The Post that Made Me More Enemies and I Don't Regret it

in #news7 years ago

At the height of the 'War of Terror' in the summer of 2013 launched by the West and their regional stooges against my country Syria under the guise of 'Humanitarian Intervention' to save the 'Peaceful Moderate Terrorists' from the Syrian state they're trying to destroy, so many events were unfolding by the day and even by the hour, some of them would have a terrible impact on the whole country for years to come, one of them is the subject of my post.


As the Syrian Arab Army had to inevitably and powerfully intervene in the war after the police, riot control police and security forces were overwhelmed with entry of tens of thousands of suicide bombers and anti-Islamic Wahhabi Jihadists ('Holy Warriors'), the SAA stretched over a large area of land all over the country and was fighting in over 40 constant fronts not to mention intrusions by suicide terrorists. Who Needs an Army of 350,000 Wahhabi Terrorists?

The need for logistics grew enormously and beyond the capabilities of the SAA especially the SAA needs to keep an eye on the southern front where the Zionist regime of anti-Judaism Israel is waiting any chance to invade, evict the people from their lands and steal more resources. Airports and air bases were a vital asset.

When any army fights a classic war, the geographical impact and the tactics of the war are anticipated and can be handled, but when the war is of what's now known as the '4th and 5th generation wars', then anything might happen anywhere.

I didn't mention assassinations of SAA officers and even soldiers all over the country, bribes in tens of millions of dollars offered to any public worker who would flee his/ her post and declare the same on TV. The enemies of Syria were quite generous to spend their own people's wealth over the destruction of my country.

As over 80 countries combined their efforts to destroy Syria led by the US-France-UK-Germany alliance and their regional stooges like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and occupied Egypt that time by the Muslim Brotherhood, Syria alone couldn't be able to withhold this unprecedented alliance of countries against a single small state that had never posed any threat to any of them throughout the last 1100 years at least.

Syria needed its allies and Syria have credited many over the last decades, some of them like Iran where Syria was the only country that stood on its side during its 8 years useless war with Iraq. Russia, Syria was the only country that maintains a Russian naval base outside its territories and didn't ask them to leave it even when there were half a million US and UK soldiers on Syria's eastern borders. Lebanese resistant movements, and there Syria had to stand against the whole world to support these factions until they managed to liberate their country from the Israeli occupation. Jordan in the south where Syria was the only source of fresh drinking water after Israel stole what's left of water coming from the basin they share. And many others.

You must read this article and see the 50 comments there to understand where we were going? What did we actually lose which is until now not liberated and have allowed NATO to enter large areas of Syria from north and northeast, and the losses of Aleppo and other main cities those days:
Meng Battle a Big Loss for the Axis of Resistance.

After posting this, a Facebook group calling itself 'Syrian Revolution Untold Story' led by a 'high-ranking free mason' as he called himself, with over 6000 members and supposed to be pro-Syria showed their real faces and exposed themselves to be enemies of Syria under cover, waged a heinous attack against me which also warranted this post which came years later: Betraying Syria – Hyenas Disguised as Activists.

Had we 'Syria and its assumed allies' saved Meng Airbase that time, most of the ensuing disasters wouldn't have occurred and the danger to divide the country wasn't at all thought of. Tens of thousands of lives would have been spared.

Your comments are welcome.

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Each hero of those legendary men from the SAA Meng Airbase is worth the whole of Syria's so-called allies when they're not up to the fight.
I am a member of that FB group and noticed they never glorify any achievement by the SAA, rather they always thank Russia and Iran instead, and mainly Putin. Thanks for highlighting this info, I'm out of there immediately. Last thing I want is anything to do with a free mason!!

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