Indonesian proved to be good for the Palestinian brothers contributing a lot of rice

in #news6 years ago

Indonesia Helping Palestine,

"Seeing the Palestinian Humanitarian Ship arrived in Gaza, I am again optimistic that this nation is still on the right path. Doing something for Palestine means reminding, to what extent we become Indonesia. The extent to which we do the real to prove the constitution.

As already known

2,000 tons of Palestinian Humanity Ship rice gradually made it into Gaza.
The Palestinian Humanitarian Vessel is a concrete thing that the Indonesian people can prove to the world. Indonesia's largest Muslim, our position should be strong to help Palestine. We can move through peace diplomacy, and humanitarian diplomacy.
But in the meantime, in Gaza, Jerusalem and the West Bank, there is a group of exiled men controlled and blockaded in giant prisons. They were expelled for no apparent reason.
in fact Indonesia's position is clear. As a country born with a humanitarian breath, with a written humanitarian mandate. Indonesia is clearly aligned for Palestine.


Semoga saudara kita di Palestina selalu dilindungi Allah, amin....
Hidup Palestina! Hidup Indonesia!

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