THE MAYOR OF LONDON HAS JUST BEEN ARRESTED, by a group calling themselves 'The White Dragons'. Watch the action and read about how a great cause is being ridiculed by one man and some ill-informed followers.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Screenshot-2018-1-16 officer barbrady move along - Google Search.png"Nothing to see here folk's move along, move along."


Screenshot-2018-1-16 officer barbrady move along - Google Search(1).png"Err..We can give no details. Move along. Just some racist thugs, nothing to see here"

Your don't really think it's about race, do you?

Screenshot-2018-1-15 graham moore uk white dragons - Google Search(1).png

This group is known as The White Dragons, and they have just carried out an orchestrated attempt to publicly arrest
The group claim their next target is
(Almost sounds too good to be true...)

I know this could make me sound like a complete Bell-end, but I have more knowledge about the Dragons, than most.

You see, I have unfinished business with this self-proclaimed 'Hero' and I would like to warn you about the lies he and his gang are helping to spread.

I want to tell you a story of how a peaceful group, with an honourable cause, came close to being led down the wrong path. All by one enigmatic man....

Up until this group(White Dragons) popped up, I was more than happy to wave the flag of constitutionalism. But for me, the experience of coming into contact with the pioneer of this splinter-cell, has left me with a very bad opinion of Facebook, Graham, the White Dragons, and anybody else who was led astray by this modern day pied-piper.

Before I had heard of Graham and even before I come to join steemit, I was a very active member of a group called PLD. Our forum was over at Facebook HQ. (Once you have read this article you will understand why I have not supplied a link to PLDFBHQ)

This post is not an endorsement for PLD. This is only a recollection of events and I hope it will help you to see through a media campaign, coming your way. A campaign that hides behind half-truths, in order to besmirch the name of the greatest Brits there are. So let's continue...

I organised rallies, made flyers and generally tried to raise awareness about the invocation of an emergency clause called Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215. Between then and now I have come to realise that Facebook is a feeding ground for saboteurs and any promotions are better done away from Zuker-world

More fool the rest of them, I'm off to steemit!


I still try to promote Lawful Rebellion, but the steemit community seems to be one of volunteerism and not constitutionalism. Everyone has their own take on things and I accept that. So while I am here, it is not top of my agenda to promote like I used to. But after leaving the Fakebook community behind and cutting ties with poeple I had grown to care a lot for, I heard no more of Graham and his self-gratifying campaign to liberate the world.

Up until tonight it had been a case of, Out of sight, out of mind....


POV video recorded by a White Dragon


This has nothing to do with President Trump.
This should have nothing to do with Race, colour or creed. The essence of what this group wants to up-hold is one of God's laws.

The laws of Ine , to be precise.

Let me explain why this has gotten right under my skin...

The main-stream media would have you believe that the Dragon motif has been chosen for its outstanding white design, and to therefore promote White-supremacy.... (Before I researched further, this is exactly how I saw it too)

Exhibit A

Screenshot-2018-1-15 Pro-Trump white supremacists just tried to arrest Sadiq Khan .png

Screenshot-2018-1-15 Pro-Trump white supremacists just tried to arrest Sadiq Khan (1).png

Screenshot-2018-1-15 Pro-Trump white supremacists just tried to arrest Sadiq Khan (2).png

Sorry to burst your hate bubble, but the flag this imposter wields is one of honour and integrity. It is a representation of the common-mans fight for justice and equality that came about before the concept of politicians and modern governments.

Before I go any further I think it would be helpful to remind you guys and girls of a little history behind the White Dragon.

Soon after this flag had lead the charge and created the very 1st documented set of laws in the UK. It wasn't long after this, that these very basic set of laws were perfected and agreed upon between the people and its representatives. The head of the Kingdom at that time, was Evil King John. When you consider the God-fearing time in which this took place and the amount of blood-shed that had been dealt to the commoners in the run up to this historic event. You can not then judge it, with the perception of government as it is today.

The purest form of man-made constitutional law, across many countries, comes from the medieval laws of Ine and the White Dragons.

Think of it like this. Ine's Laws was the 'white paper' for Magna Carta and Magna Carta is the product.

Don't hate the game, hate the player

I will say again that Parliament, had not yet been formed. Another 50 years would pass, after wax was finally put to parchment at Runnymede, 12 /5/1215. Politics was in its embryonic form, but that did not mean people were naive or that this contract was a primitive psy-op. This contract was between a society that had been pushed to it's limits and a King who was basically the best of what was available. It was in essence, a human enlightening.

