Why European NATO Countries Keep Trying to Provoke Russia?

in #news3 years ago


Note the date of the above caricature.

I can understand the USA is in bad need to destroy any competition because of its 'exceptionalism' policy before the reality of its economy is exposed, even if that would include burning the whole world and themselves but weren't Europeans a little more sane?

Can someone name a single gain that Europe will benefit from escalations with Russia, just one? And please, do NOT give me the farce about 'democracy' and 'human rights' or whatever other justifications you used to help the USA destroy other countries, the latest pandemic exposed what's left of your fake democracy and humanitarianism among yourselves, and if you want to pick up cases like the foreign-sponsored 5th column Navalny let's talk about Assange first, if you want to talk about Russia's threats to its neighboring countries, I believe Russia did not expand to other countries before NATO showed up at its doors, that was against what was agreed earlier between NATO and Russia.

So, if you know any good reason why you want to provoke Russia and deteriorate your relations with it and cause instability in the whole world because of that do educate us, all we see that each time you provoke them you and your new allies in Eastern Europe lose more.

Image source: New Syria FB page

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