Greetings From A New VR Education Coin Here to Change the Game...

in #newico7 years ago (edited)

Dearest Steemit Community,

It's time we officially met.

We are Socratescoin, the official currency of the first global VR university.

We aim to revolutionize the currently outdated education system, preparing students for the jobs of the future.

The current understanding of the education system is flawed.

The idea has been that through systematic instruction and the regurgitation of textbooks, our students will be prepared to take on the world.

However, the modern workplace calls for creativity and collaborative thinking. Interpersonal skills are in serious demand, yet they appear to be lacking and it’s no surprise.

School systems were originally set up to meet the needs of industrialism. The rows of seats were set to mirror a factory line. Conformity and discipline were essential.

Today, technology has replaced many of those jobs and transformed our current working environment.
There are now hundreds of jobs that simply did not exist 30 years ago, from zumba instructors to drone operators.
This means that our education system must adapt and grow to this rapid pace of change and development that we are seeing in the world.

We can’t afford to be teaching outdated information in a world where 90% of the data was collected in just the past few years.

That is where Socratescoin and NAUKA come in. NAUKA is set to be the first university of its kind.

Creating lifelong experiential learning utilizing virtual reality technologies.

There’s no better way to learn than through exploration, if you really feel you were in the moment, that experience becomes a memory; not a piece of information you are trying to remember.

The courses combined with this revolutionized way of learning will prepare students for jobs of the future, jobs that do not even yet exist.

Socratescoin will serve as the official currency of the university from tuition to professors pay. It will also be used to pay for any new technologies released that the university is patented to.
Thanks for reading our intro.

Excited to share this journey with you and curious about your thoughts!

I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think,


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