The human race had come a long way in a relatively short space of time. By the time King John realised he had only one option left, the idea of Christianity had taken hold on the Human sub-conscious. Consequently, Magna Carta can not deny it's ties to Christianity(As it was at that time). For me, this fact has caused great inner conflict. I'm not a religious person, in the modern day form at least. I do believe in some form of 'after-life', just not the one sold to us by a clean-cut-white-guy, even if he can turn water to wine. But in medieval times we speak of it seems to have had a little more honesty attached to it. For this reason I will give the benefit of the doubt, that Magna Carta was created for the good of humanity, regardless of it's sponsors.

It isn't as if people of this time were all rushing down to the local village green and chucking their kids in the pond, in a vain attempt to be the first to enter the kingdom of their saviour. No, give the human race a little credit and don't fall into the trap of thinking we have evolved that much and we are sooo much smarter now. Hmm, I'm sure King John would be impressed at the progress his kind have made. But for the citizens who agreed to the sealing of Magna Carta, I can only imagine they would cut their own heads off, at the sight of today's civilised society....

But they would not realise that their good deed, much like most religions, had been subverted and politically-modified. All to create an Orwellian reflection, of what should have been a vision of enlightenment, everlasting peace, and the salvation for all mankind.

In the original version of Magna Carta, the one agreed upon after years of pain and continuous tyranny, the commoners, as dumb as history would have us believe they where, put an emergency clause into the contract. It seems they weren't that naive after all and they certainly had reservations about the integrity of this new religion. If that wasn't so then why would they include Article 61? And more to the point, why would they make it clear that the 1215 version could never be altered or repealed? Maybe they knew that Politics was on the horizon? And maybe they also saw the crooked foundations, on which parliament was being laid....?

Whatever their reasons were, the root of constitutionalism is Magna Carta and that has nothing to do with Politics. So forgive me for trying to convince you but I see no other way to get out of this Matrix, without using this fire-exit...

The idea of Volunteerism is spot on and I agree with it whole-heartedly. But we can not leave this house of horrors standing, it must be burned to ash and with all the Demons, hopefully, still inside. Then we can truly evolve and re-write the whole book.

"Sometimes you have to go backwards in order to move forwards".

Now lets get back to the White Dragons

800 years later and nothing has improved, but why??

The self proclaimed 'leader' of the modern-day White Dragons, is a chap named Graham Moore.

In my opinion, Graham is racist and the group he has hi-jacked has been filled with his friends. Friends like Tommy Robinson, who has been a very out-spoken representative of the notorious 'Britain's First' organisation.

Tommy is a Shill. Nothing more and nothing less. It has been proven that the guy has switches sides, more times than a professional footballer. Tommy Robinson is a person who arms himself with a camera, goes into an area known to be hostile, makes sure he is recognised and then antagonises some goon on the opposite team until he punches Tommy, right in the mush.

Now I do not support violence in this manner and Tommy has had some good 'kickings' along the way. But to do that and then call it anti-white racism, that is just moronic. They aren't punching your lights out because you are white, it's because your behaving like a twat.

What Tommy does, is no different to me traveling up to Scotland, finding the meanest Scotchman in all of Aberdeen, and asking him if he wanted to share some Scones with a nice bit of clotted cream.... "It's fresh!"

I'd be coming back with that Scone, rammed right up my....! Well you get my drift. It would get 'messy', lets leave it at that and get back to the Dragon's.

Unfortunately, my own group(Practical lawful dissent) has been infiltrated by Graham Moore. He managed to weasel his way into the world of constitutional law. He even persuaded our own 'leader' to join him for a web-streamed interview. At the time I remember being excited at the thought of our group gaining some recognition. I was unaware of who Graham really was. I've been very involved in the whole scene and the only folk with his type of notoriety was the UKColumn, and they had had to do years of work to get the same amount of followers. Graham had seemingly come out of nowhere...(Hate has always attracted the weak minded I suppose, but this group wanted to come stand under Article 61. Had we of known the true agenda, we would have kicked him to the kerb I'm sure).

The penny drops as I listen to David on the radio...

30 minutes into the interview and my head was in my hands, my heart sank at the realisation of who we had just let through the Castle gates...

Graham spent the whole interview trying to coerce his guest into agreeing that the power of the constitution should be directed towards only the Muslim community and to make it worse, he had took the liberty of taking Article 61 to the High Courts(I will explain why this would be suicide later).

