TONY WILLIAMS scene 02 Act 02


Try to read previous scenes (scene 01, scene 02)
before reading this one.

R18: suggestive scenes, strong language, mature theme.

Tony, Pearl and Catherine. The 3-way conversation I was missing out on. I thought the night couldn't get any worse, well, who am I kidding?, I knew it would.

"Any restaurants recommendable?", Tony asked no one in particular

Catherine deflected the question to Pearl by staring at her

She took it up, "lots, depends on what you're in the mood for"

"Hmm", Tony sipped, "I have this sudden craving for cheese on rice special"

"oh my god", Pearl burst out laughing after she got his joke

Catherine looked away, hoping to disappear

Tony got his face straight, "I'm not used to your type", he turned to Catherine

"My... type?", she mumbled inaudibly

"Something about a confident and open lady, turns me on", he paused to stare,
"a lady like Pearl, for instance"

She blushed, Catherine stared at her near full shot of Vodka, hoping it was enough to drown in

"I know I like tall girls", he said, "but damn, not as tall as you, I'd need a ladder just to kiss you"

Catherine's face lit up a bit, Pearl laughed it off, "I get that a lot"

"She hasn't won him over just yet", Catherine took the glass off the counter and quickly emptied it, hoping for some courage, half sober.

"Refill", Tony ordered,
"How about you buy me a drink", Catherine leaned in and spoke out for the first time, her voice was soft, but breathy from her sudden bravery

"You should buy me a drink", Tony countered without giving a glance

She was confused, that was one response she didn't prepare for

Pearl mixed his drink quietly

"How about this?", he turned to her, "Rock-Paper-Scissors, loser buys"
"Isn't that childish?", Catherine said in a disappointed and judgmental tone
"Would Miss Adult like to pay for my $200 cocktail?", he parried, while maintaining eye contact

After a while of silent stares,
"Fine, you're on", she folded

They adjusted a bit
"Rock... Paper... Scissors"

Pearl stood aside, "for a cool guy, you look so dumb right now", She muttered under her breath

"I guess its your fate to pay after all", Tony smiled as he reached for his 'free' drink
"2 out of 3!", Catherine blurted to stop him
"You have to make it worth my while", he raised the glass to his lips
"Loser buys drinks for the rest of the night", she tempted
"Sold", Tony dropped it

"Rock... Paper... Scissors"
"I win", Catherine sneaked a smile, for the first time.
"You sly bastard", Pearl began to see his play, "it wasn't about the drinks, was it?"

"Calm your ass, you've not won yet", Tony smiled, still relaxed
Catherine wanted more than anything, to wipe the smug look off his arrogant face

"Rock... Paper... Scissors"
She literally jumped in victory, "in your face!", she yelled, suddenly the bar went quiet

Pearl couldn't believe her reaction, no one could believe it either

she quietly sat as she noticed the awkward stares from the whole bar.

Tony laughed.

"Son of a bitch, he took this feeling away from me", she returned to her shell, as everyone else got back to their drinking and chatting

"Get her what she wants", Tony said after a while, "she already paid with her dignity"
Pearl was still staring in disbelief, "who is this guy?"

"Hello? Pearl?", Tony waved, "Night young, Tony sober"
"My bad", she got started mixing drinks

Meanwhile, Catherine was still in shock. "Did I really just do that?"

"Hey", Tony said out of nowhere
"Huh?", she jerked a bit
"How did it feel to be free?",
"absolute humiliation? Big mistake", she buried her face in her palms

"Hey...", He gently touched her shoulder, she looked at him, eyes locked on each other's,
"You were amazing"

Catherine blushed.

"Your order, miss", Pearl broke it up
they each reached for their drink,
"Hmmmmm", she savored.
The humiliation she felt, faded.
Just three words and one sip of Pearl's elixir.

"So, are you gonna tell me your name or do I have to guess?", Tony teased
"Take a shot", she stared
"Hmm, let me see... Shy, brunette, Tan...", he analyzed, "Loretta?"

She laughed, "not even close"
"Glad I'm no detective", he chuckled
"Hi, I'm Catherine Smith, you?", she offered a handshake
"Tony", he grabbed her hand, slowly turned it around while locking eyes with hers, "Tony Williams", he gently kissed

James had been stopping himself from looking back since Catherine embarrassed herself with the jump

"Should I go over there?"

He stared at the empty bottle of Guinness on the table, and then, to an empty booth littered with unfinished drinks

"I guess God in his infinite wisdom has other plans for me", he volunteered to clean up, liquids only.

