The Daily Brief 2019-09-19

in #news5 years ago

This is a summary of 21 AMN articles on the following subjects: Aleppo, Syria, Palmyra, Damascus, IOS 13, IPhone 11, Iran, Zarif, Afrin, Tunisia, Ben Ali, SDC, Idlib, Russia, US, Iraq, Albukamal, PKK, SDF, Turkey, Saudi, Yemen, Aramco, Saudi Arabia, EA Sports, FIFA 20 Web App.

Categories covered in this brief: Syria, World-News, Iran, North-Africa, Middleeast, Iraq, Turkey, Gulf, Yemen

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-- The AMN Live Team

Table of Contents

Kurdish forces kill 3 Turkish-bcked militants as clashes intensify in northern Aleppo

Published 2019-09-19 23:34:08 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:10 P.M.) - At least three Turkish-backed militants were killed by the Kurdish-led People's Protection Units (YPG) in the northern countryside of the Aleppo Governorate this evening. According to reports from Aleppo, the YPG attacked the Turkish-backed National Army near Azaz city; this resulted in a number of casualties for the latter. The reports said that the YPG managed to kill at least three members of the Turkish-backed National Army, while wounding a couple more during the clashes. These latest clashes in northern Aleppo mark the sixth time in the last ten days that firefights have been reported... Read on ->

Tags: Aleppo, Syria

Syrian Army begins new operation against ISIS near Palmyra

Published 2019-09-19 21:48:51 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:30 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has begun a new operation against the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) forces in the Badiya Al-Sham region of the Homs Governorate. Backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF), the Syrian Arab Army reportedly began the operation against ISIS in the Hamimah area east of Palmyra (var. Tadmur). According to a military source in the area, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies engaged the enemy forces in the Hamimah area; this would result in a number of Islamic State terrorists killed. At the same time, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF)... Read on ->

Tags: Palmyra, Syria

Update: Syrian air defenses intercept enemy drone over Damascus

Published 2019-09-19 20:47:07 by News Desk in Syria

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (8:35 P.M.) - A number of explosions were heard in the eastern suburbs of Damascus, prompting many to believe a new Israeli attack was taking place. According to an Al-Masdar field correspondent, the Syrian air defenses were activated this evening when an 'enemy' aircraft was spotted over Damascus city. The field correspondent said at least one enemy drone was shot down during the exchange over the eastern suburbs of Damascus. He would add that the downing of the enemy drone occurred in the Aqraba area, which was the site of Israel's last attack on rural Damascus. More details... Read on ->

Tags: Damascus, Syria

Breaking: Massive explosion heard in eastern suburbs of Damascus

Published 2019-09-19 20:33:00 by News Desk in Syria

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (8:20 P.M.) - Minutes ago, a massive explosion was heard in the eastern suburbs of Damascus, an Al-Masdar field correspondent reported from the area. According to the field correspondent, the explosion happened near the town of Jaramana near the western axis of the East Ghouta region. The reason for the explosion is still unknown; however, some early reports indicate that it was a result of a drone attack on the Aqraba area. It is worth noting that Israel attacked a Hezbollah compound in the Aqraba area earlier this month; this attack resulted in the death of several Hezbollah... Read on ->

Tags: Damascus, Syria

IOS 13 comes out and ready to download. Here is what's new

Published 2019-09-19 20:24:58 by Zen Adra in World-News

Apple’s new iOS 13 update is now available to download on compatible iPhones today, with an iPhone 6S release to follow soon. The biggest new addition is Dark Mode, which allows everything from iMessage, Photos, and Settings to switch to a much darker theme throughout the operating system. Third-party apps will be able to take advantage of Dark Mode to automatically switch to darker themes when it’s enabled in iOS 13, and there’s even a switch that can be toggled in the Control Center if you want to adjust from the default white to black at nighttime. The second-biggest noticeable... Read on ->

Tags: IOS 13, IPhone 11

Iran threatens 'all-out war' if attacked after Saudi Aramco strikes

Published 2019-09-19 19:43:30 by News Desk in Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told CNN on Thursday that the Islamic Republic would not tolerate a strike against the country and would respond with "all-out war". "I am making a very serious statement that we don't want war; we don't want to engage in a military confrontation ... But we won't blink to defend our territory", Zarif. Zarif also accused the US of dodging its obligation to issue visas for UN delegates from Iran. Tensions in the Middle East escalated last week after a drone strike caused a fire at Saudi oil compounds in Abqaiq and Khurais, resulting in... Read on ->

Tags: Iran, Zarif

Turkish-backed militants involved in street fight against one another: video

Published 2019-09-19 19:20:16 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:00 P.M.) - A new video has emerged today showing two Turkish-backed militant groups trading gunfire inside the city of Afrin in the Aleppo Governorate. According to the reports from Afrin, Jaysh Al-Islam and Jabhat Al-Shamiyah were involved in a firefight on Thursday after the latter attacked a merchant from the East Ghouta region. In the short video below, one of the militant groups can be seen opening fire while walking down an unknown street in Afrin.

