Wasserman Schultz - IT Director Bank Fraud, Foreign Espionage and Money Laundering - Will he Throw Clinton Under the Bus?

in #news7 years ago

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, disgraced DNC chairwoman, Florida congresswoman, criminal has found herself in deep water. Will the Federal government take action? Wasserman-Schultz's IT "professional was caught fleeing the United States with $12,400 cash, and so was his wife. Problem, you bet.

The IT director's company had been barred from working with Congress due to flagrant abuse. Wasserman-Schultz said Fuck it and kept him on. His abuse was taking private information "off-site" handing it over to unknown entities, a Felony. It would be profitable to note he had been working for the Muslim Brotherhood, an international terrorist organization seeking to influence domestic policy, foreign adversarial influence. Seems Trump isn't the one with the problem.


Upon knowing law enforcement was after him, Awan smashed the hard drives with congressional data, at his home. He later rented this home to a former Marine who discovered the federal property Awan insanely left behind. After making Awan aware that the hard drives were still there, Awan routinely threatened the Marine to return them to no avail. He turned it over to proper authorities. Sounds like the democratically connected IT guy was channeling Hillary Clinton. Clinton smashed her hard drives immediately following a congressional subpoena. There is obviously something to hide.


Wasserman-Schultz was previously video taped vaguely threatening capital police to coerce them in returning laptops, which were obtained during the Seth Rich Investigation. Seth Rich was a DNC operative who supposedly leaked emails to Wikileaks that ended up damning Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton for stealing the Democrat primary election. Schultz was removed as the revelations came forth.

Imran Awan is the latest in a string of flowing information that deals with corruption. His flagrant corruption is but the tip of an iceberg. Why is it important this time? Who's going to turn State's witness? Awan or Schultz? One will get immunity and the other life in jail. We're looking at a possibly huge breakthrough. Will Clinton actually go down?


This whole DNC leak thing is a LOT bigger than what is being reported.
It is possible that the DNC is throwing everything it can at Trump so that more of what was in the DNC emails isn't investigated.

And mainstream media is pretending nothing happened!🙈


Just take that blue pill and go back to bed, haha.

It's huge man. All distraction. There is absolutely no substance to what the DNC is promoting, Russia blah blah. Drop Sessions, Fire Mueller and get on with restoring the Republic.

Well, that's if the really want to restore it.
Who know who are all behind the forced downfall of the USA.

That's a good point. We really don't know anything but the fact these people are trying to take it down. Anyone could be up to it.

Someone in Washington needs to put on his or her big boy/girl pants and FINALLY break the deep state. We, the American people, have been used and abused by the system and the elite politicians for too long; and the Clinton/Obama clan has too much power over the establishment.
It is time for someone to finally break free and let those guilty be held accountable.

Yes, I'm waiting to see the "straw that breaks the camel's back" moment. This is almost going mainstream. It's just a matter of time I think. So bad.

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 2.27 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @zeartul.

Haha, well thanks!

Mr. Awan maybe should have taken some of the money he was trying to flee the country with and hired some body guards.

Arkancide is the favored method of getting rid political enemies in the state of Arkansas. When the medical examiners explain away two bodies filled with bullets as a case of suicide, it's obvious they caught a case of arkancide.

No doubt. He should be watched carefully. Let's protect him so he can testify.

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