Friday February 23, 2018- Today’s Waterhouse Oracle Draw- But First, an expression of regret…

Welcome to Friday, fellow Steemians! I am honored that you have chosen to visit my blog post today.

First really quickly, I just wanted to acknowledge, that from time to time I let my emotions get out of control, and I will post a rant, as I’m sure many of us have done at one point or another in our social media lives.

My rants are usually generated from a place of frustration, and confusion, where something has happened, and I respond out of a need to vent. I don’t always say things with flowery vocabulary, and sometimes I can even come off as a real judgmental bitch!

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The point is, I never want to offend anyone with my emotional outbursts. I am reacting out of my own sense of being offended by something I have seen happen somewhere. I don’t like seeing negativity, hate, killing, etc., and yet I respond with hateful words of my own, and that’s wrong.

Well, I am not a perfect being, I’m still a work in progress, trying to recognize my faults, and change those things that I can about myself.

Some, that have found my words offensive, have used their freedom of choice to unfollow me, and that’s okay. I do the same thing in some cases, if I discover that someone I have chosen to follow, posts things that I personally find offensive or do not agree with. That’s the great thing about these forums, that we have the ability to choose.

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(free image)

It takes some time to get our accounts into a comfortable partnership with others, where our like-minded ideas and beliefs can flow together more cohesively.

So, thanks to all of you that have decided to put up with me thus far, because in reality, my intention is to look at, and see things in a more positive light, and to share those things with all of you! One thing I can guarantee, is that I am always honest and straightforward. You will never get anything disingenuous from me...


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(taken by me)

I really love the artwork on these cards!

The Waterhouse Oracle deck displays art created by John William Waterhouse, and even though I have never technically been an art connoisseur, when I saw his work displayed on a similar deck, I instantly fell in love! The pictures instantly pulled me in, and I somehow felt a connection, as if I had been there before; Very strange; But, I am grateful for my eyesight, that I am able to appreciate such beautiful works.

I have other Oracle decks, and truthfully, I rarely use them. I need to practice with all of them more, but so far, of the Oracles I do have, this one’s my favorite!

(The deck design and text were created by Brigid Ashwood, and printed by Sacred Rose Press.)
(taken by me)

This deck comes with thirty cards. Twenty-two of them, the Archetype cards, are linked with the twenty-two Major Arcana cards from a standard Tarot deck.

There are five Elemental cards, representing Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit.

Then there are three “Wild” cards, representing divination aspects of Mystery, Choice, and Passion.

Today, I wanted to draw something from this deck that I could share with my Steemian friends.
I asked the Oracle, “What can I share with the people on Steemit.”
The card I drew, was number seven (VII), MOVEMENT.

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(taken by me)

This beautiful depiction shows a woman sitting on a cart of some sort, seemingly moving forward, with a look of determination, and an intense desire for achievement on her face. Whatever event is occurring, she is steadfast in her quest, and appears to want to reach her goal or destination, while stopping at nothing to get there.

I see an innocence about her, and a heartfelt look of hope and willpower on her face.

Likewise, the number VII Major Arcana Tarot card “The Chariot,” also represents control and determination…

(Image by Radiant Rider Waite)

It's interesting to compare the two cards in these decks, and how the Oracle will "echo" the meanings of the Tarot!

The Chariot represents victory, control, and overcoming opposition.

It tells us that, if we are able to remain focused on our goals, and maintain confidence and determination, we will be successful in our endeavor. There may be difficulty, or competition, yet as long as we remain in control of ourselves, we are able to rise above them, and achieve victory.

The Chariot also reminds us to beware of being too aggressive. Although it is part of human nature, especially when we find ourselves in battle or other competitive arenas, we need to remain in control of our emotions, and have the ability to curb our impulses or responses.

All I can say, is WOW! This card certainly sends a direct message to me.

I hope that you have enjoyed this information, and I hope you were able to take something positive away from the message that has been provided.

My goal, is to provide a regular Oracle reading every Friday. I will have to set up a rotation of some sort so I can use all of my various Oracle decks, in order to share their individual and unique qualities.

Have a great weekend everyone!!



This post has been resteemed as part of Newbie Resteem Day and The Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative.

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