Steem-Ship 10 : The Final Battle ( $30 + In Prizes )

in #newbiegames6 years ago

Most of us have played or at least heard of the game Battle Ship.
Well let me introduce you to Battle Steem.

Steem Ship - Chapter 10

I been tied to this pool for hours and exhaustion is kicking in. Most my comrades are captured and the majority of our ships have been destroyed.

I see a flash of light and a big bang and then another flash. Great, thunder and lightening , it's going to rain. I suppose getting soaked from the rain is the least of my worries being tied to this poll. I pass out ....

Drip , drip .... drip .. the rain pouring down on me is what wakes me up. Disorientated, exhausted and confused I wake up to the sound of my comrades all laughing. " Wait, whats going on here", I muttered. Someone in the background answers " Dude, you were so wasted last night". Another voice loudly proclaims , " If it wasn't for the lightening we would of left you out here for another few hours ".

At this point I fully open my eyes to see my full fleet standing before me and the realization of it all being a dream hit me. A dream I dare not tell anyone about.

Read Chapter 9 Here

I can't believe it was all just a Dream !


  • Upvote this post
  • You can only win one @dustsweeper account
  • Contest ends on the 6th day of post creation
  • One shot a day for those who upvote
  • Two Shots a day for those who upvote + resteem
  • Extra shots given to those who discover ammunition or an airstrike
  • Earn a single extra shot for upvoting my comment detailing the ships that have been sunk and what prizes are left


  • Assassin's Creed Unity Xbox One Game Download Code
  • 1 of 3 @dustsweeper starter accounts
  • 1 of 3 @dustsweeper starter accounts
  • 1 of 3 @dustsweeper starter accounts
  • 1 of 3 0.20* upvote sent to your comment
  • 1 of 3 0.20* upvote sent to your comment
  • 1 of 3 0.20* upvote sent to your comment
  • 1 of 3 A paid for resteembot sent to your latest post
  • 1 of 3 A paid for resteembot sent to your latest post
  • 1 of 3 A paid for resteembot sent to your latest post
  • 1 of 4 Ammunition fire 2 shots
  • 1 of 4 Ammunition fire 2 shots
  • 1 of 4 Ammunition fire 2 shots
  • 1 of 4 Ammunition fire 2 shots
  • Airstrike Fire 5 Shots

Example On How To Play

@dustsweeper fires a shot via picking the letter A and number 1 and entering them via the comment section. My ship is not located on A-1 so @rentmoney will then type Miss under your entry. If you pick the right grid number I will then type hit under your comment and award you the prize located under that grid number.


Pay attention to the other entries to make sure you don't pick a grid number that was already chosen as there is no do overs in war !

What is @dustsweeper ?

A post or comment is considered to be dust if it has a value of less than $0.02. because anything less than $0.02 will not be paid out. So even if your comment is worth $0.019, at payout you will receive nothing. Zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing!!

@dustsweeper will sweep upvote your comments on the 5th/6th day and upvote it above the $0.02 threshold so you get to collect all the rewards that were intended for you. This initiative was started by @davemccoy and @danielsaori

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Prize Details / Ships Sunk

Upvote This Comment To Earn An Extra Shot And To Keep Prize Details Visible

Prizes Found / Ships Sunk

Prizes / Ships Still left in the grid

Assassin's Creed Unity Xbox One Game Download Code
Airstrike Fire 5 Shots

Hi Rentmoney, M12


You found some ammunition. Fire two more shots !

Hit ( C 14 )

You found a @dustsweeper account !
You will receive a messages by the end of the day confirming your account.

Your Welcome .. Thanks for playing :)


You found some ammunition. Fire two more shots !

Hit ( A 8 )

You found a @dustsweeper account !
You will receive a messages by the end of the day confirming your account.

Thank you :D

C4, I1 & M8 please

Hit ( C 4 )

A resteembot will be sent to one of your latest post !

G9 btw figured out an easy way to play your battleship post... search your guess to make sure it hasn't been tired yet :)

Interesting strategy ......

miss ... ..

Hint : I have hidden a game within a game. In a day or two I will release the " bonus game " that is attached to Battle-Steem that will reveal the whereabouts of my ships.

D1, D2, D3

Let's shatter that dream of yours muahaha

Posted using Partiko Android

Miss with all shots ....

The sound of the miss shots landing in the ocean from @onefatindian is so soothing and worry free that I fall back to sleep ....

Oh God dammit!!!


Posted using Partiko Android

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