Thankfully, David was as honourable as I have always known him to be, stating over and over that the Muslim community was not the problem. David is wise enough to know that the problem is with evil humans in general, not specific groups. Labels do not enter the playing field.

Muslims do have groups of pedophiles, just like every other sub-section you could care to add. Fuck man, any Brit who says they are proud of the Monarchy and the commonwealth, are either ill-informed, uninformed or just plain evil. The horrors that have been committed in our name are soul-destroying to any normal member of the Human race. So to point the blame, squarely at the feet of foreigners, is ludicrous. But to do that with the aid of your true oppressors, is repugnant, cowardly, and a treacherous act against the natural laws of Humanity itself.

Davids integrity in the face of huge peer pressure, from someone he thought was on the same wavelength, must have been hard to maintain. I spoke to David a few weeks after the interview and he told me how frustrating it was, and how it appears Graham is not what he seems to be.

Other than the interview I had listened to, this was something new. I had only been with the group for around a year and had never heard of Graham or the White Dragons. Like I said, they just came out of nowhere and it wasn't as if I was new to it all...

I knew of FMOLT(Freeman of the land), and I had become friends with many members of the UKcolumn. The whole movement, no matter which faction you belonged to, was a peaceful one. You can go look at the Lawful Rebel's Facebook page. You will see, even if you scrolled down for a year, not one mention of Muslims or any talk of violence. The group offered a peaceful solution that made sense, and that was why I joined. Graham and his thousands of followers thought differently and sort to change the direction of the group and maybe more

This as well as a few other issues, has led to a slight fragmentation of the group. Although the core members still remain, it is not what it was. It becomes impossible to move forward once the likes of Graham Moore have infiltrated a group or organisation. It led to a huge dip in moral for many of the more honourable members. After Graham had introduced himself to the group, we were swamped with registration requests.

As the days passed, I noticed more and more White Dragon profile-symbols appearing on the forum. This wouldn't normally be a problem, people are more than free to choose any profile picture they like. What was a problem, was the comments they were making...

"We must stop the Muslim take-over".

"Support Graham as he takes our cause to the High Courts!"

Screenshot-2018-1-16 wtf - Google Search.png

Boy was that a confrontational time in the group. I will tell you one thing about Lawful Rebellion and it is the only thing you need to keep in mind when dealing with the Government.


Graham it seemed, had taken it upon himself to rewrite over 800 years of constitutional law and sacrifice the only weapon we had. To enter into any court within the Commonwealth, is to validate its authority. An authority that has been given back to the people in 2001 with the lawful invocation of Article 61. As far as Lawful Rebellion is concerned, what Graham did was unbelievable. It went against everything we stood for and it made absolutely no sense. Graham is a man with an ego, the size I have never before encountered.

Graham Moore AKA - Ego-tron Shillington the 3rd Turd-
Screenshot-2018-1-15 graham moore uk white dragons - Google Search.png "Everybody loves me. LOVE ME!!!(and give me your money too)"

Not only had Graham decided to use God's Laws to persecute other Humans(Yes believe it or not, Brown people burp and fart too, just like us white-Humans do, amazing eh?). he also cherry picked another eye-catching cause...

"We have the right to bare arms under Common-law"

Yes, amid all the violence going on right now, Graham chose to champion this 'ratings-winner'. I mean don't get me wrong, I understand why ya'll want to keep hold of your guns. Until all weapons on the planet are destroyed, you are indeed very wise to own a gun, especially with what's coming...

But for Graham to use these two issue as a focus point, does nothing but ruin decades of hard work and sacrifice by so many good people. We could all feel the strength gained from the positive, non-violent, approach we had. We were really beginning to connect with people. Before I left, our numbers were stated at around 12,000, with approximately 5-10 new member joining every day.
(Although this is obviously inflated. I estimated 500 members of which 50-100 were actively distressing the Crown. The rest were passing trade, people just wanting to get out of debt, or imposters)

Regardless of numbers or any real progress, we felt like the 'Good-guys'. The one's with a positive out-come. The group that didn't have to threaten authorities with a violent ultimatum. We had watched plenty of folk take it 'head-on'. Enough to know that violence only leaves you having only 2 choices in life. "Would you like a padded room or just the basic solid floor cell with complimentary poo bucket....?

Oh choices, choices!

