If you copy/paste the image address directly into the window it should come up fine. Assuming it is web hosted, just right click the image, copy image address, paste into the text box. It should show up in the preview window to let you know it worked.
use the ! command before the picture markdown...like this:
I use http://imgur.com

Also If it is a gif sometimes imgur adds a v to the end of the file like such - filename.gifv
Remove the v so it says filename.gif
Nice to have you on board!
Here are some tips if you're not aware of already:
or for#test
onlyIf you copy/paste the image address directly into the window it should come up fine. Assuming it is web hosted, just right click the image, copy image address, paste into the text box. It should show up in the preview window to let you know it worked.

Try https://imgsafe.org/ it works fine for me ;-)
PS: http://imgur.com/ is known for having blocked Steemit.com
lately i've been using postimg.
I tried the newly developed steemimg but it didn't seem to be working.
Thanks everyone but @bitlord