Few hours later

Catherine got more chatty few drinks later, Pearl pulled out of the conversation to get her job done. Tony kept the drinks coming while slowing down his. It wasn't exactly the best neighborhood to park a Lamborghini

"Getting late", Catherine hinted, she was way above her limit. Pearl was indeed a magician

"Want a drive home?", Tony looked at her, smiling, "If I let you off, you'll probably end up on the news"
"No thanks, My roommate will get the wrong idea", she stammered while playing with her hair

He kept his smile, stare and calm voice,
"how about a drink at my place?"
She was quiet, a million thoughts went through her head, most of which screamed, "No". She found the right way to voice it

"Fuck it. Let's go", turns out her mouth had other plans for the night.
"Attagirl", he said calmly

Pearl came over as he stood, "here's the bill"
"$300? The fuck?", Tony was shocked
"Umm... Too much?", Pearl couldn't find better words.
"I could've sworn your cocktails were $200 a glass"
Pearl's jaw dropped
"Oh, yeah, he kinda mentioned that earlier but I didn't know how to tell him", Catherine intervened
"Its worth that much in fancy-people-land?", Pearl couldn't believe it

"This dump doesn't suit you", he reached into his pocket
"Well, if I'm gone, these maggots wouldn't have decent drinks"
"Fake sentiments, not a good look on you either", he took out some $100 bills from his wallet

"Wait by my car, you'll know when you see it. I'll be out to get you in a sec", Tony turned to Catherine while Pearl counted $800.

"...What if I run away?", she folded her arms
"You better run...", he smiled and leaned in closer, "because, after tonight... you can't even walk straight", he kissed her

She melted. Her mouth opened but words failed her, she felt all eyes on her again, so, she ran out like the place was on fire

"Wow... I think my ovaries just moved", slipped off Pearl's lips
Tony ignored her
"How about I call you later tonight?", she dared ask
"If you want to hear Catherine moan, be my guest"
"What if it wasn't just her?", she flirted
"Thanks for the drinks, Pearl",
She was quiet, watching him walk away

"Fuck!", she banged the counter, nearly smashing a bottle
"Woah woah woah, you okay baby?", a 5'5ft, bald, overweight man intervened

"Call me 'baby' one more time and I'll shove your little dick down your throat and have you choke on it", she snapped

"Kinky, me likey", he flirted
"Dare me"
He ran off

Tony got back to his booth, with a handkerchief over his nose
"Oh, Tony. Nice of you to finally drop by", James gestured from a booth nearby

"Here's my card, come see me tomorrow morning", he dropped it and pulled back, holding his breath

"Okay sir, I'll be there", he goobled more booze. Tony stared in disbelief, he had low expectations to begin with but this is just ridiculous

"No card, no entry. Get it?", he spelled out slowly
He nodded
"Don't come over dressed in rags", James responded with some long gulps of beer
"...fuck sakes mate, lay off the drinking",

Tony walked out the door, Pearl was quiet.
She stuck with her work, and didn't let Tony bother her
She was calm, collected, mature and a great servant

"Hey, I need a drink", a customer called
"Good for you", Pearl politely replied, "well, I need a real man in my fucking bar but I'm not bugging you about it",
"I'm good, sorry", the customer left
"Thanks", she smiled cheerfully

She didn't let Tony bother her...
At all.

"Why didn't you run?", he walked up to Catherine
"I tried but...", she blushed, "I have the wrong shoes on"
Tony laughed and hopped in.

They sped off.

I don't remember this part of that night, all I knew was, I woke with a card in my pocket with his name on it. I had to see him again, ask him how it went with Catherine. I know I wouldn't like the answer to that but I have to know


James made an early visit, still feeling hungover. The security let him through after a search and scanning the card.

Tony's house was unbelievable, he couldn't help but wonder how he could afford his lifestyle. He finally got to the front door, reaching for the handle, the door opened on its own

He was excited at such feature and couldn't help but praise the masterminds behind it

His admiration was cut short when he realized it was in fact, Catherine who opened the door

Her hair was a mess, no make-up on her face, her clothes barely clinging to her, she had one shoe on and the other on her hand, she was obviously dressing in a hurry to leave

"C-Ca-Catherine?", her name followed his tears

You wouldn't imagine my shock. The good girl I thought I knew, the girl I've spent months trying to get her to notice me or even remember my name was before my very eyes, yet I could barely recognize her.

...Tony, you bastard.

Scene 3 Teaser End


Wow. I found myself identifying with both the bold and the bashful male characters! LOL...

Thanks for the absorbing post.

Namaste, JaiChai

Thanks for creating such a quality fiction. Bravo. @sparrowbernard.

Hey, thank for making out time to stop by

Hey great story and your spacing and formatting made it easy to read.

Thanks a lot man... Not everybody has the patience to read up my long bullshits

Well this was fiction so I am a bit okay with it but if you showed me poetry I would have not known what to do with it hahahaha

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