Block One, New Block Chain Technology, And @Dollarvigilantee.. Is The New Age Of Block Chain Technology And Alternative Media Just As Corrupt As Mainstream Media And The Elites?

This is my entry to the conspiracy theory writing contest for The Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative being hosted by @mudcat36.

I often listen to @dollarvigilante and other prominent anarcho-capitolist and libertarian media. In these circles words like “the elites” or “secret cabals” and their role in manipulating society from market to media are often thrown about. Often times they are accurate and when one starts to go down the rabbit hole it does become obvious that yes, society is controlled by an elite, corrupt few. What ties and qualifies people and organisations to these elite can sometimes just be an association. A brushed shoulder at a Bilderberg meeting, a glimpse of a table being shared at a resturaunt, a previous association in business. These things are seized upon as proof of corruption. But what happens when our alternative media is willfully ignoring corrupt ties with the people they promote? If the very elite they claim to combat are actually in bed with supposed new heroes of the crypto world? In this theory I’m going to throw out some facts and backgrounds we all should consider. None of it is aimed to deface. It’s just facts followed with questions.

@Dan, Brock Pierce, @Stan.
I read a write up by Dan Larimer on his blog not to long ago about how transparency can be used as a way of sorts to combat government. That those who complain about government over reach into privacy will often happily invade another’s privacy. He compared our position as people to us being the smaller opponent and needing to use the force and momentum of our larger foe against them. The larger foe being the government and invasive companies. Basically using transparency and openness to combat this huge problem. It was a great essay and a compelling argument. I highly recommend anyone who gets a chance to read it does so.

What bothered me and made me begin to dig was the willful exclusion of nature from this argument. It is stated and widely believed in anarcho-capitalist circles that we are in a war against global governments and oligarchs who wield a majority of the power. In nature or any conflict for that matter the ability to conceal yourself from your enemy has always been a key tactic in survival and victory. Whether it’s a moth with a pattern on it’s wings resembling a predatory bird, or a chameleon blending into its background, concealment is the key to living. Throughout history we have countless examples of global governments crushing peaceful resistance before it can form. This to me makes transparency seems like a forfeit. Privacy of ones home, life, choices, political affiliations, and ones beliefs should be available to all of us. Utilising that privacy to resist peacefully should be a first go to. Concealment of your intentions from the enemy tends to be how wars are won. So I began to ask myself why would any logical lover of freedom hold such a position? This is where it gets interesting.

Dan Larimer is one of the creators of Steem, EOS, and is the founder of Block One. His father Stan Larimer is also a heavy presence in the crypto world and often lauded as the God Father of bitshares. Stan Larimer is a former employee of Lockheed Martin and also was employed at the United States Air Force Academy. He helped to develop unmanned air, sea, and space drones. The mans professional background is absolutely amazing in truth. Now one of the things I often hear in the Anarcho media circles is how anyone who serves the state or government and has played a part in the violence of the military industrial complex must be bad. @dollarvigilante posits this view often. I have heard personalities completely blasted by him strictly for this, but on this particular subject not a peep. Why?


Next we have Brock Pierce. Brock Pierce was the director of the Bitcoin Foundation in 2014 and is a leader in the crypto world. He’s also the founder as well as advisor for several bitcoin companies. GoCoin, Tether, ZenBox, Blade Financial, Express Coin, Noble Markets, BitGo, Air Swap, and Change Tip are all companies he has a major role with or started. Though one of the most prominent and wealthiest individuals in the crypto sphere he has some incredibly interesting ties that for some reason are ignored by media groups like @wearechange, @dollarvigilante, and @joshsigurdson.

