The U.S. rush to Russian citizenssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #new7 years ago


strong warning against its citizens who want to travel abroad. Because the Government of the United States (us) are being persecuted the people of Russia to be caught all over the world.

Related for alleged crimes of siber in the U.S., Latvia, Spain, and Greece. It said more than 10 citizens of Russia have been arrested outside the country by siber attack case engagement since the beginning of 2017.

The Ministry pointed to the case of Stanislav Lisov, accused of creating a computer virus that targets the customers of financial institutions, causing millions of dollars missing that extradited from Spain to the United States last year.

The statement was announced on Thursday, which commemorates the citizens of Russia after extradition, they would face harsh treatment in the hands of the U.S. justice system. The U.S. State Department declined to comment on charges that Communist country.

(Sub Indonesia)
Pemerintah rusia mengeluarkan peringatan keras terhadap warganya yang hendak berpergian ke luar negeri. Dikarenakan pemerintah Amerika serikat (AS) sedang memburu orang-orang rusia untuk ditangkap di seluruh dunia.

Terkait atas tuduhan kejahatan siber di AS, Spanyol, Latvia, dan yunani. Dikatakan lebih dari 10 warga Rusia telah ditahan diluar negeri dengan keterlibatan kasus serangan siber sejak awal tahun 2017.

Kementerian menunjuk kasus Stanislav Lisov, yang dituduh menciptakan virus komputer yang menargetkan pelanggan institusi keuangan, menyebabkan jutaan dolar AS hilang yang diekstradisi dari Spanyol ke Amerika Serikat tahun lalu.

Pernyataan tersebut telah diumumkan pada kamis, yang mana memperingati warga Rusia setelah diekstradisi, mereka akan menghadapi perlakuan keras ditangan sistem peradilan AS. Departemen Luar Negeri AS menolak berkomentar atas tuduhan negara komunis itu.

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