The United States Civil War II - The Camp David Address

in #newbieresteemday7 years ago


Screenshot-2018-2-8 President Donald J Trump's State of the Union Address(1).png

President Donald J. Trump's Camp David Address

Issued on: November 19, 2022

Screenshot-2018-2-8 President Donald J Trump's State of the Union Address(2).png

Remarks Prepared for Delivery


Mr Speaker, First Lady of the United States, Members of my Cabinet, Members of the Military and my fellow Americans:

I stand here today facing some of the toughest challenges our Great Nation has faced in it's 246 year history. Six years ago, our Congress made a decision that rocked this Country and the World to it's core. That faithful day the evil showed it's head inside our government. A government that has taken an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States. Ultimately, that oath was broken by members of our Congress, members of our Intelligence Agencies, members of our military, and members of some of the top levels of government.

These people declared war on our Party and on our Great Country. The ensuing years lead us into a fight for our freedom. The freedom our forefathers fought so hard to protect. The freedoms that were slowly and painfully taken away from us from the deep rooted establishment.

This Deep State establishment was far greater than anyone had anticipated. This is the same Deep Establishment that started three Worlds Wars, divided countries, attacked Pearl Harbor, were responsible for the attacks on 9/11, and the assassinations of two great Presidents, all for their Globalist Agenda and enrichment. They covered up covert programs, the secret space program, scandal, murder, kidnapping, treason and human trafficking, all for their sick satanic selfishness.

They abused their 1st Amendment right, and weaponized the Main Stream Fake Media. Operation Mockingbird was real and in full swing. They aligned themselves with the media, using them to manipulate the American People, by putting their "soldiers" on the inside. Journalists became covert CIA agents. Main Stream Anchors became FBI informants. All while the cash flow went into the hands of the elite. We all saw how this divided the citizens of America.

With this strategy, I had to make a very difficult decision. On April 12, 2019 As Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces, I declared a Civil War between the Alliance and the Deep State. It was a fight we were going to win! And win we did!

I am proud to say the following opposition detainees are being held in a high security secret facility:
General H.R. McMaster
Michael R. Pence

For their involvement in the treason of the United States of America, General H.R McMaster and Former Vice President Pence will be trialed and a verdict will be made. Along with many others to be named later.

I would like to also announce the death of North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un. On November 17, 2022 approximately 0200 hours, members of a special operations unit accomplished their mission and killed on site Kim Jong-Un. No longer is North Korea a proxy to the Deep State Establishment. We will further assist North and South Korea in establishing their respective governments.

On June 14, 2021, a date we will recognize as a Global Holiday and will forever be known as ET Day, our ancient alien ancestors answered our calls for Peace, Freedom, and Prosperity. May they live among us and share their expanding knowledge with the human population. With out their help we would not have rid the world of this dark evil we faced.

A state of shock is around the world today. We must rise up, seek truth, ask questions, demand transparency. We must stand together and lend a hand to our neighbors. It's a long way, but let the healing begin.

The truth is what the People want...The truth is what the People will get. Nothing will stop us...

I Promise you a New Establishment.

It is You. A government of the people, for people, by the people.

And together.

We HAVE Made America United Again!

Thank You and God Bless the Great United States of America and God Bless this World we call Home. It belongs to you the People.

November 19, 2022

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Contest entry recieved and resteemed as part of the Steemit newbie resteem initiative.

The second American Revolution has already begun exactly one week ago and it will be ended successfully before the end of this year.

I hope for a peaceful transition...

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