The Daily Brief 2019-08-19

in #news5 years ago

This is a summary of 18 AMN articles on the following subjects: Idlib, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Russia, Latakia, Turkey, Serbia, Gaza, Netanyahu, Palestine, Daraa, Iran, IRGC.

Categories covered in this brief: Syria, Iraq, Middleeast, Turkey, World-News, Palestine, Iran

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Table of Contents

Syrian Army breaks through militant lines to advance on Khan Sheikhoun: video

Published 2019-08-19 18:14:57 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:00 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) scored a big advance in the southern countryside of the Idlib Governorate this past week after cracking the militant lines near the key city of Khan Sheikhoun. Chronicling the Syrian Arab Army's advance in southern Idlib was the Anna News Agency, who captured exclusive footage of the military's operations and push towards Khan Sheikhoun. "On August 13, the Tiger Forces faced a challenge. In one night, they had to go half the distance between the cities of Hobeit and Khan Sheikhoun," the Anna News said. "When the last gleams of... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Israeli stealth bombers flew undetected over Syria and Iraq during July attack: report

Published 2019-08-19 17:59:09 by News Desk in Iraq, Middleeast, Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:20 P.M.) - The Israeli F-35 stealth bomber allegedly flew undetected over Syria and Iraq during their attack on a Hashd Al-Sha'abi base in the Salaheddine Governorate last month, the Russian aviation website Avia.Pro reported. Citing information provided by Iraqi intelligence, Avia.Pro reported that the main reason they were undetected by the Iraqi and Syrian air defenses was due to the F-35's technological capabilities, which allegedly allowed them to be disguised as American warplanes. "Experts note that in this way, the Israeli military may well confuse the Russian and Syrian air defense systems, the S-400 and S-300, providing... Read on ->

Tags: Iraq, Israel, Syria

Russian-speaking jihadist private military companies active in Idlib: TASS

Published 2019-08-19 17:04:37 by News Desk in Syria

The first jihadist private military company in the history of the Middle East, Malhama Tactical, is training armed, outlawed gangs active in Syria’s Idlib de-escalation zone, Nezavisimaya Gazeta wrote. The news and analytics outlet reported, citing "opposition sources," that the Syrian air force had allegedly killed the company’s leader Abu Salman al-Belarusi, also known as Abu Rofiq, in southern Idlib. According to the news outlet, Abu Rofiq, 24, comes from Uzbekistan and speaks Russian well. Open sources say that the company comprises more than 50 militants, most of whom originate from Central Asia and the North Caucasus. The media... Read on ->

Tags: Russia, Syria

Syrian Army scores new gains north of Khan Sheikhoun

Published 2019-08-19 16:20:52 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:10 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued their advance in the southern countryside of Idlib today after beginning their assault on the key town of Khan Sheikhoun last night. Led by the Tiger Forces, the Syrian Arab Army managed to capture several areas over the last two hours, including an important hilltop that overlooks the Hama-Idlib Highway. According to the Tiger Forces, their troops captured Talat Al-Nimr, Talat SyriaTel, Harsh Al-Khan, and Wadi Al-Fatah, which are all located north and northwest of Khan Sheikhoun. This latest advance has given the Syrian Army control over the Hama-Idlib... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Syrian Army resumes offensive in northeast Latakia to capture jihadist stronghold

Published 2019-08-19 15:55:14 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:20 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) resumed their offensive in northeastern Latakia this afternoon after taking a brief hiatus near the integral town of Kabani. Backed by Russian air support, the Syrian Arab Army's 42nd Brigade (Ghiath Forces) from the 4th Armored Division began storming the jihadist positions along the northern slope of the Zuwayqat Mountain. According to a military source from the 4th Division, the Syrian Arab Army is storming the jihadist positions in a bid to fully secure the last hills south of Kabani. He added that the Syrian Army took a brief hiatus... Read on ->

Tags: Latakia, Syria

Syrian gov't slams Turkey for aiding militants in Khan Sheikhoun

Published 2019-08-19 15:12:50 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

