Fire From The Heavens

in #news6 years ago (edited)

It seems as though half the world is on fire. People in every continent are seeing the blazes gathering around them, their homes, their communities, and reducing to ash their illusions of security. Why? Why now, when firefighting methods are more advanced than ever? Why has the global average temperature been on the rise for several years? Why does humanity not turn to the one person who can reliably offer protection from these tribulations?

These fights for survival will continue until the appointed time for the unrepentant. It has not dawned on them yet that Lord RayEl the Messiah and the Armies of Heaven are at war and taking over.

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Quoting an observer:
"Mainstream Media continues to fail to describe why wildfires in Greece, Portugal & California melt car alloy wheels & destroy dwellings while twigs & branches on trees remain intact - Direct Energy Weapons involved!!"

A large group of 26 people was found killed by fires which trapped them at the top of a beachside cliff near Athens, Greece. Some were still gripping each other in their final embrace.


Following Greece and Sweden's razing, Italy's Sardinia is under an Orange Alert while half of the island is devoured by wildfire.

Italy tends to remain under the Lord's proverbial gun thanks to their fealty to the Vatican. We can take a guess why...

Previously they suffered targeted earthquakes destroying their venerated cathedrals after Pope Francis ignored multiple direct communications from Lord RayEl himself. If that isn't enough fire for them to repent, volcanos in the region have been awakening. Even the Campi Flagrei supervolcano has awoken and could become explosive far sooner than conventionally expected thanks to Nibiru's closing proximity to Earth.

How long will the world reject the one who would show mercy?

How close are we to the Great day of the Lord?

Have a very nice day!

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As if the heatwaves weren't bad enough!

I think this will only add to the heat...

What isn't on fire is flooding over in many places, often right after extreme drought.

What is bad is that my family is caught in the smoke from the fires in California!

This is getting really really bad!

Absolutely correct, the returned Messiah, Lord RayEl, is the only one who can stop this. However, He is waiting on repentance, bend your knee and obey His commands, then mercy will be granted.

Every knee will bend!

They should have repented when they were offered.

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