[NEWS] Political Lies, Deception, & Omissions By Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani During Recent Speech

in #news8 years ago (edited)

If this type of omission and political corruption doesn't piss you off, than nothing will!

Image courtesy of : AFP / Getty Images

When I saw this news story today I literally almost threw a fit and had a heart attack! This prime example of political corruption through omission was absolutely infuriating! Former Mayor of New York, Rudolph Guiliani during the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center actually went on nation TV today and denied that before the Obama administration, there were never "any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States."

Does this guy not even remember that he was the Mayor of New York during the time of these attacks and that they happened long before the Obama Administration ever took office?! He was even in direct contact with former President George W. Bush during the aftermath of the attacks! The 9/11 attacks happened during the Presidential term of George W. Bush Jr., not during the term of current President Barack Obama!

I for one am ashamed, upset, and feel disgraced as a citizen of this country right now. All eyes were on their TV's, all flights were grounded, and the whole country watched in horror as emergency services, citizens, and volunteers combed through the rubble hoping to find any survivors.

I'm so outraged right now I need to end my rant, but these quotes from the NBC report speak volumes about the corruption and political agendas of today's politicians. Former Mayor Guiliani is obviously priming himself to be one of the next great puppets of the Trump campaign and I for one have had it!

NBC Just reported today on former Mayor Rudolph Guiliani's most resent speech regarding Trump's National Security Proposals.

Rudolph Giuliani, promoting Donald Trump's national security plan, said Monday that in the "eight years before (President Barack) Obama came along, we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States." That's an apparent omission of the largest terror attack in United States history.

Directly Qouted from Source : NBC New York's Story Published Today 8/15/2016

Giuliani was the Mayor of New York during the 9/11 Attacks and yet he was quoted as saying this:

"They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office," Giuliani said ahead of Trump's speech on national security.

Directly Qouted from Source : NBC New York's Story Published Today 8/15/2016

The 9/11 attacks which took place while Rudy was in office were conveniently "forgotten" and omitted from his speech today in favor of his new agenda :

Support Trump, Blame Hillary, & Forget About The 9/11 Attacks

This is the same man who used to tout the saying, "We Will Never Forget" loudly & proudly. What a load of total garbage from yet another crooked politician!

Here's a clip of his comments from that speech as linked from CSPAN :


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