US And Russia In Contact

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Trump takes a step back from his hot head threats as both countries are in use of Syria's 'deconfliction hotline'.


Earlier this week President Donald Trump had made the following statement.

Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!


This tweet had a lot of people in the US running scared, but Russia wasn't impressed. Some from the Kremlin stated in an interview that they don't engage in President Trump's Twitter diplomacy. Although, now it seems that Trump may have backed off a little as the two are currently using the deconfliction hotline on this matter.

“The line exists and it is active. In general, the line is used by both sides,” the Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters.
...On Thursday, Donald Trump appeared to row back on the prospect of an imminent strike with a tweet that said action could take place “very soon or not so soon at all”.


Some reports are saying that the entire chemical gas attack was fake. An elaborate hoax to create conflict on the world stage. Even France's leader has come to say he has proof of the attack. But this fake news has caused conflict before with fake chemical weapon attacks. It goes without saying, even though Trump will make bold and hot head statements, he does seem to want conflict between any country to be the last option.

"Never said when an attack on Syria would take place. Could be very soon or not so soon at all!,"


This doesn't take all cards off the table though. Israel has still attacked a Syrian airbase after the attack which has put them in a bit of hot water. Iran is furious with them and itching to attack. Israel is on high alert after the threat came in for Iranian retaliation. As everyone knows, once the world gathers against Israel, the Lord will step in and take his throne, so this needs to happen.

"The airstrike, which Iran, Syria and Russia all blame on Israel, targeted Syria’s T-4 airbase near Homs. According to foreign media reports, the strike damaged various capabilities that the Iranians had begun to deploy at the base. Israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike."


So could this Russian war be possible? Or will it turn out as it did a few years ago. Will it turn out like North Korea? The likes of which are still wanting to meet with Trump for talks this month? Only time will tell, but you should be prepared no matter what happens. We are in the end times which could go off today or several years! It is all on God's time and how he sees fit to deal with us. Prepare your soul and repent to Lord RayEl.

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Have a very nice day!

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No country wants to risk the lives of their people, but they will do what is necessary.

I hope the U.S. smartens up to the truth and stops this path to war that Trump seems so hell bent on. It is not good, He boasts about his military but Russia has a far better military to be honest.

These people keep going back and forth

WW3 will happen sooner or later...I'm thinking sooner than later!!!

This cant be stopped, only stalled!

They'll fight, but they need it to be dressed up in a pretty package of self-justification first.

There is so much going on over there it's ridiculous! Russia and the U.S. are trying to gain the political and nuclear power over in the Middle East, while other countries are being backed with nuclear weapons. Then Israel is playing both sides to keep a buffer...It's a mess and a disaster waiting to happen!

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