Why do we Sleep?

in #newcomers2 years ago

*Why do we sleep?
1)Sleep is a biological process in living beings.
2)Sleep help to remove toxic waste from human brain,so that brain can restore new information everyday.
3)During sleep brain cell get repaired and restore energy.

*How much sleep do we really need?
1)Sleep is biological need for everyone,it is needed by every person with different ways.
2)For newborn baby they really need 14-17 hours of sleep.
3)For teenage people 8-10 hours sleep need.
4)For adult people sleep requirement is generally between 7-9 hours.
5)People who do meditation,Yoga require less sleep like 5-6 hours a day.
6)Every being require different hours of sleep according to age,time, season,lifestyle and workplace.

*What are the stages of sleep?What is REM sleep?
1)Sleep has five stages:a)Wake,b)N1,c)N2,d)N3 and e)REM
2)REM is last stage of sleep associated with dreaming and memory consolidation.
3)REM stage after 90 minutes of sleep,where heart rate speeds up,brains waves slow down,loss of muscle tone.
4)REM is important phase of sleep because it play important role in dreaming, memory, emotional processing and healthy brain development.

*What role does sleep play in influencing our psychological and physical health?
1)Sleep effects almost aspect of our life,it repair all tissue of the body.

  1. Psychologically,sleep helps to recover from depression, increases productivity.
  2. Psychologically,Sleep improves our mood and way we interact with others.
  3. Physically,sleep improves bones health and immune system.
  4. Physically people who have better sleep quality have lesser chances of cardiovascular health,risk of obesity and Infection.

*Why toddler having too much sleep?

  1. Toddler have more sleep because their body is in growing stage.
    2)Sleep make toddler to improves bones quality,repair brain cells.
    3)Sleep help toddler to improve their mood.

*Why do we sleep around my boyfriend or girlfriend?
1)Sleep is necessity of human body, while sleeping around boyfriend, body release feel good hormones.

  1. Hormones released with your boyfriend like oxytocin and serotonin make you more sleepy.
    3)You feel more calm and relax with your boyfriend,so you sleep around your boyfriend.

*Why do we fall asleep without knowing?
1)You fall asleep without knowing because you may suffer from Narcolepsy.
2)It may also happen when you get bored.
3)You may be sleep deprivation,so you need more sleep.

*Why should we sleep without pillow?
1)We should sleep without pillow because it make head flat,make alignment to neck and head reduces stress.
2)It reduces stress and prevent skin condition as occured by pillow.

*Why can't I sleep without noise?
1)Noise have certain frequencies and equal intensity which stimulate brain.
2)So,you may habit to sleep with noise that can stimulate brain.

*Why can't I sleep with TV on?
1)You get habit to sleep with TV on.
2)TV tricks mind and distraction from other who tends to have racing thoughts at bedtime,so you can't sleep without the TV on.

*Why can't I sleep without a Fan?
1)Everyone who has fan in their home,be comfortable with fan.
2)Being in fan,make the room cold which is convenient for sleep.

*Why can't I sleep without a blanket?

  1. Blanket give a comfortable feel,make my mind for relax and decrease muscle pain.
    2)You may get comfortable with sleeping with blanket.

*Why can't I sleep without a light ON?
1)You can't sleep without a light ON on because you may be afraid of the dark called nyctophobia.
2)You may feel comfortable with sleep with Light ON.

*Why can't I sleep without hugging a pillow?
1)You get comfortable to sleep by hugging a pillow.

  1. You can deal with stress, anxiety or fear by hugging a pillow.

*Why can't I sleep without music?

  1. You get comfortable with sleeping with music,as it reduces stress and anxiety.
    2)Music calm autonomic nervous system,lower heart rate and reduced blood pressure that make sleeping process easy.

*Why can't I sleep without melatonin?

  1. Melatonin is sleep hormones, which lead sleep.
    2)You may have practice of having Melatonin,so you can't sleep without melatonin.

*Why can't sleep without some next to me?
1)You may have fear of being alone called Somniphobia.

  1. Somniphobia centers around restless or uncontrollable thoughts,and prevent people from falling asleep even if they are tired.

*Why can't I sleep without Alcohol?
1)You have made a habit for physically dependence upon alcohol,so it is difficult for you to sleep without alcohol.

  1. Alcohol make mind stop thinking,so sleep quickly but in long run,it damage sleep cycle.

*Why do we sleep on it?
1)We sleep on it because you have develop the habit or get comfortable to it.

*Why do we sleep talk?
1)Some people sleep talk because they have mental health issues,post-traumatic, depression associated with Nightmares.
2)Sleep talk is harmless and happens in both children and adults.

*Why do we sleep and dream?
1)We often dream while sleeping because it help to store important memories and things learned.

  1. Dreaming leads to sort complicated thoughts,unlearn unimportant memories.

*Why do we sleep scientific reason?

