The Truth About Fake News

in #news7 years ago (edited)


Left. Right.


Fake. News.

It's all noise. It's all distraction.

Designed to make you take your eye off the ball.

While it's never been easier to share your voice, it's also never been more tempting to disguise the truth. Your truth.

So sit back and be a pawn of the game played around you. Or get up and make yourself heard.

Write on @steemit. Start a podcast. A newsletter. And commit to being you.

The best way to combat fake news, is to commit to sharing your truth.

No matter how ugly, raw, or beautiful it may be.


I have not been following the regular news for a long time now.. i noticed everything that is writen is negative, no more: "Firefighters save a kitten from a tree!".. I am joking here, but i think there should be more to news then only bad news..

I have done the same!.. got rid of all my tv channels, and just use youtube news channels from people that I trust. and how do I know I am already on to a winner? because NOBODY in the mainstream media is to be trusted!


It's the only reason I started libertyLOL. I'm tired of seeing liars in the media, government getting bigger, privacy threatened, etc while watching the political soap opera headlines of 'Trump's handshake' or whatever.

Makes me so happy! The world needs more people telling their "truth." As opposed to just sititng on the sidelines. :)

Couldn't agree more!!
Though i don't have my own "site" ... The rest is exactly how i am feeling too,
I think most people at Steemit feel the exact same and are here by the very same reason.
So Let us all help out to do Steemit to what we all wish for ... And this time on a platform that can't be censured, i.e Steemit! (if i get it all right about Steemit as blockchain based, right?!)

If you agree with a lot of my charter found here then feel free to send stuff over and I'll publish.
I've got a lot of automation set up so every post gets sent to Facebook, Twitter, reddit, tumblr, pintrest, IG, and, yes, even Steemit!
Let me know, always looking to spread the message.

I just took a very quick look.. Seems like we're at the same page Bro.. So yes.. I happily share it with you.
You say " feel free to send stuff over and I'll publish." .. Send stuff over?!
Easier for both if you just link from here, right?!

Cheers :)

I follow you, I'll repost what you've got!

I meant if you wanted me to post it to my site, I can also do that. I want to share the liberty message, and if you've got it, I've got my site automated to share on many channels. Cheers!

You're free to share my stuff in any way and how much you want,
All i want is to warn people to take necessary steps not being fooled and ripped off from all their savings.
Because as you already has understand.. Whats happening the last decade,
i.e Cyprus, 2008 (tests), manipulation of Gold and silver (pushed them down to lowest prices in history with insane amount of derivatives to scare people AWAY for them), stock market gown up .. And up and up and up... And up and up (lol) i think 800 days in a row now (never happen) is to fool people into stocks and financial instruments that they control so that in one (1) day al these money can be transfered to the top 1% and everyone else lose their.
(it will be the biggest wealth transfer in history) while the smart money is in GOLD and SILVER!!
Its a HUGE setup for the biggest Ponzie Scheme ever existed.
All are in cahoots , The FED, The TBTF banks, the big banks, MEDIA .. ALL OF THEM..Because all the above has the same owner,
And that is the people who own the fed and print our dollar out of thin air and then lend it out to us for interest (!!!) and now in this last step before they steal it all have set the rates so low that everyone can borrow.. So a rate hike.. And 65% of all loan default and the banks get all the security FOR FREE.
(Been done many times before but never globally as its planned and done now)that why they want a cashless society so that people can't run away with their savings and fool the banks ... It's ALL planned in detail.
And when the time is right (when they decide) the music will just stop and the biggest mess in history will start.

Awesome post! I love it! I resteemed!

Thanks so much. :) Made my day to get a comment from Teamsteem! :)

I received 2-3 comments of the sort and I must say they make me feel awesome. Mutual recognition at it's best I guess.

The fake news media can spread all the lies they want, I feel like their time has come.

Good attitude to have. We are all being distracted and divided but it can't happen if we don't let it happen.

I stopped watching the media. To me, it's a waste of time.

Sharing ideas is the most powerful tool any of us has. So important! Upvoted!

This is one reason why I went off Facebook, and onto Steemit, so tired of the fake news. Steemit is much more interesting. I am new here, and so far I like!

I have stopped watching - the lying, propagandist, criminal, bankster owned - main stream media and it feels great! No more fake news, No more CNN, no more bullsh@t, just the real news and truth. Very liberating...

There are more than 100 start up companies started in recent years to investigate the probability of truth in any piece of news coming out. Most use data mining and bid data analytics.

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