James Cameron isn't the only one who sank a fake Titanic - Conspiracy Challenge Entry

The Titanic Never Sank

In 1912 the world-famous Titanic, "The Unsinkable Ship" struck an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage to America. 1500 souls were lost that night. There were many rich and influential people on board so it's not wonder there have been hundreds of discussions, investigations, books and movies written about the strange events surrounding one of the most memorable maritime disaster in recent history.

There are quite a few conspiracy theories about the Titanic but the one I'm going to explore for @deliberator's Conspiracy Challenge will be the infamous swap and sink.

I found a few cool resources that discuss this conspiracy and I'll be highlighting some of the info I discovered about this strange mystery. I have to say that I hadn't dived into this conspiracy much before this- so I'm learning just let you all. Once or twice in passing I'd heard mention of the potential fraud opportunities or the fact that so many millionaire tycoons were on board was sketchy - was this a staged sinking gone wrong? To me this all reeks, so I've kept it on the back burner just waiting for the right time to pull the top off and dive in.

With that said, I still don't have a real stance on this one - just yet - this is just a quick look at the theory and by no means is a production of my own hardcore research or hours/years of my own investigation, I'm merely sharing strange information I've stumbled upon that I think deserve consideration.

The Titanic Vs. The Olympic Conspiracy

The Back story

The Titanic had a sister ship, the Olympic which was almost identical in every way except:

  • Number of Portholes: Titanic had 14 / Olympic had 16
  • The Olympic had a permanent, obvious 'list to port' because of it's previous damage to the portside
  • some minor design differences that eye witness accounts match up with the Olympic not the Titanic
  • The ship's names were only written in a few places like lifeboats, name plates and other little things which would be easy to switch

As the story goes:

"The Olympic was launched a year before the Titanic but within months of its launch in 1911, it had had two serious collisions, the second with Royal Navy cruiser HMS Hawke off the coast of the Isle of Wight causing serious structural damage to the Olympic’s keel and steel beams."

These damaged threatened not only to bankrupt White Star but also delay the maiden voyage of the Titanic. These issues would not only result in huge financial losses but also a would cripple the company's reputation along with their investors. The whole world was watching and waiting for the largest ship to set sail.

As you can see - as with every great conspiracy - there is a perfect recipe for deception.

There are even reports of a well known rumor that circulated at the time that the Titanic was swapped and set to sink in some kind of insurance scam. Supposedly White Star had a very difficult time even finding a crew to work the ship even though there was a nation-wide coal strike going on at the time and many people were in need of work.

But, really, why?

There are quite a different lines of thinking behind the why's and who's may have wanted to "Titanic" to sink:

  • Just to save JP Morgan and White Star's reputation and bottom line?

This seems quite plausible.. however it makes little sense for a cruise ship company to sink an active ship on it's maiden voyage.


  • Did White Star plan to stage a "controlled sinking" that went terribly wrong?

Reports put the SS Californian (also owned by JP Morgan) close by the Titanic and there are some pretty bazaar statements made about why the Californian did not come to Titanic's rescue. - One documentary I watched claims the Californian was waiting nearby to rescue all the passengers because this was supposed to be a kind of no harm done scenario, where just by luck the huge Californian was right there and saved everyone. However the ship sank quicker than they thought and there was a mix up with the flares (supposedly) and therefore the captain of the Californian held off on the rescue.

  • Did JP Morgan want to wipe out those who opposed the Federal Reserve?

John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time, a friend of Nikola Tesla, and an outspoken opponent of the creation of the Federal Reserve died on board along with Benjamin Guggenheim and Isa Strauss - other prominent men who resented the idea of the Federal Reserve. The Fed was established the following year.

A closer look into the life and crimes of JP Morgan will make you seriously think over this entire thing.

BTW JP Morgan (as well as his close friend Milton Hersey YES THAT Hersey) backed out of the maiden voyage just days before Titanic was set to sail. - This alone is suspect but when you start to see what type of business tycoons these fools were you begin to understand how they would most certainly value money over human life.

Want to Learn More?? There's some links!

I'm not telling you to think how I think - I'm just telling you to think.





Robin Gardiner, Titanic - The Ship That Never Sank? 1998
The Wreck of the Titan, Morgan Robertson. 1898

So - What do you think? Is this conspiracy believable?

Comment below and let us know if you think it's plausible or ridiculous!

The Challenge is still going on! Got a conspiracy you want to share? Visit the original post and then get to writing!

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hahahaha love these memes LOL thanks for sharing @mikesteem

Yeah, I'd say that makes an excellent conspiracy theory. Really. Didn't know that about the FED ties or about the Olympic. blessings.

@mistermercury definitely a little fishy lol

Oh, I love a good conspiracy! And the titanic is up there with the best of them! I did not know Milton Hershey backed out of the maiden voyage! This makes me want to look a little deeper into this! Nice entry!

seriously! coincidence? I think not lol

I have read a book before that the titanic was suppose to sustain any collision but what happend in the sinking was it slid past the iceberg make a giant scratch

yes, I have heard rumors that the ship was "planned" to hit head on to fake the accidental sinking but there was some kind of miss communication and they ended up skidding against a good portion of the length of the ship and so the ship sunk quicker than they had planned. who knows!! lol

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