What Does Communism Got To Do With IT? PART 1 and .... WTF

in #new7 years ago (edited)

It has been reported, that millennials are attending public universities are flocking to food pantries and have high rates of homelessness. Fidel Castro and Kim Jong Un just pop into my head. A wise man once told me, that any publicly funded college is also Communism College. Now it took some time for this to really sink in, but the numbers are massive and SCARY, because it took some time for all these millennials to realize it too. Now if we do some digging and look at some numbers, some good and FUNNY insight, is that you can't bite the hand that feeds you. Millennials are obsessively and at times blindly opinionated.

Twitter feeds are saturated with activists and amateur journalist, with strong views against big corporations and government. These views tend to play out on discussion forums all over state universities. Rewind a couple of years back and the stats were WOMEN were outnumbering men at college enrollment. Fast forward a few years later and the numbers will tell you a toria, that's Italian for story.

Now if you rewind and revisit my last post (https://steemit.com/prison/@whileoutsanch/where-were-you-made-and-do-you-have-a-complex) you get the scoop on some stats for incarceration rates (by the way... many of which are now women).


I live in a box! Never hear about Millennials. Thanks for the info!

Do you work for Uber?

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