US-Backed Forces Fighting Each Other in East Syria

in #news6 years ago (edited)

The Kurds will never learn. Those who think that the USA is a reliable ally to the extent they betray their own country and the people who hosted them for decades to try to create another Israel for themselves on stolen land will always find the USA selling them for the first bidder.

Likewise in Iraq, when the Iraqi opposition sided by the US to invade their country, once the US stole what's enough it handed their country to complete chaos.

Likewise in Kurdistan Iraq, when the US and its Gulfies allies sponsored a referendum last year to split away from Iraq and become the new Israel there, the US abandoned them and left its Kurdish allies in the wind.

This time, the Syrian Kurds, and to be more precise, the minority of them who are in charge now, have relied on the US to create their Israel in north and northeast of Syria, and the US use them as cannon-fodders in its bargaining with the Syrian state and with Turkey, and will inevitably lose on both sides.

"US backed forces pushed back US backed forces. US to arm new forces to help their forces against US backed forces."
Someone commented on the AFP post (relayed by Yahoo News) and couldn't be more truer.

Let's not forget as a start that the US has created ISIS and its parent 'company/ organization' Al-Qaeda before. Former top al-Qaeda commander and special advisor to al-Qaeda's leader confessed to that: Obama created ISIS.

The difference between the US-backed forces SDF (Kurdish traitor militia) and the US-backed ISIS is the latter has an open budget funding by the Gulfies while the former has limited support from them.

Another main difference is that the USA can easily claim it's fighting ISIS and clean its hands from the finance and atrocities committed by them, while in the SDF case it will be more difficult as US troops are embedded with the SDF and advising them publicly, therefore, they're more restrained in their resources and fights.

Just 4 days ago we reported USA Protecting ISIS in East Syria Committing Massacres with It and now this.

Estimates of the losses among the traitor Kurds, who betrayed Syria and fighting for the US and Israel, were between 14 as the Kurds claim, 41 as their sponsors claim, and 61 as the monitors state, a very high toll for them in the ongoing battle against the thousands of US-protected ISIS terrorists.

Sadly, in the meanwhile, the US citizens and other Western citizens not only are ignorant of the criminal roles their governments play overseas, they contribute to it with their tax money and voting the same warmonger war-criminals each time to time.

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