  1. According to various studies and research,sleep in necessary because it removes waste product from brain cells.
    2)Sleep keep body healthy and functioning well.
    3)Sleep help to think more clearly and do better in school.

*Why do we sleep with mouth open?
1)During sleep,we lose our muscle tone can be temporary response to nasal congestion.

  1. Sleeping with mouth open is not normal or you may have wrong breathing during sleep.

*Why do we sleep with eyes open?
1)When someone is sleeping eyes open, they may be suffering from Nocturnal Lagophthalmos.

  1. Nocturnal Lagophthalmos may cause by faulty eyelid mechanics,facial nerve disorders and structural changes in face.

*Why do we sleep with lights off?

  1. Sleeping with lights off make sleeping comfortable,since background is not noisy.
    2)Lights supress melatonin levels,which is sleep hormones so we prefer sleep with lights off.

*Why do we sleep with one leg out?
1)We sleep with one leg out because regulates body temperature.
2)One leg out position make stable in Bed.

*Why do we sleep with stuffed animals?
1)We sleep with stuffed animals because it gives a sense of protection and associate with someone.

  1. Stuffed animals give us soft touch, comfort place and make mood happy.

*Why do we sleep with your partner?
1)We sleep with your partner because it increases hormones like serotonin and oxytocin which make us more sleepy.
2)We feel safe with our partner.

*Why do we sleep so long?
1)If you are sleeping too long more than need,you may have suffer from sleeping disorders.
2)You may have depression and anxiety.
3)You may have suffering from Obesity or Hypersomnia.

*Why do we sleep for 8 hours?
1)8 hours of sleep is normal because it is need of many individuals.
2)Eat Fresh, Exercise and Mediation if you decrease your sleep cycle.

*Why do I sleep for 12 hours?
1)If you are sleeping for 12 hours,you may be sick or depress.
2)Try to exercise and make your mood good.

  • Why do we sleep in?
  1. We sleep in because for the improvement for physical and mental functioning the next day.
  2. We sleep into improve immunity metabolism and chronic disease risk.
  • Why can't I sleep near my period?
  1. Periods brings cramps that make uncomfortable to sleep.
  2. Fluctuation of hormones disturb body hormones during period that can also be the reason that you can't sleep near your period.
  • Why can't I sleep near a full moon?
  1. full moon emits more light with surpress our melatonin hormones with help in sleep.
  2. Full moon reflect sunlight cause sleep disruption because of amount internal 24 hour clock calibrated by rising and falling levels.
  • Why can't I sleep beside my boyfriend?
  1. 1)you have don't like the idea to sleep beside boyfriend because you don't feel it can feel safe or protected.
  • why do I sleep on my stomach?
  1. sleep on stomach is not ideal position because it put pressure on spine, increase back and neck pain upon waking.
  2. Even those some people sleep on stomach because it reduce the riks of snoring and sleep apnea,it naturally keep here away open.
  • why can't we sleep in north direction?
  1. Sleeping in north direction give headache which bring magnetic pull of the direction attract iron, get accumulated in brain.
  2. Sleeping in north direction give lucid dreaming not good according to Vastu Shastra.
  • Why can't I sleep at night?
  1. If you can't sleep at night your internal clock maybe disturbed.
  2. Your room might have high temperature or light ON.
  3. You may have depress or have anxiety.
  • Why can't I sleep on my back while pregnant?
  1. sleeping on back compressed a measure blood vessel that takes blood to your uterus.
  2. It takes human body more dizzy and reduce blood flow to fetus so you can't sleep on back while pregnant.
  • why can't you sleep with a concussion?
  1. you can sleep with concussion but don't sleep on back.
  2. Initially, medical experts warn that peoples would stay awake while a concussion and now its totally myth.

*Why can't you sleep with contacts?
1)You may not prefer to sleep with contacts.

  • why do we cover up when we sleep?
  1. when we sleep at REM sleep temperature of body decrease in our body unable to regulate temperature.
  2. To keep body warmer we cover up when we sleep.
  • Why do I need 12 hour of sleep to function?
  1. you may have suffer from disease called hypersomnia.
  2. you should consult a Doctor if you regularly need 12 hours of sleep.
  • why do we sleep and wake up?
  1. if you sleep and wake up in the middle of night it might optic nerve in eye senses morning light.
    2)SCN triggers the release of cortisol and hormones that wake up.
  • why do I sleep and talk?
  1. if you talk while sleeping is completely in normal and harmless.
  2. You may suffer from post-traumatic stress depression and anxiety.
  • why do I sleep and drool?
    1)At night,mouth produces significant amount of saliva,that keep mouth and throat lubricated,that makes drooling possible.
    2)If you sleep and drool,it may indicate you are getting good sleep,as REM sleep is associated with higher sleep quality.

