JFK Believed Hitler Survived And Fled To Argentina, CIA Agents Were Sent To Investigate If He Was Alive

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Documents finally released from the clutches of the CIA have shown some significant shocking revelations, like the now known fact that JFK wasn't killed by a lone gunman, but none is more shocking than the former 35th President believing that German dictator Adolf Hitler may have survived and fled to Argentina and the CIA was sent to look for him. Still though these are only about 2% of the documents U.S. President Donald Trump promised to release so expect further shocking revelations to come.

It's a well sought rumor that many have thought JFK's recent files and past documents as well as a History Channel TV show seem to indicate that Hitler survived and honestly its no surprise the German government was known for propaganda and the U.S. believed the Lügenpresse who had reported he had hung himself alongside wife Eva Von Braun.

Instead he escaped and lived out a life in Argentina photos released by the FBI in 2014 are believed to show an older Hitler with an unknown woman living a normal life. The FBI also released previous case files which show that they believed Hitler was alive.

Further evidence that Hitler survived was revealed only two years later by a veteran CIA official Bob Baer and  U.S. special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy who came forward 0n the TV series Hunting Hitler and claimed that Adolf Hitler "faked his own death and then fled to South America in a submarine via Tenerife."

 "If you look at the FBI files it throws open the investigation."What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it." 

Now after 53 long years of waiting for the final documents on the assassination of John F. Kennedy files have revealed that the CIA was sent to look for him collaborating both Baer and Kennedy's accounts that Hitler had survived.

A CIA operative in a series of memos identified only by his alias "CIMELODY-3" reported back to Washington in 1955 that a trusted informant had informed him that Hitler was alive and well, living among other Nazi expatriates in Colombia who still referred to him as "der Furher."

The first of the documents classified as "Secret" was sent on Oct. 3, 1955. It was from the CIA's Caracas station in Venezuela, that it says CIMELODY-3 had been shown a photograph by his contact in Colombia that he states showed another escaped Nazi officer standing next to Hitler.

The source of CIMELODY-3's information whom he never met was a former Nazi SS trooper identified by the CIA as Phillip Citroen. 

 "According to CITROEN, the Germans residing in Tunja follow this alleged  Adolf HITLER with an idolatry of the Nazi past, addressing him as 'der  Fuhrer' and affording him the Nazi salute and storm-trooper adulation,"  according to a second memo sent from the CIA's field office in Maracaibo back to Washington later in Oct. 1955. 

A letter sent the following month, also released with the JFK documents, shows CIA senior officials in Washington had lost interest in the matter. 

"It is felt that enormous efforts (spent trying to confirm the rumors)  could be expanded on this matter with remote possibilities of  establishing anything concrete," the Herald quoted the letter as saying.  "Therefore, we suggest that this matter be dropped." 

Despite this the picture below identified as  “Adolf Schrittelmayor" which shows a shocking resemblance to the former Third Reich leader.

“Citroen also stated Hitler left Colombia for Argentina around January, 1955,” the memo says. 

Written in JFK's own diary it was revealed that the future President thought himself that Hitler was alive, The Independent reported.

 “The room where Hitler is supposed to have met his death showed scorched walls and traces of fire,” Kennedy wrote. “There is no complete evidence, however, that the body that was found was Hitler's body." 

Kennedy wrote the comments after touring Europe as a war correspondent reporter for Hearst magazines. 

Another intelligence agency document this time from the FBI indicates Hitler survived as well. The report was   given to J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, in October 1945, six months after Hitler's death was reported to  the US public.

In the 1945 document, they outline a detailed story about exactly how Hitler survived and escaped to Argentina. The document even goes on to state where he originally landed by submarine, where he lived, and down to the details of where he ate (the Melody Lane Restaurant). 

Even another former general and President Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote to Washington about his concerns of Hitler surviving living safely and comfortably in Argentina, Stars and Stripes newspaper quoted him as saying.

Other documents reportedly from British Intelligence, state that Hitler was secretly flown out of the German capital by Luftwaffe pilot Captain Peter Baumgart. Another document states: "American Army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead." 

Additionally even a witness a Greek former construction worker told Ex-United Nations war crimes investigator John Cencich that Hitler had escaped for the TV series. 

 "In 1945 I was building a secret construction inside the monastery in Samos." 
 "I had to build secret tunnels and compartments for Germans," he continued. "Yes, the Germans were Nazis and one of these guys was Adolf Hitler."He was right there, he wasn't wearing a moustache or anything. this was May 1945."I realised it was really Hitler because of the airplane."I went to work in another town. The first thing I saw in this town was a German airplane. It had landed in an old potato field. The farmer told me there were five people who landed, they were German." 

An author Simoni Renee Guerreiro Dias claimed that Hitler escaped to Paraguay, via Argentina, before settling in a small town in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, according to his book "Hitler in Brazil - His Life and His Death."

Dias points to a grainy photograph (below) of what looks like an older Hitler a picture that even peeked the FBI's interest as documents revealed. The picture was allegedly taken in Paraguay.

She insists that Hitler assumed a new name "Adolf Leipzig" and used his black lover Cutinga to hide his true identity as a vile Aryan White Supremacist. 

"I just laughed at first, I thought it was a joke. Today I'm convinced  it is true and Adolf Hitler didn't end up here by chance," Dias said.

According to Simoni, an unidentified Polish nun recognized the elderly man at a hospital in Cuiaba in the early eighties as Hitler and demanded he leave - but the nun was reprimanded by a superior who claimed the fuhrer was there on Vatican orders.

Last year, another TV show "Extreme Railways" had a shocking admission about Hitler broadcasted.

