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RE: When You Totally Miss The Point Of Cryptocurrencies - Taxation Is Extortion

in #news7 years ago

In monty python style, and speaking as a true Yorkshireman (yes really), I shall simply say this.... LUXURY.

The british tax code is over 10m words, and 12 times the size of the bible. And thats just the corporate tax code, nevermind the war tax (sorry income tax). Add to that 20% VAT, council tax, stamp duty, car tax, capital gains tax and even the tax for dying and its easy to see why the number of people relying on foodbanks has suddenly increased.

In fact most employed british people hand over around 48% of everything they earn in direct and indirect tax.

But at least its good to know our tax raping gets spent on good wholesome social care programmes, such as the NHS, which apparently is the best in the world, despite waiting times measured in years, lack of equipment or even medical staff who can speak the language (and who arent working 100 hour weeks). Oh yeah, and our now privatised social security, social care, prison system and so on which every taxpayer funds but dont own because they've been privatised.

And the belter is that the statists have managed to convince the populus that not paying tax makes you a very naughty boy.

And you tell that to the kids of today, and they wont believe you...

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