New coin LBRY Credits - Watch, Read and Play in a decentralized digital library controlled by the community.

in #new8 years ago (edited)

LBRY Credits (LBC) is a new blockchain-based decentralized content-sharing platform geared towards content creators (filmmakers, musicians, writers, or software developers) who want to have full control over their own work. There are no ads, no corporate censors, and LBRY takes no portion of your income as a content creator and consumers can also benefit as there is finally an alternative to the big media stores. It has been in development for a while, but just recently it was launched in Beta, though you still need to request an invitation in order to be able to get early access. The LBRY network uses its own crypto token called LBRY Credits (LBC) that you can already mine, even if you still have not received your early access to the platform for the moment (while waiting to get it). Not to mention that there is also an operational market for LBRY Credits on Bittrex, so that you can also trade them when you mine some.

  • How do I get LBRY credits?

Currently, you can only join LBRY through invitation.

earn 10.0 LBC ~ 0,02520010BTC ~ 17$ and it keeps going up

  1. Click Here To Get Invited

Enter your email to join the waitlist


**Currently, there are five ways to obtain LBRY Credits, or LBC for short.

  1. Beta testers get an LBC gift. Talk to us on Slack if you're interested.

  2. Buy then: LBRY (LBC) can be exchange to Bitcoin or USD in

  3. Mine them: see How do I mine LBRY credits?

  4. Host content: Right now, it's simple: you host what you download.

While the LBRY app is running, it communicates to the network what content you're making available. If somebody downloads content from you, you will recieve LBRY credits (LBC) for that. The prices are currently set by the app and can't be changed.
-Note that hosting requires the LBRY app, which is currently open to beta testers only.

  1. Publish content: when you publish your own content to the LBRY network, you can sell it for LBC at the price of your choice. Note: publishing tools are forthcoming.

***How do I mine LBRY credits?

LBRY binaries are out for OS X and Ubuntu. Others may try compiling from source.

Mining on Ubuntu
./lbrycrdd -server -printtoconsole -gen
If you need to start over, run rm -rf lbry* ~/.lbry. Note: this will delete your wallet and any credits you may have.
Mining on macOS
mkdir ~/Library/Application\ Support/lbrycrd
sudo chown -R "$(whoami)" ~/Library/Application\ Support/lbrycrd
echo -e "rpcuser=lbryrpc\nrpcpassword=$(env LC_CTYPE=C LC_ALL=C tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 16 | xargs)" > ~/Library/Application\ Support/lbrycrd/lbrycrd.conf
./lbrycrdd -server -printtoconsole -gen
If you need to start over, run rm -rf lbry
~/.lbry ~/Library/Application\ Support/lbrycrd. Note: this will delete your wallet and any credits you may have.
LBRY can be compiled quite similarly to Bitcoin. Pester @jackrobison on Slack to fill this in!


if you want to earn money you should check out this
its give you 10lbc worth 17$
and gives you 25LBC for everybody you reffer to the beta you shoud join to!
you should use my link to get free LBC!

NO! You should use my link:
And you will earn amazing 50LBC!!!

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