Voting Against Your Own Best Interests

in #news8 years ago (edited)

As of lately I keep hearing this incessant talk about how blown away all these leftist "journalists" are about how racial minorities, women and whatever else fill in the _______ have "voted against their own best interests" by voting for Trump.

I've yet to hear any actual verifyable evidence or solid arguments about how they are able to know what the best interests of anyone is other than themselves. I know, we're talking about the bought and paid for news media here and their subservient drones, but we can always hope right?

I happen to agree with this in some sense. Voting for anyone to rule my life for me is the very definition of working against my own self interests. By definition they will be promoting THEIR self interests!

Is that so hard to comprehend? How can any other person other than you know what you need and what is best and right for you in any given moment? My own best self interests change daily, hourly, and sometimes by the minute.

People who genuinely believe they are capable of knowing what anybody's best interests are aside from theirs have elevated themselves in their own minds to the positions of gods.

There is not another man woman or child alive who has this ability, least of which those who believe they themselves have it.


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