North American Crisis

in #news6 years ago

"President Trump just appointed a new Attorney General, and the left has gone into panic mode... Why?... Because the new Attorney General will end the Russia investigation; he will prosecute the leftists, and... HE WILL INDICT HILLARY CLINTON!!!

The Left has no choice but to act right now, which is why their invading "caravan" army is continuing its march towards America's Southern border, and why Antifa and its associated groups are mobilizing for Civil War!


But when George Soros fully activates America's invading army, he will also activate the African army he placed into Europe." "George Soros?" you say? We've revealed this man before, and the infamous Alex Jones has recently reported that "SOROS ACTIVATES 900 ANTIFA TERROR CELLS, LEADER OF GROUP CALLS FOR KILLING OF POLICE & REPUBLICANS" in response to Session being fired. His statement in response to the incident with Tucker Carlson where his home and family were threatened by Antifa members! Also, the Democrat's caravan has been conveniently absent from the media for a few days. Some leftists taking this as a win because they believe because Democrats have had a small victory, Trump has backed down because his "racism" will no longer win the country. On top of that, judges have also ordered the Trump administration to continue the "Dreamer" Program. With the Democrats now in the house, there is a possibility that they can fight and impeach Trump which might prompt him to make power moves, such as war, martial law, etc..., before January. The question is will he? Or will the Democrats be able to pull something like that off? They've failed miserably since he took office. What do you think the coming months will bring? Please post your comments in the replies section below.

Have a very nice day!

  • This article was written by @cifer44 Arclight WorkSm.png
  • Quotes from Imperial Regent Angelus Domini

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This is turning into even more of a s*it show!

Indeed it is... What's going to happen next I wonder...

I would love to see Hillary Clinton indicted, could you image the protests and uproar, the feminists would likely hop on-board too... and no doubt things would get violent.
Huge recipe for disaster in Europe also.

Hopefully it won't be much longer now

Babylon is falling!

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