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RE: Entitlement Fraud - It will make you sick to your stomach

in #news7 years ago

Entitlement spending has become nothing more than a corrupt slush fund. 28% of the budget for healthcare! And no one thinks it may be too expensive. We're killing ourselves, 104 million working age adults do not have a job. Nice article man.


Thanks. I wanted to add more about the tax fraud made by illegals getting deductions for fake dependents, but that isn't the same. There is basically fraud going on every where there is Federal money being spent.

It is unreal. Tax fraud of illegals is pretty insane too. I remember in Utah alone there were 50,000 social security numbers stolen by illegals, they were using the numbers to claim benefits. That is one state.

My husband was a victim of ID theft and fraud... credit cards in which he was sued for. We fought in court and won. Then we found out last year someone used his SS# to file for unemployment benefits. It's horrible

Oh my gosh. What a bunch of crooks. I've been lucky to not have that happen... yet. Insane you had to go to court. Where are the checks and balances for these programs?

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