama at the time, believed in and what he expected them to carry out can be seen in a CNS News article which states, "So, as explained to the Supreme Court by Obama's solicitor general, when DHS grants an alien here illegally "deferred action" under the president's DAPA policy, that alien is not given "lawful immigration status" and can be removed from the country "at any time." However, according to the solicitor general, that alien will be authorized to work in the United States and will be "considered 'lawfully present'" for purposes of being eligible for "the Social Security retirement and disability, Medicare, and railroad-worker programs.

The U.S. Constitution imposes this straightforward mandate on the president: "(H)e shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.

The Obama administration has taken care of just one thing here: It has constructed a convoluted — and unconvincing argument — it hopes will provide the activists on the Supreme Court with a cover story to explain why this president need not faithfully execute the nation's immigration laws."

You can read the rest of the article here

Townhall also brings some of these numbers home when it states in it's headline, "Illegal Immigrants Get Over $1,200 More In Welfare Benefits Than American Families A Year"
You can find this article here

There are other sources to verify this information including the Washington Examiner, which states, "Immigrants receiving the most in the study of 2012 figures come from Mexico and Central America. Their average annual taxpayer funded welfare collection is $8,251, 86 percent higher than the benefits used by native households, said the report."

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Despite MSM's attempts to spin the stories and tell you it's all not true, Breitbart published a story where the Social Security Administration was able to confirm that illegals began collecting benefits in 2017. Before the Obama supporters/Trump haters attempt to blame Trump for this, remember, this was due to legislation put in place by Obama, who then left Trump his big mess to clean up!

This Breitbart article states, "Sometimes the amnesty crowd is honest enough to put this nonsense to us in the language of extortion with “comprehensive immigration reform” proposals: give us amnesty and we’ll finally do something or other about the porous southern border, pinky swear… but no amnesty and we’ll just let people keep waltzing in. Notice they’re not even bothering with that pretense any more, since comprehensive immigration reform fell through, and Obama decided to tear another chunk out of the Constitution with amnesty-by-fiat. Now we just get silly assumptions about improved border security and immigration enforcement baked into reports nobody will remember in a year or two.

Giant welfare states and torpid, hyper-regulated economies are fundamentally incompatible with open borders. There are many other reasons open borders are a bad idea, including the need to allow time for cultural assimilation and security considerations, but the bottom line is that unrestrained immigration is something weary socialist nations cannot afford.

We don’t have anything vaguely resembling the high-growth, low-taxed, investment-happy entrepreneurial boom economy required for small businesses to blossom like flowers and give good jobs with growth potential to the amnestied population. We do have the kind of monster maternal government that should logically require the strictest standards of identifying citizens and validating their claims upon government benefits… but instead, we’re fed a constant line of bull about how it’s functionally impossible to verify that every hand thrust into the taxpayers’ pockets belongs there. Now let’s give millions of new beneficiaries legal access to systems that are already scammed on an epic scale, and find out how much it costs us!"
This was found here if you would like to read more

I agree with this well spoken woman mentioned in the beginning! See her short clip just below. I too am grateful Trump sees through this loophole these politicians use to weaken America further! She is just one of the many heroes for The Great American Awakening!

Where We Go One, We Go All! Godspeed!


Always glad to see black people step off that democratic plantation

Me too! She did a fantastic job!

America’s sign of the time!! Not just at Sanctuary cities but the in-house version of the EEOC at the Social Security Administration or OCREO is very biased too.

Asian-American federal employees working for the Social Security Administration are being discriminated at an alarming rate.

SSA is a declining federal agency which has always touting social assistance and societal equality but the unwelcoming disrespect and the hostility is worsening. The ethnic rank-and-file who do not belong to one of the BIG THREE group are feeling the heated aggression big time including from their own AFGE union reps against lower-level Asian-American field employees. It is so rampant that it forcibly pitted some Asian-American supervisors to be equally or exceeded the viciousness toward these unrepresented employees.

Based on this discriminatory culture, it is the only way for many SSA supervisors to prove their management prowess and self-worth recognition by harassing other Asian-American employees. The agency would also look the other way when it comes to lack promotion or retention of those Asian-Americans who are promoted. The Boston and Dallas/Fort Worth Area field offices are the worst for those unfortunate Asian employees amid this whole unchecked discriminatory culture within a much declining USA federal government agency in 2019!!!!!!!!

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