60秒了解世界,2018/1/7大事件60 Seconds to learn about the world

in #news7 years ago


2、广州新规:2018年2月开始 机场餐饮、零售价格不得高于中心城区;
3、快递进入1天1亿时代:广东浙江江苏包裹量领先 上海第六,北京却未能挤入前十;
8、日媒:中国无人便利店浪潮已至 或以超过日欧美速度发展;
9、国家一级建造师考试被指泄题:押题帖至少19题雷同 “助考”团伙非法窃取信息敛财将被严处;
10、前白宫首席战略师班农:美国真正的敌人是中国 中国很重要,其他都无关紧要;
12、美边境墙规划出炉:十年内在美墨边境线过半地方筑墙设障 总支出将达330亿美元;


January 7 th big event, Sunday!
Here, 60 knows the world!
1.The top ten criminal cases of the people's court of the people's court in 2017: the case of " e rent treasure " , the case of " e rent treasure " in the case of " the disgrace ".
2.Guangzhou new regulations: airport food and retail prices should not be higher than downtown area in February 2018.
3, Express delivery entered 1 day 100 million era: Guangdong Province Zhejiang Jiangsu is the first in the world to be the 6 th, Beijing has not been in the top 10;
4.Mobai and ofo responded to Guangzhou's new policy of sharing bikes: 100 % security deposit;
5.4 People were investigated for criminal responsibility and 19 were advised to take disciplinary action.
6.Fujian has confirmed the first case of human infection with the n6 influenza virus: 3 - year-old girls have recovered;
7.The standard of meeting fee in Anhui province: the provincial people's Congress and other such meetings are to eat up to 600 per person per day.
8.Japanese media: a wave of Chinese convenience stores has reached or surpassed the speed of Europe and the United States.
9.The national level construction teacher's examination is accused of the problem: at least 19 questions, similar to the " help test " gang, illegally stealing information to collect money will be severely punished.
10.Former White House chief strategist Ben bannon: the real enemy of the United States is that China is important, and nothing else matters.
11.Japanese media: the Japanese government plans to invite Mr. Putin to visit Japan next year to promote territorial negotiations.
12.The plan for the U.S. border wall: a 10 - year plan to build a wall in half of the border with Mexico will total $ 33 billion.
It is often the best of times when fate throws people into the lowest ebb.
If anyone complains of himself, he will miss the boat!

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