Although we are well aware, that we have a lawful right to defend ourselves, it was rarely highlighted. The passive/aggressive nature of 'distressing the Crown' can only be answered with a peaceful response. Unlike Graham, we know enough about Common-Law to know that when it came to the point were Guns are involved, we are already dead. And more importantly, who doesn't have the right to defend themselves?? When you think about it, it is a pretty moot point. You think you can shoot down a Drone with you .45?? Yeah go right ahead and I'll just be over hear adjusting your Halo. We have evolved, have we not?

Therefore I conclude that anyone like Graham, could never be a true Knight of the Realm
Screenshot-2018-1-16 stupid knight - Google Search.png

It isn't nice to see a group breakdown. Especially when there were people there who I know will never leave. Sadder still is that these good folk will suffer because of it. Graham did a number on us all and a once cooperative and peaceful group, is now a den of suspicion and Trolls. I will never forgive Graham for that.

However, I do live by the theory that there is always truth to be found in every perception, no matter how poisonous it is.

Graham has done a huge dis-service to his country. He has used the most prehistoric tool in the cave, hate.

Although I can see some valid points in the agenda of The White Dragons and I salute them for their pro-active attitude. Graham and his group have sullied the reputation of the magnificent White Dragon. They do not represent the views of the majority nor do they represent the true meaning of the Dragon.
Regardless of colour, the average Brit is no more or less corrupt, that any other person on the planet. Labels! Humanity has been studied, labelled, and then pigeon-holed. They want us all in our separate little boxes. Not able to realise that our neighbour is only in the box next door.

"The walls we have created only divide us, they do not imprison us"

Liberty will only be reached through honesty and education. I know I am fighting an up-hill battle, but I will not allow the deaths of my ancestors and the ideals they fought for to be ridiculed in this way. That is not who I have been brought up to be. The good Lawful Rebels are an honourable group and they are my friends. They fight for peace, love and equality, just like every other 'Commoner' in every other nation of the world.

Volunteerism. Constitutionalism. Religion. FMOTL.


We must find a way to work together. Telling one another to jump ship and join your team, will never work. This will spread our energy and good-will, too thinly. Our stubbornness to cooperate will seal our doom. But it does not have to be this way,we can work together.

Voluteerists! Build the new world. Take the map that leads us to the Block-chain world and hide it, at the bottom of the sea!

People of Faith! Go find the true creator. Bring back peace and spirituality! Bring life and direction back to our species!

Constitutionalists! Use your knowledge of this hybrid Law and find a way to bring Westminster to it's knees. I want to see them beg for their lives. For all the hurt they have caused Humanity, turning our backs on them and pretending these psycho's aren't there, isn't good enough. Billions of innocent Humans have suffered at the hands of these vile beasts. Let them feel the cold breath of Mother-Nature's wrath.

I hope this has given people a knew perspective on Britain and the way in which the media has turned our culture against us. When you see the news reports about this, and you read stories like this...

Just remember the story you have read today about Graham Moore. Learn to find the truth within the lies. This is how the government has always worked and they will never change. While we stay apathetic to their crimes and the intentional dulling of the soul, we open the door to our own extinction

It has not been my intention to promote Lawful Rebellion, only explain it a little. I hope I have done this with the respect and dignity it deserves.

Graham has not only tried to destroy the constitution, he has also thrown his egotistically thoughtless spear at the heart of the magnificent Welsh Dragon. So to heal the wound inflicted by this cancerous leech and the countless others who are just like him, I have gathered the real history, behind THE WHITE DRAGON

The Story Of The White Dragon

Screenshot-2018-1-15 Myth and Legend.pngScreenshot-2018-1-15 ancient laws of Abe welsh wales history - Google Search(2).png

Screenshot-2018-1-15 History of the White Dragon Flag.pngScreenshot-2018-1-15 Myth and Legend(1).png
Screenshot-2018-1-15 History of the White Dragon Flag(1).png
Screenshot-2018-1-15 History of the White Dragon Flag(2).png
Screenshot-2018-1-15 ancient laws of Abe welsh wales history - Google Search.png
Screenshot-2018-1-15 History of the White Dragon Flag(3).png

Thank you for reading this post. It has been one of the most impassioned posts I have written to date.


Peace and love to you all out there, I hope we can give a brighter world to our children.


Written by Rebel Dan.

Please support @familyprotection and all the good work they do against the corrupt Child welfare system.


Myths and legends -

Denounce the deception - #denouncethedeception

All images source from google.

Video 2 supplied by the Telegraph

Video 1 supplied by Screenshot-2018-1-16 Citizen Arrest of sadiq khan at Fabian society meeting west end - YouTube.png


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