Changes With Newbie Resteem And A Farewell To Two Of Our Greatest Members.

in #newbieresteemday6 years ago

So it's been a busy two weeks but it's still awesome to see Newbie Resteem Day folks out there working hard providing everything from advice to new users to cool games and contests. We recently have had two of our hardest working members and the first founders leave to tackle other projects and efforts. @deliberator who was a never ending source of industry and hard work is stepping back to create new rooms on Discord and projects like fundraising and helping out people he supports in Syria. He was one of the first to dive into the Newbie Resteem Day effort and without his help we wouldn't have even gotten off the ground. In short his influence will be missed.

My co-founder and the driving force behind pushing Newbie Resteem Day @davemccoy is also stepping away devoting his full energies and efforts to witness based projects as well as helping out the Stewards Of Gondor in their efforts. His tireless efforts in helping others will be missed but I take comfort knowing that he's never far to give a helping hand. Both he and @deliberator have put so much into our project and through their efforts have helped a lot of new arrivals on Steemit, so they have my warm thanks for all they have done. Whatever projects or efforts those guys tackle will no doubt succeed.

I recently spoke with @amariespeaks about our Newbie Resteem account. I know a few of our members have the posting key and volunteer their time as and when they have it to help out finding new users. To all of you who help with that I'd like to say thank you. I appreciate you sparing the time to lend a hand and donating your time to help new users.

I have a few goals I'd love you all to direct message me on Discord to hear your feed back on. So if you are reading this post feel free to give me a shout. The goals are as follows:

  1. Expand the followers base on the Newbie Resteem account to increase new users post exposure.
  2. Begin to build Steem Power in the account to increase its voting power. I'm prepared to invest out of my own pocket in this goal once we have grown the account a little more.
  3. Create weekly posts off of that account that we all resteem ourselves as a sort of update to all our members. Basically a hello and what we are doing and how we are doing it sort of thing.

    So @simplymike runs this sister to Newbie Resteem Day and she is awesome at it. I don't think any of us could ask for a better person to have working with us. If any of you guys have any ideas in regards to games I know she would love to hear about them. If you are interested in lending her a hand I know she'd love to hear from you as well.

@beeyou runs this side of things and works as our groups cheer leader. She is a great motivator and has a work ethic I admire a lot. She keeps a detailed eye on everything going on and creates posts about it which have helped us gain new members. She is tireless in her efforts and is easily found on discord for any questions or help needed. I know she is a busy person so if any of you folks out there would like to help her with her efforts she would always welcome it. She is awesome and a pleasure to work with so don't be shy if you want to get involved.

There are so many other efforts going on around Newbie Resteem day like Greeters Guild, Dear Dawne, various games like comments challenges, and so on. Anyone who wants to help can find us on discord at If you have any questions you can always feel free to direct message me or ask anyone who's online at the time. We have some awesome people there so don't hesitate. Well, that's it for now. This was just a quick post to wish two of our members a warm farewell and good luck as well as a general update. I am by discord and at the computer all day today so feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions. Sending my kind regards and thank you for reading.


Thanks @mudcat36 for the update. I have to thank @davemccoy specifically for his support and kindness to both @suitcasemama and myself. We're not on as much as we'd like, but I actually don't think we'd still be on the platform at all had not been for his encouragement at that critical time, lost and confused in this big new world! Thanks Dave - Newbie Resteem's loss is Stewards' gain.

that is very nice of you to say @starthere! :) ... I remember going through the feed many times and finding both of your posts always something that should be supported! I'm happy that I could keep you engaged and you both can contact me anytime! I know this post seems like I am leaving the NRD effort, but in reality I am helping others to step up! I fully support the mission and will always do my best to help people (especially the newbies that need to understand so many confusing things!)

I hope we stay in contact and tell @suitcasemama I said "hi"... I loved her blogs a lot!!! You both can send me links in discord anytime and I will love to do what I can to help them be seen! davemccoy#2479 ;)

Thanks Dave! We might just take you up on that offer if we ever make time to post again! :) It's been a busy month, hopefully we'll find some time in the not to distant future.

All the best all the from Thailand from @suitcasemama and I! Sure we'll be "seeing" you around here and there :)

Thanks, mudcat36.
I have a few questions:
Will we still set up a schedule of newbieresteemdays, so there will we ine every day of the week?
Personally I think we should. I am prepared to do one Newbieresteemday a week. If we do, we need to get our heads together with the other volunteers to come up with a format that will be used by every host.

When you say

Create weekly posts off of that account that we all resteem ourselves as a sort of update to all our members.

Do you mean the sort of post @beeyou used to make? Giving an overview of what is happening in NRD?

Thanks for the shoutout about @newbiegames. It’s true that contest ideas are more than welcome ;0)

It’s good to see we are moving forward again...

I'm glad @mudcat36 agreed to turn over the control of @newbiegames to you @simplymike! You know how I feel about you and I know you will take it to amazing levels (especially once you get healthy)

Thanks for giving it a read @simplymike and you're right. It does feel good moving forward. Threw you an answer to your question along with a question in discord. :)

Anyone who is already in the ABCs chat we have going on over on discord please just pop a message up (if you have the time) of how often you can chip in with resteems or curation and also if you do in fact have the posting key ? super helpful if I know how often I need to make sure I'm on our account so we don't sit at 100% with no votes going out.

I've told both our pillars - @deliberator and @davemccoy - you both will be dearly missed and you both are irreplaceable ! I hope we can all support each other and keep NRD alive and growing.

