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RE: How Police Killed the Internet Drug Trade

in #news7 years ago (edited)

first let me say this is not meant as an attack so try not to take it personally, i can be a little harsh in debates....ok i can be a lot of harsh but that said.......

children were suffering as a result of child porn previous to the darknet, the darknet is not the problem, drugs are not the problem. a profoundly sick society that pretty much seems designed to produce mentally deranged people, well now there's your problem. that's what you should be tackling. what you are addressing now are symptoms of the problem, not the problem itself. the system has taught us that some people are inherently sick but the truth is the system itself is responsible for making really all of us sick in one way or another. You address the horrors of child pronography but if you live in the United States Like I do you have a government that murders children on a daily basis and writes it off as collateral damage and we pay for it, we fund it, sanction it and ignore it when we see it on the news. it's crazy how people can be so upset about one but not the other. at least the abused kids have a shot at life unlike all the iraqis, afghans, palestinians, syrians, cambodians, vietnamese, hondurans, japanese.

did you ever see the films about what our atomic bombs did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki? You know i met a guy once here in the states who thought it was just a test and we never even killed anyone but we actually wiped two whole cities, men women children and left hundreds of thousands maimed and poisoned by radiation. there's your problem. THE SYSTEM!


speaking of systems and fascists. there's one right there @cheetah

Edgy cheetah

First of all let me say that I welcome debates in which people attack me. All ever ask of people is that they use plain English when doing so, rather that beat about the bush.

No, I don't think you have attacked me - you have just attacked my argument - although I really think you haven't when I really look at it.

The dark net makes it much easier to order custom child porn and for people to buy it without getting caught. For example, I would have no idea where to get child porn, but a month or so ago, I though I would try the dark net just to see what it actually was. After using a special browser, maybe Duck(???) browser, setting op an additional TOR or something similar + extra things which needed to be done to "hide" my presence on the web, I dived in.

The web pages, if you could call them that, were quite poorly designed (maybe it was just my set up), but almost immediately, in the middle of what seemed junk advertising, there was an advert for custom child porn. It was at that point that I realized I had made a mistake in visiting the dark web and closed everything down. I will not be visiting again. Just imagine if I had clicked on something accidentally?

So, just because child porn may be available elsewhere does not challenge my point, in my view.

As to Iraq, and other things, yes you are correct. I even wrote a post about Iraq explaining how people don't understand what "Shock and Awe" did. For me, it makes no difference if someone is in the army or not - suffering is still suffering. But, let's just take civilians - my post described how any bombs will also affect civilians and shock and awe must have caused buildings to collapse with fires everywhere and people trapped in cars - people burning slowly to death or with parts of their bodies ripped off with no hope of help because all the infrastructure was destroyed.

However, my reply to your post was only regarding the dark web.
[EDIT: I mistakenly thought that you were the author of the original post]

Your reply seems to be saying that there are more important things to think about.

You said,
"it's crazy how people can be so upset about one but not the other"
which I agree with.

I really don't think our views are that different - you just seem to have taken it as such.

Just realized that I said, "first, let me say". I wasn't trying to copy you - it must just have stuck in my head, that's all. (it's they type of phrase I often use)

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