
Your channel I made for you on discord :-) .
Named newbieresteem.

you are the man! awesome :) ... I will go there right now!!!

My pc crashed, hence my instant exit.

hahaha I was wondering what happened to you... Me and KJ had a good chat though :)

All good, you may need to man the channel 24 hours a day soon, not you more shared responsibility with others, should this grow.

help me get the word out if you see any of our teammates... I'm sure you know them by now ;)

I sent mudcat a link, you can just edit the post above, and put the link to the discord channel in, voila, done in 1 go.

That means more reading and catching up! More homework @davemccoy. I thought homework was done and over with when I graduated. LOL. Looking forward to the "fun ahead".

btw, I will be updating the post. You and @ilovepoorpeople have graciously helped with boosting up the pot. I will refund your initial investments (or anyone else who wishes to contribute) before making the divvy.

no no no... no refunds... Just follow the path that you stated and it will all work out. 1/2 of the sbd will go the way you said and the other half will go the way you said. That is the point. People give you the power and you then can return the power in a way that we trust you will do the most good. So no refunds, just spend whatever funds you get according to your analysis of who is most in need of support and where you think you can help the most.

Got it?

I think it's only fair @davemccoy. If we don't refund the initial investment, how else do we, or anyone who wants to show support, have a revolving SBD stream to contribute to the next post? Or other projects?

Using myself for example. I used .04, .02, and 0.5 for our three favorite boosting services. At post payout,I would refund myself that .04, .02, and 0.5 so I can use the funds for the next post. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to fund the next and the next. I'm not taking any more than I put in. Any "profit" will be divvied up as planned.

We can change it for the next post, but I think it's only fair to "refund" back for this one since I already stated it. I know it's just the three of us helping, but fair is fair.

Plus, I don't want the power! LOL. More power, more problems.

I will explain how it works... just trust me though, I got this part down cold

you don't even realize it yet, but your idea is really perfect.

I'll explain the math to you on the next comment

I will give you the math and the rationale of why your idea was so good.

ok think about it like this:

You are doing a great thing by writing a "weekly update"... That will take you time and should help you (because we want to help you because you're helping us). So under the structure that you proposed, you will get the benefit of a small amount of SP on the payouts on your posts... And really it is small compared to the SBD you receive.

You said you were going to "give back" the SBD you earned in the following way:

  1. 1/2 to the me (but you meant either mudcat36 or me for the Newbie Resteem Initiative general purpose fund).

  2. 1/2 to the members that were doing the good things and you wanted to help them (like Minnow Mondays, or the re-steemers, or the contest holders, etc...)...

So in effect you WILL BE giving back all the sbd and that is perfect.

As far as the donors, the upvoters, and the post promoters we are doing so knowing exactly what we are getting in return. You have stated clearly what you are going to do with that money from the weekly post. So its all good. I don't want to confuse you as to "why" people are going to want to do this, but trust me they will. The SBD money that gets upvoted to your weekly update gets recycled to our members in some form anyways.

As far as you or anyone spending your own sbd on the post if you don't have any spare sbd to use, then you won't do it and shouldn't do it. Its ok because everyone has their individual needs. There are many people out there that are just looking to upvote something that sends a good message. For example, I just collected 2 sbd from 2 comments I made trying to help someone out. A bigger fish liked what I said and he upvoted me.

So think about it like this... as long as you meant what you said about returning the sbd in the fashion that you described in your post, then it is perfect and you don't need to worry at all "why" others will upvote it. I will take care of that. I promise you that no one will upvote your post if they don't want to and don't have the upvotes to spare. So never worry about that.

Does this make more sense to you or do I need to try to explain it another way?

and ps... I know you don't want the power, that is why it is perfect that you get it. You did not do anything for the purpose of self-gain and you are the perfect person to make this happen. I know you only know me for a short time, but you are just going to have to trust me on this one. I see a bigger picture and I can read people pretty well, plus I have a good grasp of how this system is put together. I know you might be shy and think you can't handle it, but you would be absolutely wrong. All you have to do is to "beeyou" and I promise you that you will like it, you will be good at it, and you will help many because the idea behind #newbieresteemday is to help to grow the newbies and give us little guys a good experience and a real chance of success. You will be a very big part of that (even though you only have a limited time to help).

Do you agree yet or do I need to make my fingers even more cramped typing more explanations. lol ;)

Wow, I have to read this one through. How are you not on discord when you told me to come on?!

I think people really like your idea! ... (they should, it is an awesome one) :)

Can't believe you are still up @davemccoy. I think I'm done with the weekly recap. I had planned on posting tomorrow but my teammate just made his first intro post! I want to give him the blog space, so it'll go up on Monday.

by all means take your time... every day you just get more homework lol


Seriously, do it at your own pace... we have no deadlines and it should always be fun... Just because its called a "weekly", no one will ever care if its 10 or 13 days spread apart.

You are going to do a great job... you konw how I know?

because you will just "beeyou" ... and that works perfectly ;)

and now we have our own site on discord thanks to @deliberator so you really have to sign up now and meet all of us... here is the link to sign up and say hi

ps all of the newbie resteem initiative members are welcome to sign up and use that link. So if you are reading this join us.

I'll try to join this weekend. Maybe tonight if I can. Depends on the kiddos and if I get any free time tonight. Plus, I have some reading "homework" to do and weekly recap to write. I plan on getting it posted on a weekend day.

ok ok... lol.. no stress ... I know you have other things to do and I certainly don't want the head cheerleader to get burned out

Did I get promoted to head cheerleader? YAY!

of course ;)

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