The Syrian Foreign Ministry said on Monday that Turkish armoured vehicles were heading for the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun in the province of Idlib, where government forces were fighting terrorists, according to the state channel Syria TV. "Turkish armoured vehicles with munitions have violated the Syrian border and have entered the city of Saraqib, they are moving in the direction of Khan Sheikhoun...", Syria TV quoted the Foreign Ministry as saying. Ankara has yet to comment on the reports. Syrian armed forces entered the town of Khan Sheikhoun on Sunday, amid heavy fighting with al-Nusra Front* terrorists and their... Read on ->

Tags: Syria, Turkey

Syrian Army storms strategic hilltop to block Turkish troops from Khan Sheikhoun

Published 2019-08-19 12:51:19 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:20 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has begun storming the key hilltop of Tal Nimr, which is located north of Khan Sheikhoun and just west of the Hama-Idlib Highway. According to a military source in the Hama Governorate, the Syrian Army is trying to capture Tal Nimr in order to block the Turkish Army front entering Khan Sheikhoun. The source said that the Turkish troops had not entered Khan Sheikhoun; however, he did note that they are currently positioned north of the hilltop and will likely block any advance towards Ma'arat Al-Nu'man. While the Syrian Army... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Russia and Serbia agree to increase military cooperation

Published 2019-08-19 12:24:06 by News Desk in World-News

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) - The military cooperation between Russia and Serbia is developing actively, while events in this sphere are multiplying by the year, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vulin on Saturday. "Today I would like to discuss a number of issues of our military and technical cooperation. The military cooperation is developing actively and events are increasing annually," Shoigu said. According to him, preparations for drills is in the final stages. "I am sure they will be held successfully as it happened before," the minister pointed out. "Our military... Read on ->

Tags: Russia, Serbia

Turkish military reportedly arrives in Khan Sheikhoun to setup observation post

Published 2019-08-19 11:53:48 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:20 A.M.) - The recent militant setbacks in southern Idlib has prompted the Turkish military to take action in an effort to stop the Syrian Arab Army's (SAA) expansion in the governorate. According to preliminary reports from the Idlib Governorate, the Turkish military has arrived in Khan Sheikhoun after sending two convoys to the city this morning. The reports claim that the Turkish military has already begun establishing an observation post in the Dahret Nimr part of Khan Sheikhoun. This move by the Turkish military is meant to stop the Syrian Arab Army's expansion in Khan Sheikhoun and... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria, Turkey

Netanyahu promises military operation in Gaza 'if necessary'

Published 2019-08-19 11:26:25 by News Desk in Middleeast, Palestine

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that Tel Aviv will undertake a massive military campaign in Gaza Strip, if forced to, The Times of Israel reported Sunday. “We will embark on a wide campaign, if necessary,” he told reporters before departing for Ukraine. “My objective is to maintain security and quiet, and we are taking all the necessary actions to this end.” He said he is aware of an opinion that upcoming September election considerations hold him back from undertaking military attacks in Gaza, but claimed that this is not true. “This is not correct,” Netanyahu said, according to The Jerusalem... Read on ->

Tags: Gaza, Israel, Netanyahu, Palestine

Syrian Air Force nearly hits Turkish military convoy in southern Idlib

Published 2019-08-19 11:10:55 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) was bombing a militant site in southern Idlib this morning as the Turkish military was sending to a convoy towards the city of Khan Sheikhoun. During the attack, however, the Syrian Air Force nearly hit the Turkish military convoy that was passing through the area. As shown in the video below, smoke can be seen billowing from the site as the Turkish military convoy continues to pass through the area.

