MUFON Confirmed Jerusalem Ufo Event to Be Genuine?

in #news7 years ago

On January 28th, 2011, a light descended upon the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. MUFON confirmed legitimacy!

Ever since the event took place, there has been debate among UFO experts and people all over the internet if this event was real or not. In case you're unsure what we're referring to, then take a look at the video that was shown on FOX News that was the turning point of our history.

Marc D'Antonio of MUFON, a Chief Photo/Video Analyst, has made the statement that this video was 100% real and not a CGI Hoax. The article states:

On the basis of the above and unless other issues are raised, it would appear that the Dome of the Rock UFO orb video is - more probably than not - the record of a genuine interdimensional ET event.


However, there are one if not two fake versions of this event. Though Marc believes that only the original video is the real and the rest are CGI. This is also strange as in 2011, Marc D'Antonio had stated that this was all a hoax.

‘I firmly believe that the UFO was not real, for many reasons…this video and the other Jerusalem UFO Videos are in my opinion hoaxes.”


Where Marc D'Antonio truly stands is unknown on the matter as articles are conflicting, however, there are some hoaxed videos, and unfortunately, these hoaxes are often used by news agencies and often used to hide the fact that this event actually happened. The hoaxed camera angles in question are #3 and #7 which will be shown below.



So why are these two fake?? Well, our own @apocalypse612 has put together these statements on the two videos in question.

Some points to keep in mind is that there is no motion happening in Camera Angle #3, and it honestly looks like the camera is panning around a still image with a camera shake effect applied. There are no moving objects in the background here, while in the other angles you are able to distinguish moving vehicles and more. There's also a scan lines effect applied to make it look legitimate.

But the biggest giveaway is the audio track. If you have high-quality headphones, a decent sound card, and good hearing (Which I have), then you will notice that there are several cuts in the audio track of different people speaking overlayed on top of each other. I can tell you this definitely because if you cut a piece of audio in a video editor at a point where the DB range isn't at 0, and you do not have a small fade in/out transition applied, then you will hear a small "Pop" or "Click" sounds.

Also concerning is Camera Angle #7, the "New" camera angle that popped up much later after the event occurred. That fact alone concerns me, but the entity shown in that video doesn't even look similar. When I first found this I ate it up because I was excited to have new footage to use. But the fact remains is that I can't even find this angle anymore, and it doesn't look ANYTHING like the other 5 legitimate angles.

Also worth noting on Angle #7 is the audio track AGAIN has that same poorly edited looped crowd sounds used in Camera Angle #3! Literally, they didn't even bother to add any new sound effects or voice actors. This was a quick, poorly done edit job.

Here's the final kicker; The reason why these news sources are using the faked camera angles (more than likely government created) is for one reason... to again deceive the masses. Instead of blatantly ignoring the event, which you may think Satan would have done as a valid tactic, instead, he chose to fake the event and instead share the blatantly obvious fakes to the public so that they would THINK that CHRIST'S HOLY RETURN was nothing more than a fraud...

The masses have been deceived, so please educate them and let this truth be brought forward to the light to ANYONE trying to disprove the validity of our Lord RayEl's magnificent return.

So if anything, MUFON does have it right that there are fake videos of this event, however, there were several eye-witness testimonies that you can find on Youtube!

Why there isn't a lot out there is beyond me. Perhaps a government purge, or perhaps people really just don't care and that is truly sad. If you've followed us you know just how important that event is exactly, and what it means for everyone. It was the return of the Holy Spirit to our time.

Matthew 24:27
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Of course, until the final events take place, there will continue to be scoffers and nonbelievers who will say these events are a hoax and that Christ has not returned. Until He takes his throne we will continue to provide evidence of the times we live in, and of his identity as the returned Messiah. Along with our great Prime Cleric, Richard Ruff @prime-cleric who continues to show this truth through Torah Codes to confirm the events and times we are in and RayEl is the second coming of Christ who will lead us to a new world free of evil.

Please post your comments in the replies section below.

Have a very nice day!

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Most MUFON articles will say it's a hoax, the whole thing is pretty confusing, but we know the truth!

Jan 28, 2011, is the greatest thing that could have happened to humanity. #TheSonofTheCreatorComes

Changed my life that's for sure!

It truly was, and it was the date of the Lord's return to earth. Now nobody can say anything negative about it!

Coming to the Lord is the best thing I've ever done!

Well, it's about time.

God's promises are real and this is our proof!

Great write-up and explanation. Thanks for clearing up some of those videos!

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