Brock Pierce has been a key player in the Clinton Foundation and a close friend to the Clintons. The same Clinton Foundation that ripped off the Haitian people and has been behind more corruption scandals than one can count. His shady history goes back much further though to 1996 when he founded a company called Digital Entertainment Network (DEN). DEN’s investors included a shocking number of big name personalities such as media executives Garth Ancier and David Geffen, former Yahoo CEO Terry Semel, film producers Gary Goddard and Bryan Singer, Wall Street czar Mitchell Blutt, A&M Records head Gilbert Friesen, former Disney executive David Neuman, manager and label executive Gary Gersh, investor Jeffrey Sachs, former Congressman Michael Huffington, actors Ben and Fred Savage, and tech companies such as Microsoft and Dell. This is a who’s who list of high powered paedophiles and dirt bags. Yet this association is harmless right? Surely a crypto saviour involved with the Clintons and known child sex abusers isn’t bad right? Well, I guess all of this depends on how you digest your media.

In 2000 DEN fell apart in a storm of allegations that resulted in Brock Pierce fleeing to Spain to avoid FBI scrutiny. The allegations were that Pierce and his business partners Michael Egan III, Chad Shackley and Marc Collins-Rector were running a child sex abuse ring. The allegations and evidence there in are extremely disturbing and I invite the reader to look into this. It’s easily found. So in a world where alternative media claims to be non biased and against the elites, why will it not cover these topics? Brock Pierce and thus Block One have major ties to severely corrupt financial oligarchs. So where is the query from our non partisan freedom fighting alternative media? Below is a picture of Collins-Rector after he was arrested in Spain by Interpol with Brock Pierce in May 2002. Brock Pierce managed to get the evidence of his arrest expunged as there was no conviction.


Well, one of the wiser heads in crypto investment is @dollarvigilante. Jeff Berwick is always ahead of the show with almost preternatural ability in calling crypto trends before they occur. However, he still has a bit of a haunted past. His company that later went bankrupt called TDV Global ran a series of reported scams where they took hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for aiding people in getting foreign passports. According to multiple reports and claims from the “Rip Off Report” Jeff Berwick took the money and ran. He’s been accused of being a scam artist across the board by a large number of people. So would it seem logical for him to claim to not be like other media personalities and not have the special interest of those he receives the most financial benefit from at the center of his reporting? Does he leave subjects like that alone while whole sale attacking the likes of other corrupt oligarchs like Trump, Clinton, and Obama? Or any other large number of financial oligarchs and institutions? Hard to say. But here is a video which does go a long way in figuring out what his character is like away from being the Dollar Vigilante. In it he is drunkenly apologizing not realizing there is a hidden camera. The person he is speaking to is one who he reportedly defrauded of a large sum.

So to bring all of this in I have pointed out a number of things that normally would set the dogs of the alternative media world to attack any other personality out there. It seems that these things are off limits though. Why? Could it be that when we have an accused pedophile and oligarch cronie like Brock Pierce at the head of so many tables in the crypto world that those who are reporting in that space don’t want to rock the boat? Or maybe it just doesn’t warrant attention? When his close business partner is the creator of Steem and EOS which are two of the most powerful block chains going shouldn’t we be concerned? Especially when the core of Dan Larimer's proposed tactic to battle the spreading tyranny and multiple monopolies the governments hold is to forfeit our ability to be effectively private? Is this yet another example of how the rules of media (no matter who it is, independent or not) being in bed with big money and special interest apply to all? Is alternative media corrupt and cryptocurrency technology moving towards working against freedom in the long run and we just don’t know it yet?


I know that a favourite tactic in partisan circles is name calling. If you are a liberal then all conservatives are racist, a conservative then all liberals are snowflakes. In the alternative media circles if you disagree you are called a troll. I am none of these things. I have created a conspiracy theory focused on alternative media and cryptocurrency giants that I hope poses genuine questions in regards to characters and motives. If we can analyse every move and question everything everywhere else from dollar to politician then we should be doing the same in the crypto world and with the information wars we see raging all around us. I believe it’s how we prevent the same mistakes happening again. A good conspiracy theory should provoke questions and thought around subjects most wouldn’t notice so this is my conspiracy theory entry into the Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative contest. Hope you enjoyed it.

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