Tags: Idlib, Syria, Turkey

Syrian Army captures all farms west of Khan Sheikhoun, main jihadist supply lines cutoff

Published 2019-08-19 10:42:23 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:30 A.M.) - The jihadist rebels have suffered several setbacks over the last 72 hours, as now they find themselves under heavy attack in Khan Sheikhoun. The Syrian Arab Army has now captured all of the farms located west and northwest of Khan Sheikhoun. The Syrian army has captured all farms in west and north-west Khan Shaykhun cutting all rebel's major supply lines toward the strategic town. As a result of this advance, all of the major jihadist supply lines to the key city of Khan Sheikhoun have been cut this morning, a source from the Syrian Arab... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Syrian Army sends reinforcements to western Daraa to launch potential offensive against FSA, HTS cells

Published 2019-08-19 10:31:01 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has reinforced their checkpoints in western Daraa after a series of attacks by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham sleeper cells. According to a military source in Damascus, the Syrian Army sent these reinforcements from the capital to the western countryside of Daraa, where they will potentially take part in offensive against these militant sleeper cells. The source said that at the same time, the Syrian Army also sent several reinforcements to the town of Da'el, as the military will likely launch their first operation against the... Read on ->

Tags: Daraa, Syria

US has 'brought all its might to battlefield' With Iran - IRGC commander

Published 2019-08-19 10:07:43 by News Desk in Iran

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:30 A.M.) - Hossein Salami, the commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), an elite sector of the country's armed forces, on Sunday slammed the United States as arrogant, saying that the non-spiritual US has brought "all its forces" to fight against the Islamic republic. "The Global Arrogance [Western countries led by the US], a power unparalleled in human history, has mobilized all its forces. America is the greatest power in all aspects, and this power has brought all its might to the battlefield with the Islamic Revolution in Iran”, Salami said at the 9th Malek Ashtar... Read on ->

Tags: Iran, IRGC

Breaking: Early reports of Syrian troops entering Khan Sheikhoun

Published 2019-08-19 09:39:02 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:10 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched their long-awaited operation to capture the key city of Khan Sheikhoun from the jihadist rebels in southern idlib last night. Backed by Russian airstrikes, the Syrian Arab Army reportedly entered the western sector of Khan Sheikhoun this morning after a fierce firefight with the jihadist rebels of Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham. According to a military source in nearby Hama, the Syrian Arab Army has been steadily advancing at the western and northwestern axes of Khan Sheikhoun, despite facing heavy resistance from the jihadist forces. Should the Syrian Army succeed in... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Massive convoy of Turkish-backed rebels head to southern Idlib to fight the Syrian Army

Published 2019-08-19 09:12:47 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:30 A.M.) - The Turkish-backed 1st Corps of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) has sent a massive convoy of reinforcements to the southern countryside of the Idlib Governorate to help the militants fight the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). According to opposition reports, the 1st Corps is being deployed to the front-lines in southern Idlib to protect their territories and drive back the Syrian Arab Army near the key city of Khan Sheikhoun. These reinforcements from the Free Syrian Army's 1st Corps come just days after the Turkish-backed National Liberation Front (NLF) sent a large number of fighters to... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Jihadist counter-offensive to retake key hilltop near Khan Sheikhoun ends in heavy losses

Published 2019-08-19 08:38:10 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:00 A.M.) - The jihadist rebels launched a counter-offensive to retake the key hilltop of Tal Al-Nar near Khan Sheikhoun on Sunday. Led by Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham, the jihadist rebels began their counter-offensive by sending a suicide bomber towards the Syrian Arab Army's defenses at Tal Al-Nar. Following the suicide attack at Tal Al-Nar, the jihadist rebels began storming the hilltop in a bid to overrun the Syrian Arab Army's defenses. However, despite the intensity of the attack, the jihadist rebels were unable to crack the Syrian Army's lines at Tal Al-Nar, resulting in heavy losses for Hay'at... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Syrian Army begins storming strategic city of Khan Sheikhoun

Published 2019-08-19 03:32:14 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:00 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has begun the important battle to capture the strategic city of Khan Sheikhoun in southern Idlib. Led by the Tiger Forces, the Syrian Arab Army began storming Khan Sheikhoun from its western axis after securing much of the territory around the city. According to a military source near the front-lines, the Syrian Arab Army has already scored an advance at the western outskirts of Khan Sheikhoun, capturing a checkpoint from the jihadist rebels of Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham. The source added that the Russian Air Force is also active in the... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

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