Another Giant Pedophile Ring Busted, 900 Arrests, 300 Kids Saved & Corporate Media Ignores It

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The FBI in conjunction with Europol have arrested almost 900 people thought to be connected with the Playpen pedophilia network. The Playpen investigation has spanned over 2 years and 100 nations, and recently saw Steven Chase, founder of the Playpen pedophilia network sentenced to 30 years in prison. Chase was arrested in 2014.

The dark net allowed pedophiles to access the network and participate in illegal activities through the use of encryption software to protect the users’ identity. A forum platform helped the anonymous users to engage in photo and file sharing of children sexually abused.

As part of the crackdown on the network, the FBI started their investigation “Operation Pacifier.” Intelligence agency-constructed malware was used to seize the website and track and identify Playpen users.

The investigation uncovered around 259 cases of sexually abused children; 870 were arrested, of which 368 were located in Europe.

According to civil liberties groups, however, the FBI may have broken the law by using the malware to identify the users of the Playpen site.

“The warrant here did not identify any particular person to search or seize. Nor did it identify any specific user of the targeted website,” the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) said. “It did not even attempt to describe any series or group of particular users.”

This isn’t the first time this particular investigation has been called into question over its use of malware. According to the Department of Justice, several courts have claimed the judge issuing the warrant to permit sweeping powers to the FBI for the investigation, was out of her jurisdiction. As a result, much of the evidence gathered during the investigation will be overlooked in more than three courts.

The EFF expressed concern over the FBI’s right to use malware to hack into suspected computers and then direct the computers to send information to the agency servers.

The FBI and Europol countered the argument, expressing their need to become more competitive with the criminals.

“Those individuals involved in the sexual abuse of children are becoming increasingly forensically aware and are actively using the most advanced forms of anonymisation and encryption to avoid detection,” Europol’s head of the Cybercrime Centre, Steven Wilson, said in a statement.

“The internet has no boundaries and does not recognize borders. We need to balance the rights of victims versus the right to privacy. If we operate 19th century legal principles then we are unable to effectively tackle crime at the highest level.”

More than 1,000 computers were hacked worldwide by the FBI under a single warrant. The EFF argues that the sweeping powers permitting the use of malware under a single warrant, which is thin on the description of the users targeted, is setting a dangerous precedent for all.

However, Europol’s Steven Wilson sees the investigation differently, commenting, “Victims of this crime of sexual abuse and exploitation deserve every chance to be made safe from past and future harm. At Europol we will do everything that we can to support the international community of investigators in ensuring that this is the case.”

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Next John Podesta!

Has Podesta been convicted?

hasn't even been charged

Well, then I hope Podesta is not the model for these suspects. Rather the reverse. At least wanna see an investigation by LEO into the evidence Podesta has committed crimes.

Pedophilia makes me ill. The pervasiveness of pedophilia among those who are indeed above the law and the wannabes makes my blood run cold. Thanks for the post, @anonnews.
Peace and love.

Thank you @prima-nia. We have to unite to fight this cancer.

when already engaged on a site for illegal activity, the presumption is that each individual user has committed a crime (searching for and using pedo porn), and as such there is no longer a need for a search warrant for each individual. Doesn't the ACLU ever watch TV?

While that may be true (IANAL) it still does not enable a judge to issue warrants outside of their jurisdiction.

Fortunately TV is not the standard for determining legal precedent.

The sad truth is that it is only laziness and/or incompetence on the part of LEA to try to use evidence in court that isn't unquestionably obtained by lawful means. The laws protecting privacy have been interpreted to mean that illegally obtained evidence isn't admissible in court. This only means that LEA can use extralegal means to gain knowledge of crimes, and then, using that knowledge, obtain lawful warrants.

The whole issue of privacy protection may well be moot today anyway, given the panoptic surveillance state we presently live in.

I certainly agree that these children needed to be extricated as quickly as possible from the criminals harming them. The worst thing that may come of this failure of LEA to do it's job lawfully is that some of those poor kids might end up back in the custody of their abusers, as absent convictions, they will be certain to try to get those kids back in their clutches.

Hopefully the evidence that they were harmed while in that custody can be used to protect them, even if their custodians can't be convicted. Sadly, I have little confidence in the mockery of lawful courts we are left with today.

my observation was not fleshed out enough, I only mean that once someone has visited the site, their presence there is the basis for the warrant to obtain the evidence and bring them in, not a warrant to begin surveillance based on suspicion of a crime. Seriously, ala To Catch a Predator. If someone visits a predator website, they are there to view kiddie porn.

I will agree that there is probable cause, and that warrants could be issued - but that doesn't change jurisidiction. Neither could one warrant cover multiple IP's in multiple jurisdictions. This isn't some new law, or obscure technicality, but a foundational basis for LEO since there has been LEO. The failure of LEO to conduct their operations lawfully is a disgrace, and particularly if it results in these kids being returned to the custody of their abusers.

I'd say that's a hanging offense, personally. After due process, of course.

There are many other possible explanations for an IP addy being detected on a website. Particularly in view of the massive permeation of malware - much of which is created, as in this case, by LEO itself - and hijacking of people's internet connected devices.

Simply detecting that someone's IP addy was connected to a site does not establish that the person was committing a crime. It is evidence that should be considered in a proper investigation. LEO should professionally operate within the laws they are supposed to be upholding to protect people, not ignoring them, or worse, criminally violating them.

This is excellent news! Pedophiles are the most disgusting scum on earth. I also love the work Ashton Kutcher has been doing to protect these innocent children. Sadly none of the 'good news' is ever reported on mainstream media it's all just doom and gloom and made up negative crap.

Hey, that's why we are here for. We are reporting on everything that is not covered by mainstream media.

Awesome! Keep up the good work. Following you guys now.

This is so sad. Considering the very strong evidence connecting various children's agencies to pedophile networks, it is not even certain that the kids weren't just pulled from the frying pan, and dropped in the flames.

At least there's a chance that they will be safe. Some of them will be, unlike Masha Allen, who was handed over to an abusive foster parent, and never provided any counseling.

Thanks for this post.

Great to see you on steemit @anonnews!👌

Hopefully we will see #PedoGate busted wide open and John Podesta arrested!

Resteemed and followed!

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