Hawaii's Mt. Kilauea Wake-Up Call!

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Image Source: https://qz.com/1272863/hawaiis-kilauea-volcano-eruption-is-spitting-sulfur-dioxide-into-the-air-at-potentially-dangerous-levels/

Around the Pacific Rim, volcanoes are common threats. Every so often, you'll hear of one erupting. There have been numerous dramatic eruptions just recently in fact. Chances are, the one that comes to mind at the moment of this publication is Mt. Kilauea on Hawaii's Hawai'i Island, or Big Island.

Kilauea has been almost constantly erupting since 1983, but every once in a while it gets particularly explosive. This is one of those times, and evacuations are underway. It's not solely Kilauea that ha scientists terrified, however.

Image Source: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/960150/Hawaii-volcano-eruption-USGS-volcanoes-USA-explosion-Kilauea-Mauna-Loa-Yellowstone

Of the 169 volatile volcanos in this huge chain, the USGS has declared over 50 of them to be priority threats.

The frequency of eruptions and eruption pre-signals over the past few years is noteworthy, and like much of the increasing planetary duress, it can be at least partially attributed to the close proximity between Earth and the wandering planet Nibiru, which Abrahamic prophecy describes as The Destroyer or the Abomination that causes desolation. With that said, it stands to reason that such events will reach a climax as Nibiru's effects reach their maximum.


To a degree, these events could be considered "natural," but the wise know to heed Lord RayEl's warnings as well. He has declared that he would rain fire from the sky, and he has by way of fireballs and meteorites, but would a volcano's blasts not also fit that description? After RayEl's recent post, it's clear that no tool of devastation by nature is outside his means.

We should take care while we can to prepare, and seek the favor of God Almighty by standing with Lord RayEl, whom God has sent to bring the New Kingdom. He will continue to make war against the nations for a little while longer, and then he'll stop being gentle. Corrupt principalities must be deposed, and wickedness destroyed for a world of wisdom, justice, and love to go on.

And really, isn't it about time for some positive changes on our little world?

Image Source: http://www.reuters.tv/v/tRA/2018/05/15/bracing-for-a-big-explosion-in-hawaii-s-kilauea

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Have a very nice day!

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There's little doubt in my mind that this is one of several, and comparatively mild in damages to come. That ring's gonna burn.

The volcano has been getting worse and worse.

That is a massive volcano eruption!

We need positive change your right and we need it soon. The current state of our world is being destroyed and cannot be sustained. The human race is killing the planet and change is needed for the greater good of humanity and the planet

The people of this world have two choices, repent to RayEl or suffer His wrath!

This is explosive news!

This is a huge wake up call!

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