Tags: Afrin, Syria

Ex-Tunisian President Ben Ali reported dead at 83

Published 2019-09-19 18:14:40 by News Desk in North-Africa

Former Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali passed away on Thursday after suffering a health crisis, the former president's lawyer told Reuters. "Ben Ali just died in Saudi Arabia," the lawyer, Mounir Ben Salha, told Reuters. Earlier this month, reports appeared saying that the ex-president had been hospitalised in Riyadh and was in critical condition. Following the 2011 coup, Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia with his wife and three children, while the interim Tunisian government asked Interpol to issue an international arrest warrant. In 2012 and 2013, a Tunisian court and a military court sentenced him to life imprisonment both. In... Read on ->

Tags: Tunisia

Fierce clashes breakout between Turkish-backed militants in Afrin

Published 2019-09-19 17:56:08 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:30 P.M.) - An intense series of clashes have broken out between two rival Turkish-backed militant factions in the Afrin region of Aleppo this afternoon. According to reports from Afrin, the clashes broke out between Jaysh Al-Islam and Jabhat Al-Shamiya inside the city after the latter killed a merchant from the East Ghouta for an unknown reason. Jaysh Al-Islam, which was previously headquartered in the East Ghouta region of Damascus, was reportedly close to the merchant that was killed by Jabhat Al-Shamiya. The clashes between the Turkish-backed militant factions have become more prevalent as of recent, with most... Read on ->

Tags: Afrin, Aleppo, Syria

Former Tunisian president Ben Ali dies at 83

Published 2019-09-19 17:53:29 by Zen Adra in North-Africa

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the former president of Tunisia, has passed away today aging 83 Monte Carlo Doualiya tweeted. On January 14, Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia following a month of protests of what has later become the spark of "the Arab Spring". on 20 June 2011, a Tunisian court was held and sentenced Ben Ali and his wife, Leila Bin Ali, (in absentia) to 35 years in prison on charges of theft and unlawful possession of cash and jewelry. The next year, he was also sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment for inciting violence and murder. Zine... Read on ->

Tags: Ben Ali, Tunisia

US-backed SDC demands Syrian gov't recognize their autonomy in northern Syria

Published 2019-09-19 16:54:52 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:30 P.M.) - The Syrian government recently sent a letter to the United Nations Security-General criticizing the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) as a "separatist terrorist militia" that is destabilizing the country. The letter accused the Syrian Democratic Forces of working with the U.S. and Israel to undermine the government , while “committing crimes for the International Coalition against the Syrian people,” accusing the SDF of now “kidnapping, torturing, killing and displacing civilians.” However, in response to the government's letter, the co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council (political wing of the SDF), Ilham Ahmed, told Asharq Al-Awsat that... Read on ->

Tags: SDC, Syria

Syrian Army spy films Turkish military movements in Idlib: video

Published 2019-09-19 16:22:28 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:45 P.M.) - A Syrian Arab Army (SAA) spy from the 25th Special Mission Forces (formerly Tiger Forces) recently filmed from the Idlib countryside, capturing footage of a Turkish observation post. In the video, the spy is walking undetected through the militant-held territory, eventually making their way to the Turkish observation post.

Syrian Army spies have been active in the militant-held areas of Syria since the start of the war; they have often provided the military important information behind enemy lines. In response to these videos, the jihadist rebels of Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham have launched security operations... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

US Patriot System couldn't stop Saudi Aramco attack because of low efficiency: Russia

Published 2019-09-19 15:44:05 by News Desk in Middleeast, World-News

Some 88 Patriot systems deployed in Saudi Arabia failed to repel attack on Saudi Aramco oil facilities, letting dozens of drones and guided missiles get through defences, a high-ranking source in the Russian Defence Ministry said. The source dismissed the excuse that the US Secretary of State gave to explain the Patriot fiasco, noting that in fact the American air defence system simply has low efficiency. "The secretary of state's claims that air defence systems around the world demonstrate controversial results in repelling attacks sometimes can only be taken seriously if we are speaking about a single Patriot system, covering one object.... Read on ->

Tags: Russia, US

Iraq not in talks with Russia over potential purchase of S-400

Published 2019-09-19 15:01:53 by News Desk in Iraq, World-News

Moscow and Baghdad at the moment are not in talks over the possibility of Iraq's purchasing Russia’s air defense systems S-400 Triumf, Iraqi ambassador in Moscow Haidar Mansour Hadi told a news conference on the platform of the international discussion club Valdai on Thursday. "We are not holding such talks. Not a single hint at that," Hadi said, adding that he has been asked this question at each public event. During his visit to Moscow in February 2018 Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari noted that Baghdad was closely studying the possibility of purchasing the S-400. In the middle of May, the Iraqi... Read on ->

