Aggroed's Antidote, Treating your News Feed October 2nd, 2016 Edition

in #news8 years ago

Top Three

Laying the foundation for global governance-

US cuts cord on internet oversight

WikiLeaks confirms Hillary and the State Department were actively arming ISIS


Stop and Frisk and why it's unconstitutional

Viggo Mortensen backs Green Party candidate Jill Stein

Clinton camp promises she respect young Sanders voters after leaked audio

Tens of thousands of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse

Trump's leaked tax return


Turning sexism into a hate crime

Rody Duterte likens himself to Hitler

US Attorney General admits marijuana isn't a gateway drug

French military caught staging ISIS false flag

Hillary knew Benghazi attack planned 10 days in advance

Netanyahu: Israel prepares to annex most of Syria to secure the jewish future

Indonesia seeks end to female genital mutilation


Cops charged with murder, arrested after shooting 6-year-old with autism 5 times

Children swim in crater left by bomb

Since when was it ok to start bombing hospitals and aid workers

Uniformed cop steals $8,000 on video

Cop handcuffs then tasers mentally disabled high school student for being tardy

US led coalition kills 9 civilians in Syria

Sept 11 widow is first American to sue Saudi Arabia for Terrorism


Big pharma spent $880M between 2006 and 2015 to protect opioids, fight marijuana legalization

Economy/ Banksters

Some Deutsche Bank clients unable to access cash

Deutsche Bank charged by Italy for market manipulation, creating false accounts (a la Buffet and Wells Fargo)

Germany won't bail out banks, Financial collapse possible

Science and Technology

A data point to look at... Could CERN's LHC be a weapon

Iraqi transport minister claims first airport was built 7,000 years ago in Iraq by ancient Sumerians

Playpen: The story of the FBI's unprecedented and illegal hacking operation


War on Zika kill bees (which just got on the endangered species list)

Beautiful Trees

Amazing skyline

Apples that are pink inside


If you send your kid to private school you are a bad person (think of this as a letter from a statist idiot)

Wrongfully convicted, behind bars for 20 years, taught himself law, got released, won $15M, and got a job!


Sex robot cafe (not really safe for work)

Family casting

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62948.49
ETH 2583.15
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74