FREE SPEECH, 2017 version - MILO UC Berkeley Show Evacuated over Mass RiotingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Tonight, Milo Yiannopoulos' UC Berkeley show was canceled by mobs of raging libturd lunatic vandals swarming the building, starting fires, breaking windows, throwing rocks, set off fireworks, sucker punching people and attacking them with flagpoles. Apparently, such riots "impassioned protests" serve as their response to "rational debate" and "logical discourse". If you can't win an argument on facts and rationale, try just beating people up and breaking sh*t instead. UC Berkeley is, ironically enough, the same campus where the Free Speech Movement began.

If you're interested in following what's going on, you can track it here: (LIVE UPDATES) MILO UC Berkeley Show Evacuated As Masked Anti-MILO Protesters Start Fires, Swarm Building

There is also a livestream still going, and even though Milo's long gone, it still appears these mobs of "anti-fascists" are still meandering through town causing as much property damage as possible: Anti Trump Berkeley PROTEST Foley Square RIOT Muslim Ban RALLY California MARCH Trump LIVE

Tucker Carlson also interviews Milo on air this evening over the rioting:

Free Speech is Scaaaary 🎃

Who ever knew words could be so scary... Well, I suppose they can, especially when they are repeatedly used to debunk and expose the massive hypocrisy of these nutty rioters. Take this video for example:

Perhaps this is merely Trump once again getting the last laugh, but it's pretty entertaining watching Trump practically "plagiarizing" Bill Clinton and Obama's words. Yet suddenly, those same words are now vile and destruction-worthy, an "evil" that must be confronted, preferably by turning their home town into a third-world garbage-strewn graffiti-ravaged crap-hole.

Here are a few more blatant hypocrisies that have been "curated" for your viewing pleasure:

Schumer 2015: "Refugee Ban Necessary" - Schumer 2017: "(CRYING) Trump Is Mean":

And where was the outrage here? Iranian BBC journalist Rana Rahimpour stopped from flying to US under Obama's 2015 Travel Ban visa "rule" changes. Under new laws, dual citizens from several nationalities must instead apply for a visa at the US embassy. But Ms. Rahimpour said advice from the embassy on whether the rules had been implemented was unclear:

And let's not even get started on "Feminists for Sharia": Flawed Justice After a Mob Killed an Afghan Woman (horrifying)

In the 60's, students rioted against the horrors of the Vietnam War. In 2017, tolerant "anti-fascist" students riot over a gay man expressing his opinions in their self-proclaimed "safe space".

Here, I share with you one of my favorite Milo quotes (please, don't be triggered):

Now it's mostly a fight between authoritarian versus libertarian.. "The sound that authoritarians and dictators hate the most is the sound of laughter, because it's the sound of freedom. And it means that dissidence and mischief and subversion are permitted. .. The most powerful weapon in your arsenal, the best thing you can do, is to keep calling people to account with the power of ridicule, because nobody can resist the truth wrapped in a good joke. And it's very difficult to get into trouble if you're really, really funny, which is what I'm counting on." - Milo Yiannopoulos

Finally, if you haven't already seen Milo's speeches, each one's somewhat different and they're definitely worth checking out. Here's a recent one at California Polytechnic. While you may not agree with everything he says, it's hard not to relate and agree with at least a good part of it:

So keep laughing, and keep on fighting the good fight for truth, rationality, logic, and free speech!


little late to the game
better late then never I guess.

its still going live streamed.

Terrorism at is finest.

time to suit up and prepare for the libturd zombie apocalypse:

MILO Addresses The UC Berkeley Riots from his "safe space":

Antifa attacking car and getting run over during UC Berkeley riots in "passionate resistance", car wins:

“We won’t put up with the violent rhetoric of Milo, Trump or the fascistic alt-right,” one Berkeley student who said he identified with the “Antifa” movement told The Guardian. “We are willing to resist by any means necessary.”

Link: What Is Antifa? Anti-Fascist Group Behind Violent Berkeley Protest Against Milo Yiannopoulos

You shouldn’t give a shit about skin color, you shouldn’t give a shit about sexuality, you shouldn’t give a shit about gender, and you should be deeply suspicious of the people who do.”:

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