
Ho! Ha-ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!

A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel. --Robert Frost--

You look like a man with the minimum daily requirement of intelligence. Where can I find a book on self-confidence?

Get a life!

The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, Sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable; and let it come! I repeat, Sir, let it come!' - Patrick Henry (1736-1799) in his famous 'The War Inevitable' speech, March, 1775

Advanced Systems News Letter The nail that sticks up gets hammered down. --Anonymous

He's not Santa Claus...He doesn't LOOK like Santa Claus!

If law school is so hard to get come there are so many lawyers? --Calvin Trillin--

Thoughts on Programming, Number 31: When everything has been seen to work, all integrated, you have four more months work to do. -Charles Portman International Computers Limited

That's so deep, I'm getting the bends.... If you want me, I'll be in the decompression chamber.

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