Announcing the first person to be mentored by this Sugar Redfish

A week ago I announced that I was looking for a person that I would be devoting my time to do one-on-one mentoring sessions for two weeks.


From Unsplash - Toa Heftiba

So I got a few nibbles at the line I cast and I am happy with the reception I got. I was really afraid that it would not get anyone to join.

So after looking at the comments they left and then going through their profile and what they write about I have made my decision.


Congratulations to @julimattos!

So does she fit the criteria?

  • Must be reputation 50 or less - currently she has 46 reputation
  • Writes in English as unfortunately, I am not good in any other language not even my own - So far she does write in English
  • Has access to Discord as most of the mentoring will be done one on one in a direct message format. I'm hesitant to use Facebook since I am trying to get away from it. - I have seen her in a few Discord Communities already
  • Is committed to at least write one post a day or even thrice a week. I can't have someone who writes once a week - She writes every Monday, Wed and Friday so we can work out a good schedule
  • Is not a shit poster! I know quality is subjective but I am willing to take precious time to do this so make an effort please - She even got one of the 10 posts she has so far get a curie vote!
  • Does not need to be a follower of mine nor regularly upvote me unless they want to - well she has interacted with me a couple times and saw she follows me so it was her choice :)
  • Keeps an open mind on positive criticism and feedback. - I hope she does haha.

Just like her description she writes about motivation, TV shows, movies, and her pet dog. That last one got a curie vote and if you are interested to read about it then you can click the link below.

How I Almost Gave Up On My Dog

It is a great piece about a rescue dog she adopted and the trials and challenges of a first-time dog parent. It is a great story of hope.

I also wanted to share the amount of effort she did to go through a lot of my posts to see if I was going to be a good fit as a mentor for her


The amount of stuff she needed to go to because I have been fairly consistent in writing a lot in the almost 6 months that I have been in the platform shows her genuine interest to connect and that is what I am all about creating engagement and connections.

So I have now added her to my GINABOT notifications and if hopefully, she gets to read this and I am excited to embark on a journey with her.

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AAAAWW Thank you @maverickinvuctus !!!! This is such a great post start the day on Steemit woop woop! :) I'm sure it will be 2 awesome weeks ! I actually found this post on busy from @dawnsheree comment hehe.. SO HAPPY YEY 🎉🎉🎉

Also, thank you for appreciating my posts, specially the one about Mel (my dog). I'm a person that likes to read and know more about other people, so thank you for appreciating that too. Can't wait!!

Your story about your rescue dog is awesome and your fiction piece was a fun read!!

I hope that I'll be able to help your get more information in the next two weeks so don't be afraid to message me anytime!

Have fun! By the end of this we'll have two powerful red fishies!

Awww I wishhhh!!!! Thank you :D

Hehe I will sorry poke you pretty often! Thank you once more :)

Yay Congrats Mah Boi! I should do the same thing, for right now I am curating for MBC or MEPS so if you come across someone worthy of my curation let me know. I trust that since we both think alike you know what i'm looking for (as shown above.) Buahahaah
OMG I love your list and I may have to copy and paste it. :p

Eagle UpComm.jpg

PS. did your REALLy, I mean REALLY have to say Sugar Redfish like @underground? SNAPzzz!!!!

Sugar-Daddy-Dolphin Wannabe 😛 😜 😝

Hahahha that is still your title and will be until i see more green in my portfolio and power up to dolphin size.
Almost out of Redfish status hahha

Sounds like a gummy fish that can be eaten. Yum.....

hahahha gummy fish like swedish fish ... ahahah

I'll Snap to it my booty officer! Find you some good ones.
Yeah you can make use of that and get some folks under you just don't spank them hard haha

noooohhh have mercy ahhaha

noooooo mercyyyyyyy :p

spank spank ... but i have too!!

You really are a Sugar Red Fish!!!

What an awesome idea! One of one mentoring is such a fantastic way to teach someone; you should be very proud of yourself!

Congratulations @julimattos! What an honour this is for you :)

I think I am the lucky one as she is awesome!

That's so nice ...let's say you're both lucky then!

AW stop it, you! :) Thank you @lynncoyle1 :)) It is an honour!

Now, I wish I had applied ahaha.

Well I will have one in another two weels :)

If there is a formula for success here it is called Cooperative Abundance. Working together we raise each other up. You, sir, inspire us. It seems these are the ingredients or personal behaviors one must have on Steemit to move beyond the redfish stage: 1. good quality posts, 2. engage in commenting meaningfully, 3. joining like-minded communities and 4. serving others. Blessings.

  1. good quality posts, 2. engage in commenting meaningfully, 3. joining like-minded communities and 4. serving others.

You hit the nail right smack on the head there. That is what is needed. The right kind of mentality. We have so many people jockeying for upvotes when they should be sharing those upvotes.

Your comment just made my day.

Well HOT DANG mr. Maverickinvictus. Glad I could assist in making your day a bit brighter.

Congrats @julimattos you are in good hands with Mave. :)

Are you sure she is lucky Dawnee hahhaa

Hahahaha super lucky. :)

what a great idea mav! always looking out for other steemians :)

Thanks IT I do what I can to help out :)

I was almost getting anxious waiting for this post! LOL.
Congrats @julimattos, I am happy that you have @maverickinvictus for a mentor. From what I have seen, he is a great person and full of heart. It is what you can see in his writing.
Mave, you do wonders for people and what you are doing for her is an awesome thing to do. You stepped up to help someone get to where they need to be and spending your time to do that speaks in volumes. Good for you ^_^

Thanks for the kind words FS! I hope that I can live up to it hahahaha

I know you can, and I know that if you hit a wall or missing on something, you will do the research and what it takes to find out to get the answers. I know you are an achiever :)

Mav, aren't you amazing? :) Congratulations to her and to you for this initiative! x

Not as amazing as you are! Hope that this will be a regular thing and I get to help more people.

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