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RE: Alex Jones and my thoughts from over the years. More of the triangulation approach to news. Streisand Effect.

in #news7 years ago

Interesting, and I agree that there's no other approach than what you call triangulation. I also try to expose myself to many sources of news for this reason.

I'm not sure Alex Jones is genuine though, It seems more likely to me that he is probably a kind of right-wing/libertarian gate-keeper along with people like Stefan Molyneux. Webster Tarpley, Noam Chomsky and others perform the same job on the left of the traditional spectrum. They gather some of the strays, of curious, independent or radical persuasion, who can think a bit more than most can. Over time they bring them back into the political mainstream as that itself becomes more militaristic and totalitarian.


Noam Chomsky 'left-wing'? You sure you're not confusing him with Nim Chimpsky?

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