Israel Unleashes Another Counter-Proxy Strike In Syria

in #news7 years ago

After Assad threatened retaliation if Israel violated Syrian airspace to drop any more bombs, Israel has demonstrated their lack of concern for Assad’s displeasure.

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The Israeli Defense Force sent jets through Lebanon to bring Damascus into firing range. From Lebanese airspace, they rained missiles upon a Syrian military site in Damascus.

Israel has no reluctance to strike any targets suspected of arming or aiding the Lebanese Hezbollah, who have been heavily active in Syria to support Assad. In Syria, they have continued to receive support from their long-term backer, Iran, who uses them as a proxy force to threaten Israel.

The Syrian military would not give substantial information on the strike except to say that most, not all, of the missiles were blocked by their air defense systems.

Ammunition stores were destroyed and western intelligence claims the site held Syrian chemical weapons. Claims like this are only exacerbated by strong suspicions that chlorine bombs were used in multiple events over the past month by Assad, with no shortage of injured victims to testify about it.

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Iran is much like the mysterious figure behind the proverbial curtain in all of this. They continue to vie for firm military footholds in both Syria and Lebanon through supportive ties to Assad and Hezbollah. Israel will surely continue to carry out air strikes on any such attempts, citing a clear and deliberate threat to their own national security.

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The heavily biased international community is uncharacteristically silent on this particular flavor of Israeli aggression, however. To condemn Israel’s strikes, the UN would be in support of Assad by proxy, which would conflict with their expressed position. Still, Iran can be expected to get plenty of oil, funds, and weapons to their allies despite Israel’s attempts. Sooner than later, they will be prepared to shift their tri-lateral force away from Syria, South into Golan, and further still to the Megiddo Valley and Jerusalem beyond.

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Another massive step towards an outbreak of war. How much longer can all these places poke each other until someone loses it?

The way the Syrian conflict drew international military intervention and extreme escalation, it's no stretch to imagine similar or worse developments when these groups all turn their guns toward the Holy Land.

It appears to be that the inevitable will be coming to fruition.

It is clear that soon we will see the battle of Har-Megiddo. Iran will not stand by idly much longer.

I am not sure when this war is going to officially kick off but I am sad it has to happen in the first place.

Revelation 16:16 is coming closer by the day!

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 7.33% vote... I was summoned by @abn! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh

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