If anyone who isn't a part of the chat would like to join or feels they have extra time and would like to hunt for awesome newbies to resteem please send me a DM on discord :) amariespeaks#9425

Resteemed !!.png

Hey @amariespeaks :) ... Always good to see you! I have the old keys, though they have been forwarded to mudcat36 and I would bet he has changed them right now. Let me know if you need the old posting key and I will send to you on discord... And yes I agree with you on the account sitting at 100%... I would be happy to give some ideas that I've learned to keep that from happening in the event you don't have enough people to volunteer... (ie you can run it down by overvoting on comments of the good newbies to give them support and not waste the voting power nor have the trail follow you)

As always you are awesome and I wish the ABCs of Curation (and now extended family) the best and I'm happy to see everyone take a bigger role and really growing this place!

You are wonderful and thank you so much for everything you have done, I love seeing how smart you are and how compassionate you can be!

Stay in touch always! :)

thanks @davemccoy ! I can never hear enough praise from you :-D oh I will definitely be voting some comments I didn't even think of that! thank you ! if you have any other little hacks I'm all ears !! :) I'm happy to see everyone stepping up too although I was happy the way it was! But hey, all good things must come to an end and everything changes...right?

I'm sure I will see you around and I hope to keep up with all the awesome stuff you're doing! Thanks again for all your kind words of support - I really appreciate it :) sending some good vibes and support right back at you

Awww.. :( @davemccoy, why?? :( We're going to miss you. And thank you for all the efforts you have put in to all of us newbies.

lol... no worries, you won't miss me @creyestxsa94... I am still here, just others are stepping up and I will play a support role! For instance, there is one promising young lady that won the Play 4 a Newbie Challenge... I think she is a perfect candidate to jump in and help @simplymike @mudcat36 @amariespeaks @beeyou @charisma777... I think that amazing woman would do great things in support of the newbie community since she was just one not that long ago ;)


Ohh.. Hehe. :) For sure you'd do great with that as you always do. :) You're even one of those people who helped make my swimming fun and lead me the way. HAHA :D And yes, I would be very happy to help. Hehe :) I'm also trying to help the newbies that I meet in my own little way. Hehe :)

Awesome! We’re going to need all the help we can get. We’re in the middle of setting up a channel where all people that want to help can join. I’ll let you know when it’s up.
Great to hear you’re paying it forward by helping other newcomers. Keep up the good work!

WOW! I'd love to join.. Yes please.. :) Just let me know. :)

I'm glad to see you take control and really focus on the next level here @mudcat36... You have some awesome teammates in @amariespeaks @beeyou @charisma777 and many others that have come along and joined them in the ABCs. I think there is so much you can do and my door is always open (as you know).

I also want everyone to know that I am still here always. So if I can help in any way on any level, then I will do so! This isn't really me stepping away, it is really others stepping up! I am always happy to have that happen ;)

Great job @mudcat36! Go get them and make this community be all that it can be... You have my FULL SUPPORT!!!

It’s really amazing what you and your fellow colleagues are doing! I remember feeling lost when arriving on Steemit. You guys really make a difference :-)

Thank you so much. We have some amazing people here and it has been absolutely awesome to see them all congregate around the idea of helping others. Thank you for reading. Heading over to your blog now to check out your pictures. Your blog is always great for amazing photography btw. :)

Thanks for noticing! :D We get easily delved under all the amazing content on this platform.

I followed the Newbie Resteem Day account (not linked in your post!) and will check out the Discord and see if I can help in the future.

I have to say that I'm really bummed - after all @davemccoy was one of first people welcome me into the fold and has been very inspirational - Of course he is doing better things now and I happy that "one of us " made it! congrats @davemccoy - I hope you don't become a stranger.

I will support you in any way that I can and of course I am here to help out and support the newbieresteem initiative in any way I can.

Thank you so much @jorlauski. It is true that we will all miss Dave. The man has been the driving force behind bringing us all together here and he's certainly left big shoes for us all to fill. Thank you for continuing to support us even though one of our chiefs is heading off to found new tribes. I really appreciate it.

I'm here to help out in whatever capacity that I can - let me know if you need anything

You have the most awesome people in the world still working with you, so I dare say I will hardly be missed, you stay awesome also my friend, and enjoy the ride. You planted this seed, and you made it grow, you can not get more awesome than that.

Thanks @deliberator. I know the next projects you tackle you'll kick butt with. You and dave helped build this project and group brilliantly so I have no doubt you'll be awesome at the next tasks.

Oh you will be missed my friend, but I admire the work you do for people in Syria...our loss is their gain <3

It won't be the same without you dave...mentor of mine from day 1 and a true inspiration. We will do all that we can to carry on your legacy in the NRD...God speed in all your future endeavours, you have all of our support @davemccoy we will sorely miss you too @deliberator as well as your thrilling contests!
I'm glad for your resolve to push forward @mudcat36, you've never been one to lag behind and I believe that as long as we all work together, the NRD can only head in one direction, up!

Hey @ossyjay, great to see you! I've wondered where you were! And no worries about me going anywhere, but you guys can take the ball and run with it here! You have the many awesome people that will be stepping up and you can be one of them! I'm just happy to see you again and have a terrific day my friend!

Oh yeah man...speaking about stepping up, i left something for you on discord that i'd like to know your take on...It is splendid to see you too! @davemccoy

I'm going to check it out right now :)

Hey @mudcat36, thanks for letting everyone know about this (I of course already knew:), but just know that I will continue to work with newbieresteemday and will touch base with the gang in the ABC chat to see where and how I can fit in the 'new' plan.

@newbieresteem will of course miss @davemccoy and @deliberator, but I'm sure they'll both be there if we ever need anything. In the end, the faces of this group may change, but the ideals will remain the same :)

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