Aggroed's Antidote- 4/7/18 Getting you hard to find stories in the news

in #news6 years ago

News feeds can save lives. If more people had a better news feed they might actually question the bullshit that's going on around them. Here are some stories in my news feed that I think are important that you have likely missed because they are hard to find.

Woman found dead about to expose Bill Clinton (4/6/18)

Public Schools create fear (I call them weapons of mass destruction)

Belgium looks into Spain

FISA court Obama conducted widespread illegal searches of Americans

87th Holistic Doctor found dead

Dutch Whistleblower

Beijin Live-fire exercise in the South China Sea

Google employees against drone murder

USS McCain crash

Why McCabe was fired. FBI bias!

Obama Soros collusion

Ex South Korean president got 24 YEARS in jail

Creepy ass SES needs to get the boot

South Carolina bill to seceed

Eric Prince and Blackwater to run Afghanistan conflict?

Pirate Bay is down

Clinton accepted and kept donations from human trafficking websites


Fantastic my friend. Thanks for sharing a good news. I hope your followers see more beautiful posts of you like this. Thanks for sharing this great news on steemit.

Oh thanks for this. I'll sure love to read these.

... lo importante en el periodismo es la verificación de las informaciones, la mayoría no cree porque el establiment se encarga de desprestigiar a todo lo que pretenda constituirse como veraz

Very interesting topics, i will read...

Wow a treasure trove of swamp draining material and other relavant current news. Thanks for compiling all of this great info.

Tough to avoid the red pill sometimes these days but I still find so many people fighting the truth, wanting to live in ignorance.. oh well. I keep trying to inform and prepare.

News feeds can save lives.
As far as the lamestream media are concerned, they can also kill.

Careful what to digest. Poisonous snakes are all around.
The anti-dote: Trusted alternative sources and above all, critical thinking and verification of data.

The headlines we surely make you read the full news. Thanks for sharing @aggroed

Share wonderful news really made a good choice my friend

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