Very deep...

in #new8 years ago

All the good days and good mood!

Among the deepest places on the planet is as well as natural and man-made origin. Whatever the history of their appearance was not, they are very mysterious and beautiful!

Tau Tona Mine - 4000 m.

Located in South Africa, near Johannesburg. This gold mine goes into the ground at 4 km the world's greatest. In this incredible depth is a whole underground city network kilometer tunnels. To get to their jobs, the miners have to spend about an hour.

Working at that depth is associated with many dangers - is humidity, reaching in some branches of the mine 100%, the high temperature, the risk of explosion from the leaked gas into the tunnels, and the collapse of the earthquakes that occur here quite often. But the danger of the work and the cost of maintaining the functionality of the mine generously compensated mined gold - in the history of the mine is mined 1,200 tons of the precious metal.

Lake Baikal - 1642 m.

Baikal has a depth of 1642 meters and is the deepest among the lakes. Locals often so called Baikal Sea. This is due to the depth of the lake of tectonic origin.

From this place associated with many other records and amazing discoveries. Baikal can be called the largest natural reservoir of fresh water on Earth. This is the most ancient lake on our planet (his more than 25 million years old) and two-thirds of the flora and fauna of the reservoir are not found anywhere else.

Krubera Cave - 2 196 m.

By the deepest places on Earth relates Krubera Cave (Abkhazia). And we are talking only about the explored part of the cave. It is possible that the next expedition will go down even further and set a new depth record.

Karst cave consists of wells, interconnected passages and galleries. It was first opened in 1960. Then the cavers were able to descend to a depth of 95 meters. Two-kilometer line was overcome Ukrainian expedition of speleologists in 2004.

Kola borehole - 12 262 m.

It is located on the territory of Russia. This is one of the most unusual and interesting experiments performed by Soviet scientists. Drilling began in 1970 and had only one task - to find out more about the Earth's crust. Kola Peninsula have chosen for the experiment on the grounds that there is on the surface of the Earth come the most ancient breed aged about 3 million years. They are also of great interest to scientists.

Well depth - 12,262 meters. It allowed us to make unexpected discoveries and made to revise the scientific understanding of the occurrence of mountain rocks of the Earth. Unfortunately, created from a purely scientific purpose well in the following years did not find the application, and a decision was made about its preservation.

Tonga Trench - 10 882 m.

Located in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, near the Tonga Islands. This area is very interesting because it is a very active seismic zone. Here are a few strong earthquakes occur annually.

Interesting fact: April 17, 1970 while returning to Earth the Apollo-13 lunar landing stage otstrelennaya with plutonium energy source, containing 44500 Key plutonium-238, entered the atmosphere over the South Pacific Ocean and landed south of the Fiji Islands, sank on a depth of 6 thousand. meters in Tonga trench. No attempt is made to lift the generator was not undertaken, as its exact location is unknown.

Mariana Trench - 10 994 m.

Located in the western Pacific and is shaped like a crescent moon. Trench length of more than 2.5 thousand km, and the deepest point is 10 994 meters. It is called the Challenger Deep.

The deepest point in the world was opened in 1875, the English ship "Challenger". Today, depression is the most studied of all the other deep-sea trenches. To reach its bottom attempted during four dives: in 1960, 1995, 2009 and 2012. The last time in the Mariana Trench in solitude down director James Cameron. Most of the bottom of the trough reminded him lifeless lunar surface. But, in contrast to the Earth's satellite, the Mariana Trench is inhabited by living organisms. Researchers found here toxic amoebas, shellfish and deep-sea fish that look very scary. Since the full-scale study gutter but short-dive has been conducted, the Mariana Trench can hide a lot more interesting and even dangerous.

Good luck and thank you very much for your attention friends:)


Here is the diamond mine in Mirny, Yakutia. Как насчёт этого, Viktorrabec? Тоже можно включить в список, я думаю ;-)

Let me see, and did not know about this place. Thank you so much:)

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