NFL Protest Part2

in #news7 years ago

Thank you, NFL players for making everyone patriotic again. Maybe now we can all shed some light on what is truly non-patriotic and has no racial bias. The treatment of our veterans as we send more fathers, mothers, and children off to fight endless wars to make the top 1% even richer. I hope as they return in coffins, dismembered, and mentally disturbed from witnessing things we can’t even imagine in our wildest dreams. We remember this time of patriotism and make sure and demand they get every ounce of help they need.

You know what offends me about the NFL It’s a microcosm of America. Rich people at the top sucking the sport dry of all its monetary value till it’s gone. I take offense to these owners and find it hypocritical at the least that there even on the field with the players. The NFL is a business bottom-line they only care about America if its filling their pockets and the moment they feel boycotts start affecting that they will be back in the press boxes telling the serps to stand. Those press boxes that paid for by us the tax payers and the military offices that gave the NFL owners millions to be more patriotic. If they were true leaders and believe in what there protesting they would do so no matter how many boycotts there were, but I guarantee it will end soon. So, if I will be boycotting the NFL it will be because of the Owners and I support the players. NFL cares about their players but have no problem suppressing information on the CTE. I mean no one cared about how many players that have been arrested and kept playing no boycott. Joe Mixion drafted this year by the Bengals literally broke facial bones in a girl face, but can run 4.4 in the 40-yard dash seems right no boycott. Ray Lewis literally involved in a murder no boycott. Mike Vick in prison 2.5 years gets out in uniform the next month no boycott. Ray Rice video of his treatment of women no boycott. But hey standing up for what you believe not allowed shut up, lace them up, and play a game. Dear players just be criminals because apparently no one cares about that and then you can also keep the stereo types we have in America going.

Actions speak louder than words $639.1 Billion on war. $186.5 spent on who carries out freedom.

I would like to end this with a thank you to all veterans and I hope I can do better to justify your sacrifice for this country.

Congress a proposed budget request of $639.1 billion, $574.5 billion in the base budget and $64.6 billion in the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) budget.

The President’s 2018 Budget includes $186.5 billion in budget authority for VA in 2018.

Average NFL player salary 2017-$1.9 million
The Values of each NFL team-

Nearly $5.4 million was given to 14 NFL teams across the country, the bulk of which ($5.3 million) was supplied by the National Guard and the rest paid by the Army and Air Force, according to government records obtained by
All told, 29 of the NFL’s 31 stadiums have received public funds for construction or renovation. In the last two decades, the analysis found, taxpayers across the country have spent nearly $7 billion on stadiums for a league that surpassed $10 billion in revenue last season.
The annual median income of male veterans in 2014, compared with $32,433 for male non veterans.
Source: 2014 American Community Survey

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