*Why can't I sleep after Vomiting?
1)You can't sleep after Vomiting because of acid reflux and anxiety.
2)You may in pain after Vomiting.

*Why can't I sleep after Vaping?
1)Vaping have nicotine that effect your sleep.
2)Try to quit or avoid vaping before sleep.

*Why can't I sleep and my head hurts?
1)You can't sleep and your head hurts,it may because you are using lot of electronic gadgets or depression.

  1. you can't sleep because you may in cool room that causes job clenching and teeth grinding.
  • Why do I sleep late and wake up early?
  1. if you sleep late and wake up early it means your body need less sleep that others.
  2. If you sleep late and wake up early it's completely normal.
  • Why do we sleep at night and not during the day?
  1. at night there is less night which release more melatonin,a sleeping hormone that makes more sleepy.
  2. From perspective of energy conservation level which fall during walking hours, so we sleep at night not during the day
  • Why am I always sleepy or tired?
  1. if you always sleepy or tired you may have suffer from depression and Society or any other type of sickness.
  2. you may taking poor diet,having anaemia, diabetes or chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  3. if you always sleepy or tired you should improve your lifestyle,diet and consult a doctor.
  • Why do I sleep through my alarms?
  1. if you are sleeping with alarm you may have disrupted sleep routine a health condition and or heavy sleeping.
  • how do I sleep walk?
  1. you sleep walk because of heredity reason.
  2. you sleep work because of extreme fatigue.
    3)You sleep walk because interrupted sleep or unproductive sleep.

*Why do I sleep sweat?
1)You sleep sweat because you may slept in warm environment.
2)You may sleep sweat because Bedding, Sleepwear or even a mattress that doesn't "Breathe".
3)You may depressed or get infected by Bacteria.

  1. Addiction of Drugs and Alcohol can also sleep sweat.
  • why can't I sleep or get comfortable?
  1. if you can't sleep or get comfortable you may have suffered from insomania ,anxiety, stress and common causes of insomania.
  2. you may be hot temperature or using wrong pillow that you can't sleep or get comfortable.
  • why do we sleep after eating rice?
  1. we sleep after eating as increases serotonin hormone that relax body.
  2. white rice release melatonin hormones that leads to drowsiness in body.
  • why do we sleep after crying?
  1. After crying our heart rate increases and breathing slows down.
  2. The more vigorous the crying, the less amount of oxygen brain receives in order to lower stress we sleep after crying.
  • Why do we sleep a lot when sick?
  1. when we are sick our body cells are under stress and sleep repairs our stress.
  2. Your body need more sleep when you sleep in order to calm and relax.
  • why do we sleep after taking cetirizine?
  1. Cetirizine leads to drowsiness by working against the chemical produced by central nervous system.(histamine).
    2)Due to drowsiness and headache we sleep after taking cetirizine.
  • Why do we sleep ap psychology?
    1)Sleep help us to restore and repair brain tissue (maintaining plasticity).Sleep restores and rebuilds our memories of the day. Sleep feeds Creative Thinking sleep Promotes growth.(NREM-3).

  • Why do we sleep in a bed?

