Aggroed's Antidote, Treating your News Feed October 7th 2016 edition

in #news8 years ago

Sharing reports of current events and perspectives that the Mainstream Media simply won't touch.   

Top Stories

Hillary's leaked paid speeches

Trump's newest unsavory words regarding women

Vote for Jill because she can win

Military has lost it's appetite for overseas nation-building


Guccifer 2.0 Hacks HRC

Wikileaks appears to release Hillary Clinton's paid speech transcripts

HRC wants free trade and open borders with the rest of North and South America (from leaked Goldman Sachs convos)

Leaked emails show HRC coordinating with Soros Organization

Trump's history of trafficking young girls may be what ends his chance at the White House

Clinton Kaine payroll tax hike


Wikileaks shows HRC's State Department sold nuclear arms to Soviet military powers

New Emails tie Chelsea Clinton to 7-year, $6M federal scheme

Largest voter fraud investigation in Texas history underway in Tarrant County

Florida gov signs bill enacting emergency permitless concealed carry


Cops used a helicopter and the National Guard to take an 81-year-old woman's medical marijuana plant

Cops sodomize man with screw driver

Child sex traffickign through CPS exposed


Hurricane Matthew is a dry run for martial law (I don't think so, but it's something to watch)


Matt Druge wonders if Hurricane Matthew was man made

Science and Technology

High efficiency spinning solar cells


We don't vaccinate: How sick has become the new normal

Healthy people who were vaccinated for the flu continue to die

Watch what happens when parent refuses Hep-B vaccine for infant

Damian Marley is converting a CA prison into a marijuana farm


The biggest financial crime in history and still no arrests

Mainstream Media

Leaked email shows MSNBC producer fawning over Clinton


A reading list for Liberty Lovers

Did Kim Kardashian make up her robbery


Thanks for linking to my Steemit article!
Great list that you put out regularly.

...and WW3 is starting in Syria

Maybe. That may be more bluster than reality. Besides, that's been going down for years already...

Fantastic list posted in a non sensational way. Big thumbs up!

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