When a local Historian Abel Basti told the host Chris Tarrant that they were travelling in the same carriage that Hitler escaped the war in, back in 1945 smuggled by a wealthy German landowner. 

The Historian claimed that Hitler escaped in a submarine on the back of a one-car train of the Patagonian Express and stayed in Argentina for 15 years. 

Express.co.uk interviewed Tarrant and he went into detail about what the Historian told him:

 “Basti went on in great detail why Adolf Hitler didn’t die  in the bunker. He said he came back on a submarine and came to the very  station where we are standing,“ Tarrant told the publication. "He shaved off his hair  and was whisked away by a German landowner, who owned huge parts of  Argentina, for 15 years and died at 75. It was so detailed."He  said: 'I’ve interviewed the man who drives him, his chambermaid. So  many Germans and Nazis like Adolf Eichmann came here, why wouldn’t the  most successful of them all get to Argentina?’ ”He added:  “I’ve never heard that theory from anyone. I don’t know if I’m totally  convinced but since I got back all my reading has been about Adolf  Hitler.” 

That same Historian later went on to tell Sputnik News:  “There was an agreement with the US that Hitler would run away and that  he shouldn’t fall into the hands of the Soviet Union. This also applies  to many scientists, the military and spies who later took part in the  struggle against the Soviet regime.” 

The historian believes Hitler exited the Chancellery in Berlin bunker through a hidden tunnel, which took him to Tempelhof Airport,  where a helicopter met to fly him to Spain. From there, he claims Hitler then traveled to the Canary Islands where a U-boat was wating to take him to Argentina. Hitler is alleged to have spent a decade in Argentina before moving to Paraguay, where he lived under the protection of President  Alfredo Stroessner according to Basti.

Basti adds that Hitler later died there in  February 3rd, 1971:

 “Wealthy families who helped him over the years were responsible for the  organisation of his funeral. Hitler was buried in an underground  bunker, which is now an elegant hotel in the city of Asuncion. In 1973,  the entrance to the bunker was sealed and 40 people came to say goodbye  to Hitler. One of those who attended, Brazilian serviceman Fernando  Nogueira de Araujo, then told a newspaper about the ceremony.” 

Further the same route that Basti claims is backed up by former CIA agent Bob Baer.

Then there is the evidence of what many suspect was Hitler's treasures including his magnifying glass that he is documented to have used found in, you guessed it, Argentina.

Discovered in a room at the end of a secret passage concealed behind a false bookcase in a collectors home, police in Beccar, Buenos Aires stumbled upon the largest secret collection of Nazi memorabilia in history. Over 70 objects including - a Nazi eagle statue, a bust of Hitler, medals, a sculpture of a swastika-emblazoned eagle, a  sinister device to measure the size of heads, and a magnifying glass that was used by Hitler, The Telegraph reported.

 "Finding 75 original pieces is historic and could offer irrefutable  proof of the presence of top leaders who escaped from Nazi Germany," Ariel Cohen Sabban, president of the DAIA, a political umbrella for Argentina's Jewish institutes said.

Finally, 2009 DNA tests on skull fragments which are believed to Hitlers, taken from the bunker by the Russians and went on display in Moscow in 2000, turned out to belong to a woman, The Guardian reported. Although, the skull fragment is disputed by Hitler biographer Werner Maser who declared it to be a fake, the BBC reported. 

Tens of thousands of Nazis escaped after the war, including the notorious Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengele, with all this evidence taken into account did the Nazi dictator escape as well?

It's certainly possible it's a known fact that the fuhrer had several body doubles. In fact, his favorite double, Gustav Weler, was found executed in Berlin in 1945 and was believed to be Hitler at the time. 

There was a secret tunnel discovered in Germany under the capitol so it's a lot more likely then you think that Hitler may have escaped.

It's a fact that Nazi Gestapo chief in France Klaus Barbie – The Butcher of Lyon – was able to set up his home in Bolivia with the help of America’s CIA, NYTimes reported. They smuggled him in and used him to help hunt down revolutionary Che Guevara. 

Then there is the wide known Project Paperclip program where the U.S. OSS smuggled out 10,000 Nazi scientist and physicists and brought them over and threw them into various secret projects many involving aerospace technology and mind control prospects (MK Ultra). So if Hitler really did live like the overwhelming evidence provided here seems to indicate it really shouldn't be a surprise.


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How many conspiracies were proven to be true in Oct. I count three, how many do you ?

Fake news alert.

I've been chilling in New Zealand. I only had a stopover in Argentina.

I would go back to Germany... But this creature is pure evil:


Stalin is also alive! HITLER&STALIN - together more!

Super interesting. The stories about Hitler's demise in a bunker never made sense to me anyway. They seemed too easy and clean to terminate the life of such a notorious person.

He and his comrades had obviously been visiting Argentina and neighboring South American countries for years prior to his alleged suicide (as a stopover to and from Antarctica), and already had housing, money, businesses, and relationships well established there.

The U. S. Presidents clearly aided and protected Hitler and the other Nazis to secure intel from them, that was subsequently used by U. S. Presidents, agencies, and military to this day. So, in many ways der Fuhrer, or whatever his real name was, and the other Nazis have not died yet.

Thank you for posting this historical info. It does shed light into the complexities of that era. There is much to be learned from it. I upvote and follow you now.

with this info I am very surprised Stalin didn’t try to hunt down Hitler. Also the Israelis!

He once made a comment when asked if Hitler was dead. "No." that's it LOL.

Maybe some hoax, may be some covert operation like "OP Paperclip" - No Idea.


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