  1. We sleep in bed because we feel comfortable in bed.
  2. Bed give soft touch to body and calm and relax body.
  • Is why we sleep accurate?
  1. Without sleep you can't form or maintain the Pathways in brain that let you learn and create new Memories and its harder to concentrate and respond quickly.
  • Why does sleeping in feel so good?
  1. While sleeping body get repaired, brain tissue healed and good hormones like serotonin and melatonin get released.
  2. Sleeping decrease pain in body, calm muscle tone that's why sleeping in feel so good.
  • Why do we sleep in afternoon after big meal?
  1. An amino acid called tryptophan,occur in many protein rich food that makes sleepy after big meal.
  2. A large meal can sleepy in afternoon because good increase in high fat, carbohydrates and calories increase sleepiness in human body.
  • Why do we sleep better than rains?
  1. We sleep better than range because it leads cold weather that makes favourable to sleep.
  2. After rain mind relax and become calm that's why we sleep better than rain.
  3. When it rain results in lower air pressure and a relative decrease in oxygen content that makes mind slacky,that's we sleep better than rains.
  • Why do we sleep barefoot and naked?
  1. We sleep there barefoot and naked because it keeps body cool.
  2. It promote healthy skin,reduce stress and anxiety and boost self esteem.
  3. It promotes reproductive health and makes sleep faster.
  • What to do when can't sleep?
  1. Make your mind more relax keep yourself away from technology light and video games.
  2. It may feel hungry try to eat food if you can't sleep.
  3. Try to create restful environment while sleeping.
  • Why can't we sleep with contact lenses?
  1. If you can't sleep with contact lenses you may feel irritation in eyes.
  2. Sleeping with contact lenses increase risks for a corneal infection.
  • Why do we sleep during meditation?
  1. We sleep during meditation because our mind feel Drowsy in meditation period.
  2. During meditation brain waves get activated which make us more sleepy.
  • Why do we sleep during lectures?
  1. Noding of in class during lecture is common it may because of the boredom.
  2. We sleep during lecture because of long sitting hours,big meal after lunch.
  • Why can't we sleep during solar eclipse or surya grahan?
    1)We can't during Solar eclipse or surya grahan due to reduce level of melatonin.
  1. We should avoid sleeping during solar at least or surya grahan in pregnancy because eclipse has bad effect on baby development.
  • Why does I sleep deprived mean?
  1. If you sleep deprive mean you are suffering from lack of sleep.
  2. Sleep deprived mean you are suffering from stress school or job requirement or poor sleeping habits.
  • Why do we sleep everyday?
  1. We sleep everyday because sleep is required to support healthy functions and maintain your Physical health.
  2. We sleep everyday because it improves our immunity system, decrease the chronic disease, decrease obesity and riks of health.
  • Why do we experience sleep paralysis?
  1. We experience sleep paralysis because at REM stage when we dream brain prevent muscles and limbs for movement.
  2. We experience sleep paralysis because of wrong sleeping pattern and disturbed eye movement.
  • Why can't I sleep even after taking melatonin?
  1. If you take too much melatonin, it can cause insomania.
  2. If you are taking melatonin,for long duration, it may not work for a while.
  • Why should you sleep facing North?
  1. If you sleep facing North the earth electromagnetic field could improve sleep quality.
  • Why do we sleep under mosquito net?
  1. We sleep under mosquito net because It protect us from mosquito and other small insects away from mattress.
  2. Mosquito net gives a protective barrier around people sleeping under them.
  • Why do we sleep less in summer?
  1. Getting more light in summer tricks human brain into thinking it is still day time.
  2. In summer we are prone to dehydration, allergies we prevent to sleep more in summer.
  • Why do we sleep less as we age or get older?
  1. As we age,need more sleep because our body produce less sleep hormone melatonin.
  2. As we age our body pains increase that shortern our sleep.
  • Why can't you sleep in jeans?
  1. Body tired interrupt digestive tract and blood circulation, which prevent to sleep in jeans.
  2. Sleeping jeans is not comfortable as compared to pyjamas.
  • Why should we not sleep in south direction?
  1. We should not sleep in south direction because of electromagnetic waves passes from Earth's north pole to south pole.
  • Why can't sleep night before exams?
  1. If you can't sleep night before exam because of the adrenaline hormone induced by the stress hormone before exams.
  2. Drinking caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee prevent to sleep before exams.

*What is the purpose of sleeping mask?

  1. Sleeping marks helps to improve sleeping cycle by blocking any light from reaching Eyes.
  2. Sleeping mask is safer option against medication and alcohol.

*Why can't I sleep on vacation?

  1. If you can't sleep on vacation it may be because of Jet Lag disorder causes by short term sleep flights across three or more time zones.
    2)If you spending your night on other place ,sleeping prevents because of the brain's natural instinct.
  • Why do we sleep more we depressed?
  1. Our neurotransmitter reduce during depression, with makes us more sleepy.
  2. We sleep more in depression because you want to escape from emotional pain.
  • Why can't I sleep Quora?
  1. If you can't sleep Quora you may suffer from Insomania.
  2. You may suffer from death or illness of loved ones, trauma and stress.
  3. You may suffer from alcohol consumption and caffeine intake.
  • Why can't I sleep after quitting smoking and drinking?
  1. When we quit smoking there is fluctuation in level of certain neurotransmitters caused by nicotin stimulation that disturb sleep.
  2. When you quit drinking Insomnia is caused the disturbance in REM stage sleep that's why you can't sleep after quitting drinking.
  • Why do I have poor sleep quality?
  1. If you have poor sleep quality, you may have irregular sleep schedule, consuming too much caffeine or alcohol.
  2. You may be sleeping in dirty mattress,using phone or computer before sleeping.
  • Why do we sleep reading answers?
  1. When we sleep reading answer it because our brain want to recharge after storing information.
  • Why do we need REM sleep?
  1. We need REM sleep because REM plays role in dreaming, memory, emotional processing and healthy brain development.
  2. We need REM sleep because it have to improve memory,brain cells and immune system.
  • Why am I sleeping so much and still tired?
  1. If you are sleeping too much you may suffer from hypersomania sleep disorder,medication and Medical and psychiatric illness.
  2. You maybe anamic, depression or diabetic if you sleep and still tired.
  • Why do we sleep upstairs in the fetal position?
    1)We sleep upstairs in the fetal position because it allows spine to rest in its natural alignment.
  1. We sleep in fetal position for extreme curvature of spine cause strain and discomfort in neck and back.

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