Tags: Iraq, Russia

New reports of airstrikes on Syrian border city of Albukamal

Published 2019-09-19 14:37:41 by News Desk in Iran, Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) - Several reports released Thursday morning said that the Iranian-backed forces in the city of Albukamal were targeted by unknown drones on Wednesday. According to the reports, the drones were flying low over Albukamal around 8 P.M. (local time), when they began bombing the forces inside the city. Some claims allege it was the U.S. Armed Forces that carried out the strikes over Albukamal. In particular, the claims said U.S. drones flying out of the Tanf Base in southeastern Homs were behind this attack. No casualties have been reported. This latest attack marked the second time... Read on ->

Tags: Albukamal, Iran, Syria

Kurdish fighters storm Turkish military post: 3 soldiers killed

Published 2019-09-19 14:26:57 by Zen Adra in Middleeast, Turkey

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (2:25 P.M.) - Kurdish fighters from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) launched a fierce attack on a post belonging to the Turkish military in Silopi city, located at the borders with Syria and Iraq. Several Turkish soldiers were killed and their vehicles destroyed in the attack, said Kurdish media reports. The attack was confirmed by Turkish authorities which admitted that at least 3 soldiers were killed in "clashes with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) {blacklisted as a terror organization in Turkey}". The office of Şırnak Province mayor released an official statement about the attack, saying that the three... Read on ->

Tags: PKK, SDF, Turkey

Pompeo downplays failure of US patriot missiles in Saudi Arabia

Published 2019-09-19 10:20:03 by News Desk in Gulf, Iran, Yemen

Missile defense systems all over the world sometimes fail to demonstrate the intended result, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said, when asked by a reporter why Saudi troops, armed with US-made Patriot missile defense systems, failed to repel the recent drone attack on the kingdom’s oil facilities. "We’ve seen air defense systems all around the world have mixed success," the Department of State press service quoted Pompeo as saying upon his arrival to Jeddah. "Some of the finest in the world don’t always pick things up. We want to work to make sure that infrastructure and resources are put... Read on ->

Tags: Saudi, US, Yemen

Yemen's Houthi forces vow to launch attacks on Dubai, Abu Dhabi

Published 2019-09-19 09:44:15 by News Desk in Yemen

The rebels from the Ansal Allah movement (Houthis), who seized power in northern Yemen, threatened on Wednesday to attack the largest UAE cities, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, after a massive drone strike oil facilities in Saudi Arabia. "We are announcing for the first time that there are dozens of sites in our list of targets in the United Arab Emirates, including in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, which could be attacked at any suitable time," Houthi forces spokesman Gen. Yahya Saria said in a statement broadcast by Al Jazeera channel. Last Saturday, Saudi Arabia was forced to shut down two Saudi... Read on ->


US continues to arm Syrian Kurds despite Turkey's objections

Published 2019-09-19 09:05:32 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:45 A.M.) - The U.S. military is still arming the Syrian Kurds in northeastern Syria, despite the Turkish regime's objections and demands that they discontinue their support for the People's Protection Units (YPG) and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Citing a U.S. defense official on Wednesday, the AFP News Agency reported that the American military was still providing weapons and military equipment to the Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria. According to the AFP report, the weapons and military equipment are being supplied to the Syrian Democratic Forces so that they can continue their fight against the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh).... Read on ->

Tags: SDF, Syria, Turkey, US

Saudi jets allegedly bombed Iranian forces in Syria: Newspaper

Published 2019-09-19 08:43:52 by Zen Adra in Syria

Warplanes of the Royal Saudi Air Forces took part in targeting pro-Iranian militia in eastern Syria, a western source told Independent Arabia. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Saudi jet fighters, among others, were spotted bombing facilities and locations of Iranian militia in Al Bukamal city along the Iraqi borders. "The aerial bombardment has destroyed repositories, rocket launchers and UAV bases, which Saudi Arabia think Iran was going to use to target Saudi targets following the Aramco attacks", the source added. Earlier, media reports spoke of unidentified drones hovering over Al Bukamal and nearby areas controlled... Read on ->

Tags: Aramco, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria

FIFA 20 Web App is now live and available

Published 2019-09-19 07:36:26 by Zen Adra in World-News

With FIFA 20 Web App is now live, millions of fans are still waiting on the FUT Companion App launch. EA Sports confirmed that the FIFA 20 Web App will be released on Wednesday 18 September. This follows the same pattern of last year (when it landed on 19 September) by being released exactly nine days before the full release and just as EA Access members get exclusive first dibs on the game. There is also a Companion App for iOS and Android devices, which offers similar features and is usually released on the App Store and Google Play a... Read on ->

Tags: EA Sports, FIFA 20 Web App

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