Drone Attack On Saudi Oil Field Leads to Finger Pointing - NOT IRAN

in #news5 years ago


Over the weekend, a drone strike on Saudi Oil Facilities has left the world in a bit of a panic as all fingers are pointing to Iran. With oil prices now up and a with President Donald Trump stating in a tweet that we're "locked and loaded", people are wondering if the next step will be war. Saudi Arabia came out with a statement as well saying that the weapons used in the attack were in fact Iranian, however, they have yet to show the evidence supporting their claim. The Guardian reports the facts of the matter that Iran did NOT carry out these attacks:

But the Saudis did not directly accuse Iran of launching the strikes and refrained from calling for retaliation amid escalating tensions between Iran and the United States that have raised fears of a wider armed conflict.

The Houthis have claimed that they carried out the attacks, and Iran has denied any involvement. But Trump administration officials have previously said that the Iranians should be held responsible for the actions of forces in the region that they support, including the Yemeni rebels.


Vice President Mike Pence came out with a statement this morning saying that Trump's locked and loaded post was merely to assert the fact that we are safe. It was also thought to be a similar strong statement like he used on North Korea when he threatened to rain fire on them. Trump does, however, believe that Iran should be held responsible even though it was the Houthis. Whether or not this will lead to violence and war is currently unknown, but it is likely that if it does, it will be a while. What are your thoughts? Please leave your comments below! Have a nice day!

This article was written by @cifer44 2.png

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